"Listen, folks. This is not some normal deal. This is huge."
Kit Lange



They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  If that's the case, then the picture painted by the continuously updated Google Map assembled by Atlantic Wire speaks volumes more than the Obama Administration would like voters to hear: 

Barack Obama campaigned to a war-weary America in 2008 as a transformative figure whose affinity for Islamic culture (he was raised in Indonesia, after all) would make him more empathetic and sensitive to the "Arab Street" and more able to project a positive image of America to the dangerous powder keg communities that supposedly hated us because of our "cowboy president" George W. Bush.  

Here we are, three years after Obama's landmark speech in Cairo where he pledged "to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims," and we see on the devastating map above that there has been no "new beginning" but an escalation in hatred and violence toward the United States. While Obama's Cairo speech was correctly described by the Palestenian Authority as "the beginning of a new American policy" in the Middle East, it was more accurately painted by the spokesman of the West Bank Settler's Council as "out of touch with reality... the Muslim world is at war with the Western world." 

Appeasement, understanding, tolerance, financial backing, and wishful thinking make for great speeches, great photo ops, and great dissertations, but in a dangerous world with America's enemies capable of slaughtering thousands of innocent Americans in one fall morning and Iran poised to obtain nuclear weapons, they do not make for an effective foreign policy.  

Look at the map above and continue to refresh this page as it gets updated with the latest episodes of violence against Americans abroad.  Watch it closely and digest the thousand words this picture tells. 


The date this video was made and posted is May 11, 2009



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  • We could cry "Crusade" and launch airstrikes on all Mosques  and flatten them... That would get the message out we are sick of their crap..


    • We hold freedom of religion as a pillar of our Country and this is is certainly worth preserving.


      In the 21'st century an unintended consequence is that our petro dollars have emboldened the Islamists to once again startup their conquest of western society and governments.


      Political correctness notwithstanding, we must take action now or face a holocaust like has never been seen before.


      The best way to protect our country is to immediately by law and soon thereafter enact a constitutional amendment that defines: A religion is a belief system that teaches complete absolute respect for and tolerance of those having a different belief system.


      This simple one liner would mean that Islam and any other whacky belief systems that may come along would not enjoy the tax benefits and other protections, for example from discrimination and government intervention in their affairs that true religions enjoy.


      What do you think of this idea? If you like it then go ahead and publicize it.

      Due to the current unrest among Radical Muslims around the globe at this time, all Militia units should move to Orange Alert Status.

    Small Unit Leaders prepare to assist. Be ready to move on 2 hour notice. If possible, be prepared to pre-evacuate immediate family members and their personal gear. Maintain close contact with your immediate chain of command and team members.

    Eyes and ears only at this point! if you see something out of the ordinary, contact your local Sheriffs office! Lets be on our toes folks!

    Militia Units standing by on Orange Alert.  Here is another map that shows all of the incidents going on around the globe:http://www.globalincidentmap.com/home.php

    • Apparently, there is mounting evidence that there is much out of the ordinary. Wouldn't you consider FEMA ordering and storing millions of MREs out of the ordinary (without explanation), and would you not consider purchase of 4.5 million rounds of .40 cal. hollow point pistol ammo and a ton of ammo for rifles by Homeland Security, FEMA and other agencies that have no real need for such things?  Would you not consider photographs of armored vehicles seen heretofore only in the National Guard and military units in Iraq and Afghanistan with clear homeland security markings to be out of the ordinary?  How about trainloads of medium and light tanks on trains being sent to various parts of our country and NOT to Afghanistan out of the ordinary? And how about the statement by an Air Force Colonel that those drones will commence "farming" right here in the good old USA on orders from on high, would you consider that out of the ordinary?  I certainly would.  I am not a member of a militia but consider each and every citizen an automatic member should they desire to call themselves that. For it is all of us that are charged with protecting our freedoms and our country, our families and indeed our religious freedoms as well from all enemies both foreign and God knows domestic.  We know who they are.  Soon it will be time to call them out.  Right now I spend a good deal of my time praying that we will not have to resort to any conflict anywhere but with our markers in the ballot box.


      • I am praying with you.

  • The two areas of the world which are posing an immediate threat to our Country today once before did the same thing.  The threat that they posed was addressed and and neutralized by an organization whose actions are immortalized in what they call, their hymn.  It goes, in part, like this, "From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli ...".  That organization exists to this day and if pandering politicians and inept diplomats would get out of their way they could quickly neurtralize that same joint threat to our Country once again.

    Semper Fi.

  • The Muslim would do well to study the Hebrew text of Zechariah for their convenience beginning Chapter 12-- through to the end of the prophecy.

    • We hold freedom of religion as a pillar of our Country and this is is certainly worth preserving.

      In the 21'st century an unintended consequence is that our petro dollars have emboldened the Islamists to once again startup their conquest of western society and governments.

      Political correctness notwithstanding, we must take action now or face a holocaust like has never been seen before.

      The best way to protect our country is to immediately by law and soon thereafter enact a constitutional amendment that defines: A religion is a belief system that teaches among other things complete absolute respect for and tolerance of those having a different belief system.

      This simple one liner would mean that Islam and any other whacky belief systems that may come along would not enjoy the tax benefits and other protections, for example from discrimination and government intervention in their affairs that true religions enjoy.

      What do you think of this idea?.

  • "{AMERICA}" is under Attack, Citizens Molested, Murdered, Flag Burned!  Where in the World is the National Outrage???

    • I'm outraged and I offer a solution to prevent this cancer from destroying western civilization...


      We hold freedom of religion as a pillar of our Country and this is is certainly worth preserving.


      In the 21'st century an unintended consequence is that our petro dollars have emboldened the Islamists to once again startup their conquest of western society and governments.


      Political correctness notwithstanding, we must take action now or face a holocaust like has never been seen before.


      The best way to protect our country is to immediately by law and soon thereafter enact a constitutional amendment that defines: A religion is a belief system that teaches among other things complete absolute respect for and tolerance of those having a different belief system.


      This simple one liner would mean that Islam and any other whacky belief systems that may come along would not enjoy the tax benefits and other protections, for example from discrimination and government intervention in their affairs that true religions enjoy.


      What do you think of this idea?.

This reply was deleted.


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