Members of the Bundy ranch trials and several others are welcome to post their letters here so that others may copy/paste and edit them and send them to the President.
To any of those who wish to copy and paste any such letter please be kind and respectful when editing any of these letters. These requests for Presidential pardons are for people who have been incarcerated wrongfully and unjustly by our own FBI, BLM, DOJ, and several states prosecutors for taking part in defending the Bundy family in Nevada and some in Oregon.
Anyone who wishes to post such a request must first be a member of this PFA web forum site. Membership is free and there are no dues. Just click on the Join button and sign up. It will take a day or so due to the fact that each new membership must be approved prior to the members being able to post anything.
Thank you and as I said, please be respectful.
The Hammonds are Free !!!
President Trump issued a pardon for Dwight and Steven Hammond.