When you have to demand respect, you certainly haven’t earned it.
Check it out:
Attorney General Eric Holder: “I respect the oversight role that Congress plays. This is
Did anyone see this article? WND tells what Obama's plans are, and I have to say, is there anything we can do, contact the right people who can try him for treason and put him away for good? He should be in prison!
He is a very bad dream that just
Read more…Barack Obama has sensationally told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that he will NOT vacate the Oval office if Donald J. Trump is elected the 45th President of the United States.
The current president claims he is “fully prepared” to ignore the popular vote if it
Read more…This is the US operation "Fast-N-Furous" designed and implemented by Hillary Clinton and Rohm Emanual, and Eric Holder. The objectives was to "prove" that weapons were being sold into Mexico FROM America and then to use that information as a means to
Read more…Gen. Paul Vallely: Iran Already Has Nuke, Making Deal 'Moot'. From NewsMax.com
Iran already has a nuclear weapon, making the nuclear deal "a moot point," retired U.S. Army Gen. Paul Vallely told Newsmax TV on Thursday.
Decades of intelligence report
The Obama administration is violating a judge’s order to turn over documents in the Aug. 6, 2011, shootdown of a U.S. helicopter — call sign Extortion 17 — that killed members of SEAL
Read more…A top U.S. Army general with nothing left to lose has publicly admitted something that conservatives have been saying for a long time — the rise of the Islamic State terror group can be directly attributed to President Barack Obama’s premature withdr
Read more…For all my friends that hate politics and political messages;
Well Guess what, – I HATE politics even more than you do.
But just because you hate politics and choose to ignore the politicians does not mean politics doesn't have an interest in you.
Read more…Posted by J.B. Williams on Facebook; 6/3/2015
The DNC Certification of Obama elligability omitted the Constitution requirements.
This is
This was posted to Facebook on Friday 21st November by Senator Ted Cruz, along with this picture.
The amazing thing is that this post alone has attracted 45,335 likes; 18,639 shares & 10,034 comments in only 4 days!! It seems to have struct a nerve wi
Back in the later days of Cashes Clay (aka Mohammad Ali, when he went up against a formidable opponent, Ali would try to wear his opponent down by letting the guy beat on him until he could scarcely lift his arms any longer. He essential
Read more…I sincerely believe that Obama and his Abomination made a secret deal with Al Qaeda. This is just speculation and theory of mine. I think that Bin Laden had either passed away or was very close to it. We all know he was enduring Kidney failure. I thi
Read more…https://www.facebook.com/PatriotsStandingWithMajorGeneralPaulVallely
Currently, ret'd./fire
'Purge surge': Obama fires another commander
Naval commanding officer alarmed by 'relentless' attack on Armed Forces
Published: 1 hour ago
author-image F. Michael Maloof About | Email | Archive
F. Michael Maloof, staff writer for WND a
Dems walk out of Benghazi hearings before family members of victims are allowed to speak.
Snowden seeks and is granted asylum in Russia.
According to the latest news reports Snowden has been granted asylum in Russia.
One has to think that there is something fundamentally wrong when a former government worker is forced to seek asylum f
Read more…This just showed up on the net, it has been confirmed on Egypt Daily News, watch this video. It is hard to believe this is true and supposedly Congress is investigating, but has not held a p
Read more…Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution of the United States of America reads:
Read more…“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convic
In the past week there has been an ever increasing amount of talk about the possibility of the impeachment of President Barack Obama due to a number of different scandals that are rocking his administration. From Benghazigate to IRSgate 1 & 2 to APg
Read more…Incompetence of Barack H. Obama and his administration, or was it treason and murder?
Remember back in the 2008 presidential campaign when Hillary Clinton said “When that phone rings at 3:00 AM about some crisis going on in the world, who do you wa
Read more…When you have to demand respect, you certainly haven’t earned it.
Check it out:
Attorney General Eric Holder: “I respect the oversight role that Congress plays. This is