muslim (69)
Obama & Muslim Brotherhood secret $ 8 billion secret deal
Obama & Muslim Brotherhood secret $ 8 billion secret deal
This just showed up on the net, it has been confirmed on Egypt Daily News, watch this video. It is hard to believe this is true and supposedly Congress is investigating, but has not held a p
Read more…Obama backing the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
US president Barry Obama is backing the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. So far he's made all the usual crys and wines about how democracy should include everyone,,,,,Bla- Bla - Bla- Bla.
But he has also made some significant statements that appear to t
Read more…War in Syria - lessons to be learned
War in Syria – what it looks like on the ground. Want to know what could happen here in America? Take a look and read this article on Reuters written by actual reporters that spent some time on the ground. All you have to do is change the names of th
Read more…Mosques exempt from gov’t surveillance
A pro-Israel advocate says no one should be surprised by a recent report that radical mosques are now exempt from monitoring by the FBI.
According to an online editorial in Investor's Business Daily, mosques have been off-limits to the FBI for almost
Read more…Obama’s Egyptian Buddies Prove He’s Guilty of High Treason!
Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution of the United States of America reads:
Read more…“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convic
Posts Against Islam Could Get You Prosecution & Imprisonment
'Guess they better get ready for one whale of a fight...I'll be calling Jay Sekulow as I have no intentions of not using my 1st amendment right. Not now and not in the future!!
Barack Obama’s Attorney for the Eastern district of Tennessee Bi
Nothing to see here: Arrest in MA shrugged off
On radio this morning, Glenn shared a strange story out of
Read more…A call for formal charges of High Treason against Barack Hussein Obama - again!
Adding insult to injury, Who is worse, Adam Lanza or Dianne Feinstein
On December 14th, 2012 Adam Lanza shot his way into the Sandy Hook Elementary school in NewTown Connecticut and murdered 26 people.
The shock and grief of the senseless loss of 20 children and six adults, plus Lanza himself and his Mother, is still r
Read more…Citizens File Articles of Impeachment Against Obama
Normally I don't believe very much that appears on InfoWars pages, but I know TX Rep Steven Stockman has made these statements. We can only hope that he and many others will hold true to their commitments and obey their oaths of office. If nothing el
Read more…What part of the word or term TRAITOR do you people not understand?
Apparently torturing your offspring is no longer a violent offense in Phoenix, AZ.
Apparently torturing your offspring is no longer a violent offense in Phoenix, Arizona. Last week an Arizona Superior Court Judge awarded (and I mean awarded) probation to a Muslim family who admitted to kidnapping, beating and trying to kill their n
Read more…Nearly 250 Gaza rockets batter South, 3 Israelis killed
I'm mindful of the obama and clinton arab spring = islamic raging death storm they intentionally started - which is really nothing more that taking down our allies and replacing them with the muslim brotherhood - the umbrella group over all islamic t
Read more…Muslim Brotherhood: Obama Must Accept Will of Arab People
Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood told Obama he must accept the will of the Arab people.
CBS Localreported:
Read more…Islamists in the Middle East are speaking out following President Barack Obama’s re-election Tuesday night.
The Egyptian Muslim Brotherho
CAIR thug who slandered Allen West in an email, posts video compilation of West’s remarks about Islam
CAIR aka Muslim Brotherhood is going after Allen West! Do we have his back? We better, we know the gov. will not, they will side with the enemies of the United States just like they did to Michelle Bachmann! CAIR is doing political jihad because they
Read more…DoD Won’t Label Hood Shootings as Terrorist Attack
Washington Times | by Susan Crabtree
Already facing intense scrutiny for its shifting narrative about the assault on the U.S. Consulate in Libya, the Pentagon now says it will not reclassify the Fort Hood shootings as a terrorist attack ov
Read more…WALID SHOEBAT uncovers secret document that reveals al-Qaeda ‘brother’ was in charge of security at the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli