Full video of the Congressional Hearing regarding the FBI's handling of the investigation into the Clinton emails
Let the people decide the outcome!
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Let the people decide the outcome!
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By Douglas V. Gibbs -- Bio and Archives June 2, 2016
“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.”—Benjamin Franklin
“A well-instructed people alone can be permanently a free
Read more…Recently I got notice from a dear friend, who is militia, and involved with many things to try and save this great Country of ours. Evidently many people have been working silently for 18 months now, and as of today they now have millions of people
Read more…Democracy does NOT work.
You're absolutely right America, Democracy does NOT work. It never has and never will.
But neither does Socialism or Communism. None of these political systems have ever worked, no matter where or how many times they have be
Read more…We Don’t Need ‘Great’ Leaders - We Need Constitutional Ones
Seton Motley | Aug 18, 2015
The Founding Fathers knew what Lord John Dalberg-Acton knew. And far too few of us know the totality of Lord Acton’s sage sentiment: “Power tends to corrupt, and ab
Read more…February 2016 will mark the anniversary of when I first arrived in the State of Texas.
February 19th, 1960 I arrived at Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio Texas to begin basic training.
If my old fashioned math still serves me correctly that will be
Read more…I have been putting into thought why it is we can not seem to control our own government so I designed a plan based upon what our founding fathers saw as a need for all of us to be involved with our Representative to give us back our control based up
Read more…This is from the Bundy Ranch in Nevada.
Ammon Bundy video asks an important question.
Under who's authority does this Federal Government operate?
Folks this is an important question, and this video spells it all out pretty good., Please take the time
Read more…Constitution Free Zones are what The Department of Homeland Security has established. The federal agency isn't really securing the borders, but they are extinguishing the Fourth Amendment rights of nearly 197 million American citizens within 100 mil
Read more…For the past six years the people of this network, as well as on many others, have been concentrating on impeachment as our only means of removing this Obama administration. Even after the 2014 mid-term elections when the Republican party won the maj
Read more…It would seem impossible by but Anonymous Activist have become very political, and politically connected.
I found this of interest, I wish to know more, these Constitutional Laws, and all the political drama, does not help.
It was stated, by a young
Read more…Subject: Harvard Professor: 90 seconds you won't regret seeing!
I hope you will watch this. Very interesting, very short, and very timely.
This was posted to Facebook on Friday 21st November by Senator Ted Cruz, along with this picture.
The amazing thing is that this post alone has attracted 45,335 likes; 18,639 shares & 10,034 comments in only 4 days!! It seems to have struct a nerve wi
The Line in the Sand - Breaking News November 10, 2014 Unified Common Law Grand Jury in every State files writ_quo_warranto.pdf in every Federal District Court, United States Supreme Court and served upon every Federal Judge and all 9 US Supreme Cour
Read more…Well I suppose some congratulations are ok, the GOP managed to win 7 seats in the Senate and managed to hold on and even increased the lead in the House. Make no mistake about it, this was NOT a vote FOR the Republicans as much as it was a vote AGAIN
Read more…According to Dick Morris Barack Obama's agenda is to create a one-party system, democrats only.
What a dunce, Morris is so egotistical that he thinks everything is either about him or politics. That's almost understandable because that's the world th
Read more…When the Government decides that they are no longer bound or constrained by the Constitution of the United States of America. And when such a Government decides that the rights of the people are limited to only those which have been specifically stat
Read more…Wanted to take the liberty of sharing the following letter that I recently forwarded to our NM U.S. Senator Tom Udall requesting “Return of Government to Our Constitutional Principles”:
Status on situations, waiting for the other shoe to fall:
Obama and his administration have opened the flood gates and our southern border to any and all that can simply get there and get across into the USA.
That has naturally captured the attention o
Today we learned that House Speaker, John Boehner will be introducing legislation in July, authorizing the House General Counsel to sue the Obama administration for over using executive actions without congressional approval. It is not about impeach
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