Letter to Senator Jeff Sessions

I am trying to compile a letter to Senator Jeff Sessions, Trump nominee for US Attorney General.
PFA - I need your help in finding some names of the judges and prosecutors in these cases. I know these names are here on this web site and probably in a hundred other places around the Internet but I'll be damned if I can find even one of them right now. Also please read this letter and feel free to make suggestions for corrections if you feel something should be changed.

Here's my letter to Senator Sessions:

Final Draft is below.......

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  • Judge Anna Brown - Oregon - Malheur Protest Trial

    Judge Steven Grasty, Harney County, Oregon - Hammond case

    Federal Judge Lloyd D. George, District Court, Nevada - Bundy

    District Judge Larry R. Hicks, Nevada - Bundy

    District Judge Johnnie B. Rawlinson, Nevada - Bundy

    Federal Judge Michael Hogan - Hammonds

  • Amanda Marshall, US Atty for Oregon - challenged initial sentence of the Hammonds - interesting article here on Marshall:  http://protecttheharvest.com/2016/01/07/prosecutor-at-center-of-ham...

    US Chief District Judge Ann Aiken - re-sentenced Hammonds to serve out five years - Assistant U.S. Attorneys Frank R Papagni, Jr., AnneMarie Sgarlata and Kelly Zusman handled the prosecution of this case.

    Assist. US Attorney Craig Gabriel, Portland, OR - http://www.kptv.com/story/33142316/prosecutor-bundy-had-8000-cash-w...

    http://www.reviewjournal.com/news/las-vegas/bundy-returned-las-vega... - Nevada U.S. Attorney Daniel Bogden made a rare appearance at the prosecutor’s table with two other top members of the office, First Assistant U.S. Attorney Steven Myhre and criminal chief Daniel Schiess;

    • That's exactly what I was looking for Judith. Thank you.

      (Getting old sucks).

      • No problem - don't hesitate to ask - I've gotten pretty good at this on-line research - LOL

  • Here's my final edit of the letter I'm trying to send to S3enator Jeff Session on the Terry Trussell and the Bundy cases.
    Please read this and tell me if there are any corrections that need to be made. I have this letter in the envelope ready to be mailed. If anyone chooses to copy and mail it feel free to do so,.

    My Letter to Jeff Sessions:

    Senator Jeff Sessions:

    326 Russell Senate Office Building
    Washington, DC 20510
    Main: (202) 224-4124
    Fax: (202) 224-3149

    Dear Senator Sessions;
    Congratulations on your (Pending) appointment as Chief Attorney General under the new Trump administration. We are confident your confirmation will occur with only minor objections from those who are now of little concern. And we look forward to the new administration's policy of “Drain The Swamp”.

    Part of that policy and process to “Drain The Swamp” must also include the removal and replacement of many federal court judges and prosecutors appointed by president Obama and their administration.

    Among those federal judges and prosecutors that must be removed are those who have falsely incarcerated many American patriots who were fighting to protect and honor the laws and the Constitution of the United States of America.

    The short list of these judges and the cases that are chief among the wrongful prosecutions and incarcerations are:
    Judge James C. Hankinson, 2nd district court Florida and the case of Mister Terry Trussell.

    Terry Trussell is currently serving 8-3/4 years in federal prison for attempting to blow the whistle on county school board corruption involving common-core school curriculum. And potential bribery of the County School Board. That original case has long since mysteriously disappeared and instead Mr. Terry Trussell is in prison. The persecutors in this case include: William N. Meggs; 2nd Circuit Court Florida, And Jeffery Siegmeister State Attorney for Dixie County, Florida.

    Many additional cases of people wrongfully incarcerated as political domestic terrorists for standing up against the corruption of the Obama administration:

    Ammon Bundy, Nevada, Oregon. Burns Oregon standoff with the BLM:
    Cliven Bundy, Nevada. Bundy Ranch standoff with the BLM;

    Dwight and Steven Hammond, Oregon; Burns Oregon and the BLM;

    Any person reading and reviewing these cases would be well advised to look very closely at the true facts of these cases and to not simply regurgitate the prosecutor's charges and allegations against these people. A quick look at the prosecutor's charges against Cliven Bundy would indicate that he is in prison for non-payment of federal taxes and for pointing a weapon at federal agents. But a closer examination of the truth would reveal that the Bundy's never pointed any weapons at any federal agents, either in Nevada or in Oregon. Cliven Bundy was simply standing up against the Bureau of Land Management and Senator Harry Reid for attempting to confiscate their cattle and their land.

    No one in any of the Bundy cases was ever threatened or injured except Mister Lavoy Finnicum who was shot and killed by the Oregon State Police and the FBI agents in Oregon. (See the Ammon Bundy standoff in Burns Oregon).

