Gen. Douglas MacArthur, center, is accompanied by his officers and Sergio Osmena, president of the Philippines in exile, extreme left, as he wades ashore during landing operations at Leyte, Philippines, on October 20, 1944, after U.S. forces recaptured the beach of the Japanese-occupied island.


You can view many more images by clicking on the photo. I've linked it back to the site with more historic pictures.



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  • Thanks Twana!
  • Tye,

    "Painful reminders of all the great men and women who fought and died for  this country, but what is even more painful, is the large contingent  of people in this great country that could care less. That makes me very angry!"


    You are NOT alone. Today we have great soldiers, but the guys with the bars are trying to turn the military into a social experiment for gay rights. Just the thought of this is a slap in the face of those brave men that died for this wonderful country.

    Look, I'm all for equal rights between the sexes, but we need to go back to a time where men were men and women were women. And I don't mean that women should be barefoot and pregnant, I just so don't see what's so damn bad about holding a door open for a lady. Or standing when they come into a room. There are many things we used to do as a civil society that we no longer do. What drives me crazy is how being respectful (like holding a door for a woman) is now considered as being DIS-RESPECTFUL. 

    Sorry Ladies, but I'm an old fashioned gentleman and will be to the day I die. And every one of my kids do the same, or feel the wrath of ME. Todays societal evolution has definitely gone down-hill since the 60's. I totally blame the marxist plan to destroy the American family.

  • VERY COOL!!!


  • "couldn't" care less, Tye.
  • Tye, the egregious and treasonist acts of the Men and Women of our all volunteer Armed Forces who,have violated their oath of office is very frightening! If "We the People" cannot trust those Officers and NCO'S appointed over us, we must be prepared to defend our Republic against all enemies, foreign and domestic, of the United States of America!
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