The Federal Voting Assistance Program website published an incorrect deadline for the return of returning military ballots in Wisconsin. Had this error not been corrected, thousands of Wisconsin servicemen and women could have been disenfranchised in this key swing state this November.

The FVAB website incorrectly stated ballots must be returned by November 16. The actual deadline is 4 p.m. November 9. Any military ballots received in that intervening week would not have been counted by local and state election officials.

MacIver News Service contacted the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board about the error on Tuesday and requested comment.

"All Wisconsin absentee ballots are due by 4 p.m. the Friday after the election. The FVAP site was incorrect," said Reid Magney, GAB spokesman in an emailed response to the inquiry.

Ballots must be postmarked no later than Election Day, which in 2012 is Tuesday, November 6th.

According to their website, The FVAP provides U.S. citizens worldwide a broad range of non-partisan information and assistance to facilitate their participation in the democratic process - regardless of where they work or live. The FVAP also administers the Federal responsibilities of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), which designates armed forces recruiting offices nationwide as voter registration agencies allowing eligible U.S. citizens to apply for voter registration, or apply to change voter registration data.

Cross-posted from MacIver Institute.

At the link above is a lot of updates on this. FVAP claims to fix it and puts up another too late wrong date.





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  • A week late means no votes have to be counted... Just what bho thinks of our military...

  • I feel like weeping for my country.  I no longer recognize it.  It makes me sick to my stomach.  If we don't turn this ship around, we are doomed.  Welcome to the coming New World Order and the loss of freedom.  Accept Jesus as your savior before it is too late. 

  • This was not done accidentally but on done on purpose. Jerk face and his chronies, they will do anything to win the election illegally.

    They are all thiefs, liars, cheats and guilty of treason. Jerk face has got ot go down along with holder, reid, pelosi, clinton, unions and the rest of his people in the Nov. election.  We as Americans have got to pull together to get rid of the muslims, indians, and and all the others who do not want to see the USA flourish.  The muslims at the top of the list, they could not tell the truth if it slapped them in the face. All they want to do is destroy us and takeover. I agree with Carrie

    • AMEN!!! From a citizen of the Choctaw Nation.

  • No, No noy native Indians, the country India, sorry.

  • Twana,  I 'm part  Cheroke  Indian, I  know  war  whoop  chants  with  feathers  flying..!!!

  •    I got a feeling we aint seen nothing yet.The fraud in this election is going to be bad.

  • I agree Lawrence, there will be as many dead people voting as alive people!!!!!!! Also our 4 legged friends.  Jerk face and his little jerks will make sure Jerk face will also try to pull a end around when he is defeated, he is going to do everything illegal to win this election.  He is not capable of doing anything legal!!!!!!!!!!!!

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