    The same is true of over 34 men and women who stood up to protect the Bundy's against the Bureau of Land management in Nevada and Oregon. Ammon Bundy and his men have now been found NOT-guilty in an Oregon court yet they still remain in prison in Nevada.

    Federal records now reveal that in fact the true perpetrators and true criminals in all of these cases was Senator Harry Reid, (Nevada and the Gold Butte case) and SOS Hillary Rodham Clinton in the case of the sale of Uranium ore to the Russian company Uranium One. (The Hammond and Bundy cases).

    These are only a few of the cases where good honest hard working Americans have been prosecuted and are now incarcerated by a corrupt judiciary and out-of-control Federal agencies. There are many more not mentioned here.

    When we say it's time to “Drain The Swamp” we must start by freeing these people and many others who have been wrongfully persecuted and incarcerated. The federal judges and prosecutors involved in these cases must be removed and in many of these cases these judges and prosecutors must themselves be prosecuted for corruption and racketeering. The judges and prosecutors in Oregon and Nevada are aiding and abetting Hillary Clinton and Senator Harry Reid in the confiscation of State and private land for their own financial and political gain. These judges and prosecutors are just as guilty as Hillary Clinton and Harry Reid.

    The people mentioned in these few cases, including Terry Trussell, must be exonerated and set free from prison. And the true perpetrators must be prosecuted and held accountable. The guilty can no longer be allowed to go free while those who attempted to stop them are incarcerated.

    The same must be applied to many agents of the BLM and the Oregon State Police for the murder of Lavoy Finnicum.

    Judge Anna Brown - Oregon - Malheur Protest Trial

    Judge Steven Grasty, Harney County, Oregon - Hammond case

    Federal Judge Lloyd D. George, District Court, Nevada - Bundy

    District Judge Larry R. Hicks, Nevada - Bundy

    District Judge Johnnie B. Rawlinson, Nevada - Bundy

    Federal Judge Michael Hogan - Hammonds

    Amanda Marshall, US Atty for Oregon - challenged initial sentence of the Hammonds - interesting article here on Marshall:  http://protecttheharvest.com/2016/01/07/prosecutor-at-center-of-ham...

    US Chief District Judge Ann Aiken - re-sentenced Hammonds to serve out five years - Assistant U.S. Attorneys Frank R Papagni, Jr., AnneMarie Sgarlata and Kelly Zusman handled the prosecution of this case.

    Assist. US Attorney Craig Gabriel, Portland, OR - http://www.kptv.com/story/33142316/prosecutor-bundy-had-8000-cash-w...

    http://www.reviewjournal.com/news/las-vegas/bundy-returned-las-vega... - Nevada U.S. Attorney Daniel Bogden made a rare appearance at the prosecutor’s table with two other top members of the office, First Assistant U.S. Attorney Steven Myhre and criminal chief Daniel Schiess;

    Over the past eight years of the Obama administration they have installed an estimated 126 federal and lower court judges and prosecutors. Those numbers do not even begin to take into consideration the numbers of federal agency agents who have been appointed and installed to aid and administer the removal of Ranchers and farmers from their property in the western states. These numbers include hundreds of agents in the Bureau of Land Management, The Federal Wild life Fish and Game departments, EPA, FDA, ATFE, and many more.

    If America is going to be a Nation of Laws, and no person or groups are above the law, then these corrupt judges and prosecutors and politicians and governments must be removed and prosecuted. The guilty MUST be held accountable.
    We-The-People elected Donald J. Trump on the promise that he would “Drain The Swamp”. One part of that process MUST include freeing the innocent victims of the corrupt Obama administration and rogue federal agencies and then holding the real guilty parties accountable.

  • Old Rooster, I just came across the following on a comment thread on FreedomOutpost - please pass this on to the Bundy group - it may just have some relevance to their and the Hammond cases, although I haven't read the entire thing yet.


    Petitioner sues six Federal judges and 41 others to recover home stolen two years ago under color of authority

    Also found this in the same thread - interesting, to say the least!  http://i-uv.com/rogue-sabre-1-an-op-ed-by-former-us-armed-forces-sp...

  • Everyone, please call your reps in the House and Senate and tell them to get on board with Jason Chaffetz's bill, H.R.622 - To terminate the law enforcement functions of the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management and to provide block grants to States for the enforcement of Federal law on Federal land under the jurisdiction of these agencies, and for other purposes.  This is at least a good starting point.


    H.R.622 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Local Enforcement for Local Lands Act
    Summary of H.R.622 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Local Enforcement for Local Lands Act
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