So what do you think? Could the Left really pull an Obama On the Big Eared One? The loss of the POTUS could become a reality for some on the Left and the reactions could be very telling to their own personal beliefs. Should they begin to fear the Romney Presidency, to save other seats currently controlled by the Democrats, I could see the democrats pulling their candidates to the center and throwing Obama under Ground Force One to save the rest.

Rush Limbaugh reacted to the reactions to President Barack Obama‘s Democratic National Convention speech today, taking particular note of those in the media who didn’t find the speech to be spectacular. Obama and those on the left have a fair-weather friendship, Limbaugh said — and if they feel Obama’s going to lose, they’ll “throw him overboard” to save their ideology.

Limbaugh began by running through some clips of reactions, including a recurring comment that the president’s speech simply didn’t live up to Bill Clinton‘s speech. And that it didn’t contain the kind of “soaring rhetoric” that so characterized his previous convention speeches. “It wasn’t just me thinking this thing was a bomb,” Limbaugh remarked. “People on the left thought so, too.” Even Charlie Rose and David Brooks!


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