CALL TO ACTION: LTC LAKIN has been threatened by the prosecutor in his court martial withphysical violence. The American Patriot Foundation URGENTLY requests youcall, email and fax his commanding general tomorrow starting 9:00 ameastern time, and say "DON'T TASE LTC LAKIN. Stop Brodsky'smisconduct." _______________________ The afternoon before the hearing, LTC Steven Brodsky told LTC Lakin'scounsel that Lakin must report hours before the hearing to his duty postat Walter Reed Army Medical Center in order for him to be "transportedunder escort" to make sure he showed up at the arraignment "to avoidembarrassing his unit." Brodsky rejected all pleas from Lakin's counselthat this was not merely highly unusual and that an enlisted man facingsimilar charges would not suffer such indignity, but that there waszero chance that Lakin would not attend a hearing when he had, quiteliterally "invited [his] own court martial." Brodsky told Lakin's counsel that an Army Colonel had been detailed to beLakin's escort and that he, Brodsky, would not reconsider. However,Brodsky is a judge advocate, and as such his job is to prosecute LTCLakin. He has no role -or at least should have no role-in deciding themanner in which Lakin relates to his commanders, and vice versa. However, the following day, outside the courtroom, Brodsky went far beyondinterference with Lakin's commanders. While Lakin was waiting near thecourtroom, Brodsky and COL Melanie Craig (Lakin's "escort") stood aroundthe corner in the main hallway and in voices easily audible to LTCLakin, spoke about the need to prevent Lakin after the hearing fromspeaking to the media, "signing autographs or kissing babies." Brodskythen said to Craig "just taser him and throw him in the van." Lakin says of the incident: "LTC Brodsky meant for me to hear those words, noquestion. When COL Craig returned to where I was, she said to me 'youprobably heard all that, didn't you?' I replied it would have been hardnot to. After the hearing, my lawyers asked COL Craig for permissionfor me to speak to the press, since both CNN and NBC had sent cameracrews, but she rudely refused, and she ordered me back into her vehicleto be transported back to Walter Reed." Lakin concluded his remarkstoday with: "DON'T TASE ME 'BRO'!" At the brief arraignment, the Court set dates for motion hearings on September3rd and 14th at 11:00 a.m., and for the trial to be held from October13-15, 2010 starting each day at 9:00 a.m. LTC Brodsky has stated thatthese hearings will be held at Ft. Meade, Maryland. MG Hawley-Bowland commands all of Lakin's superiors, and should haveprevented them from being improperly influenced by the prosecutingattorney who is NOT in the Walter Reed chain of command. She can, andshould, order that Lakin not be singled out for persecution and that hisrights to speak to the media, and even to "kiss babies," to paraphraseLTC Brodsky, should not be infringed. She should be told, frankly,"DON'T TASE HIM, 'BRO'!" It should be noted that the Military Judge in Lakin's case has no authority overLakin's supervisors, and that therefore the Judge is NOT the one Lakin'ssupporters should contact. Rather, supporters are asked to only contactMG Hawley-Bowland, because it is she who not only has the power tocommand Lakin's company commander and others not to permit theprosecutor to interfere, but who SHOULD do so. The American Patriot Foundation, a non-profit group incorporated in 2003 tofoster appreciation and respect for the U.S. Constitution, which hasestablished a fund for Lakin's legal defense to LTC Lakin. Furtherdetails are available on the Foundation's website, FULL PRESS RELEASE CAN BE FOUND AT |