LTC Lakin Trial Update

Puckett & Faraj, PC

The Law Firm of Puckett & Faraj, PC, is preparing the defense of LTC Lakin for trial currently scheduled for December 14, 2010 at Fort Meade, MD. LTC Lakin is being charged with missing movement, disobeying orders to report to a new unit, disobeying orders to report to his brigade commander and dereliction of duty.

His previous civilian attorney complicated his case and is partially responsible for two of these charges by advising LTC Lakin to refuse to report to his superior officer. The defense team is now working to minimize the damage caused by this inappropriate legal advice and return LTC Lakin to his family quickly and with his medical career intact.

The trial is expected to last 2 days at Fort Meade beginning on December 14, 2010.

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  • We need people to be there to lend support for this brave man.
  • IN OUR PRAYERS = Daily, Chaplain Tom and Gwen Cole
    Still "Birthers"
  • we all have prayed for you, ..& we will support LTC. LAKIN, GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.
  • The Military should be demanding that obumer be vetted as they should know the Constitution and stand by it.
  • I will be praying for LtC Lakin and for the dismissal of this case. He's an American hero.
  • Prayers are needed for Lt. Col. Lankin, one of Americas bravest. Seats need to be filled in his favor, calls made to let everyone involved know that we are behind him, watching and keeping notes.
  • Too bad restitution cannot be had for lawyer;s bad advice.
  • I put that info in this YouTube also honoring Veterans.

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