Instant insomnia: Liberty's Last Stand
As long ago reported by the mainstream media (MSM), all the members of the U.S. Joint Chief of Staff (JCS) appointed under President George W. Bush were replaced by service chiefs approved by President Obama. That's entirely lawful, no problem. But, according to watchdog websites such as:,,,, Accuracy in Media, and others, an additional 250 generals and admirals, who attained their senior rank under President Bush, were relieved of their commands and/or forced to retire.
After those sweeping personnel changes were made, in 2015, the JCS ordered the conduct of Operation Jade Helm 15, an operation that even the pro-Obama MSM characterized as dealing with the possibility of suspending the U.S. Constitution and imposing Martial Law in the states of: Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Mississippi, Louisiana, and in the very southern tip of California.
Despite the shortage of special operations units to fight the War on Terror in the Middle East and in Afghanistan, during Operation Jade Helm 1,200 special operations troops were deployed across the American southwest and the Deep South. On the Jade Helm 15 tactical maps, Republican-majority states Texas and Utah were shown as "hostile" to the federal government. New Mexico was depicted as "leaning hostile." Arizona was shown as "leaning friendly." Colorado, Nevada, and most of California were displayed on the Jade Helm tactical maps as "permissive," meaning straddling the political fence.
Consequently, opponents of the Obama Administration were quick to point out that since 2009; the Obama Administration authorized the purchase of firearms, ammunition, and tactical gear by dozens of federal agencies which, hitherto, possessed either few or zero firearms. According to Open the Books, a taxpayer watchdog group, "There are now more non-military government employees who carry guns than there are U.S. Marines." The group's June, 2016, "Militarization of America" report found, "civilian agencies spent $1.48 billion dollars on guns, ammunition, and military-style equipment." See:
These newly "gun-toting" federal agencies include the: Food and Drug Administration, Internal Revenue Service, Small Business Administration, Social Security Administration, Smithsonian Institution, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, United States Mint, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Department of Education, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service which, alone, spent "$4.77 million on shotguns, .308 caliber rifles, night-vision goggles, propane cannons, liquid explosives, buckshot, LP gas cannons, drones, remote-controlled helicopters, thermal cameras, and thermal infrared scopes."
Working from official federal government spending records and mainstream media accounts, Stephen Coonts, a former naval aviator and the author of 16 best-selling novels, just produced a block-buster novel entitled: Liberty's Last Stand in which a fictional U.S. President Barry Soetoro (the name President Obama used in his youth), prevents the upcoming November, 2016, elections by declaring Martial Law and ordering the arrest and confinement of any and all notable individuals suspected to be in opposition to his administration's domestic and foreign policies.
But Liberty's Last Stand (June, 2016) is not recommended for pre-bedtime reading. Once started, anyone who followed the events of the last eight years will find Liberty's Last Stand, virtually impossible to put down.
Nationally syndicated columnist, William Hamilton, is a laureate of the Oklahoma Journalism Hall of Fame, the Colorado Aviation Hall of Fame, the Oklahoma University Army ROTC Wall of Fame, and is a recipient of the University of Nebraska 2015 Alumni Achievement Award. He was educated at the University of Oklahoma, the Army Language School, the George Washington University, the Infantry School, the U.S Naval War College, the University of Nebraska, and Harvard University.
©2016. William Hamilton.