Please share this with your congress critters, family, and friends. Copy it, sign it, send it. They need to know we are watching and that we care. Right now they don’t believe either.

Sen. Inhofe, Sen. Coburn, Rep. Boren                                     January 10, 2012

I am writing concerning several issues that show a total contempt for the Constitution and We the People of the United States of America by Barack Obama, and more frightening, the Congress of the United States of America.  I have just been made aware of S. 1698


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  • I have already sent to my Worthless Texas Senators. They will NOT or have ever done anything for WE the PEOPLE in Texas anyway since they were put into office, so I don't expect them to resign or even comply now anyway,,,,,WORTHLESS SENATORS, IT IS TOO BAD, there is not a FIRING CLAUSE for people in congress that can't obey their "OATH's......

  • Clois, thank you for trying. Unfortunately both parties pay us lip service but no more. Wht we need is for the TEA Party to become a candidate party and pull from both parties and the independent rolls. We could put both parties our of business.George Washington warned us about political parties in his farewell address. Sadly, they have taken control and we now have an oligarchy, the political ruling calss against the country class, We the People. Venezuela wnet the same way of the last 10 years. We are almost there.

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