I've heard of the push to make our star speaker Ted Cruz a GOP presidential candidate in '16.

Constitutionally, as a man with one parent who was a citizen of Canada, he cannot be considered a natural born citizen. There are no proper rulings on this, which is why Obama reins right now.

The 'natural born citizen' clause in the Constitution is there for the exclusive purpose of attempting to ensure some loyalty in the president's lineage, and therefore likewise seeking to ensure a "natural" loyalty from the president himself.

A man of dual national parentage, like Mr. Obama cannot possibly be "natural born", and therefore nor can Ted Cruz. With one parent having natural allegiances to a different nation, so does the child. (My own children actually had 3-way citizenship until they turned 18.)

If one parent as a non-US citizen, were sufficient for the distinctive purpose of the clause, then it naturally follows that a person whose parents are both US citizens, would then be considered a "Super-natural born citizen."

Which of course is absurd.

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  • Sean please read the letter bwlow sent to senator Cruz

    December 18, 2013

    Honorable Senator Ted Cruz

    Dirksen Senate Office Bldg.

    Suite 185

    Washington, DC 20510


    d all State Offices)

    RE: Your date with Honor

    Dear Senator Cruz,

    Seldom do we have an appointment with destiny wherein our actions will make history as being either

    righteous or self-serving.

    Seldom, if ever, are we presented with an opportunity to protect and preserve the course of freedom and

    liberty in our beloved America, by simply doing what we know is righteous, rather than self-serving.

    Seldom does one have the national platform

    to act as God ordains Christians to act…do the right and

    honorable thing, and leave the consequences to Him.

    Senator, you stand on the precipice of true greatness. The above opportunities are yours for the taking.

    The God who we worship, has placed you in a truly unique position, and is saying to you

    , “I will help


    I will strengthen you. I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness…Do not be anxious

    about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall wear…Cast all your anxieties on God because

    I care

    for you…The Lord is

    your light and your salvation: whom shall you fear? The Lord is the stronghold of

    your life: of whom shall you

    be afraid?”

    Senator Cruz, you have been placed in the position to end the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the

    United States of America, and to stop the systematic destruction of our Country. The action required is


    but not easy, for it requires a selfless act of love and concern for others, and calls upon you to do

    the right thing. Yes, some will call it a true act of heroism.

    Senator Ted Cruz, as a true Christian, you must say to the nation and the world

    “It has been the d

    elight and honor of my life that so many Americans have found me worthy of their

    respect and admiration, and have wanted me to run for president or vice president. But the truth is, I am

    not eligible for either office according to the United States Constitution Article II, Section I, Clause V,

    wherein only a Natural Born Citizen of the United States, born of an American Citizen Father, can seek or

    hold these offices. I know that the Founders, in their brilliance, set this standard based on the Biblical

    principles of Natural Law, wherein the name, citizenship and birthright of a child was always passed by

    the blood of the father. Knowing this beyond question, a proud son of my Cuban father, I am not now, nor

    can I ever be, a Natural Born Citizen of the United States. Therefore, based upon unquestionable and

    prima facie evidence, I state for the record that Barack Hussein Obama, the son of a Kenyan Citizen

    father, is not now, nor has he ever been, nor will he ever be a Natural Born Citizen of the United States. I

    call for the immediate resignation of Barack Hussein Obama and the legitimate investigation into all who

    are involved in the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the United States and the world, as well as all who

    have engaged in the greatest political cover-

    up in the history of politics.”

    The gauntlet has been thrown down. Will you, Senator Cruz, pick it up and run with it? What will the

    annals of history record? More importantly, what will the record of heaven show?

    In this wonderful and blessed season of Christmas we are reminded about giving…God gave the gift of

    His son Jesus; Mary gave the gift of her reputation in order to be obedient; Joseph gave the gift of love to

    Mary in obedience; the Wise Men brought gifts to honor and worship the new King. In the spirit of

    Christmas Senator, you alone have the opportunity and the calling from God to give a magnificent gift to

    millions of Americans, and freedom seeking people all over the world

    …the gift of returning this Country

    to what God intended it to be.

    We call upon you Senator, to answer what we believe to be a divine calling, to stand like a rock upon the

    Word of God and the precepts of our Founding Fathers, to call out the evil in our land; to give of yourself

    for a cause much greater, the cause of freedom, liberty, truth and justice; to stand before God and all of

    mankind and proclaim the truth; to keep your sacred oath to protect and defend the Constitution of these

    United States and protect the American people from all enemies, foreign and domestic; to be the light that

    your father believes you are ordained by God to be

    If you do this Senator, I assure you that millions of Americans will stand with you, protect you, honor you

    and forever hold you in high regard as a man of great faith, great honor, and unparalleled courage and


    I will stand with you Senator

    We will stand with you.

    I pray for your courage and honor Senator, and await your response. I remain, in His Service

    Respectfully, on behalf of The North American Law Center,

    Barbara Ketay,

    Co-Founder, NALC

    The North American Law Center | 214 W. Lincolnway, Suite 23 | Cheyenne | WY | 82001

    • Dale,
      wow, that was a tremendous letter! Amen. One month ago today. Any response?

      • Sean no reply just yet but I'm hoping. Someting like this takes time to think thru. It would be HUGE 

  • Does anybody know if the wife of Ted Cruz is a member of the CFR? I have a Ted Cruz for President sticker on my truck but was told today his wife was a VP at Goldman Sachs in HoustonTX and a member of the CFR. There is some info on the net but was looking for reliable source. I'm not trying to cause any problems, just looking for the truth.


    • Not sure what it would mean. Michele Bachmann used to work for the IRS, but she is a fiscal patriot at odds with  the GOP. Maybe Mrs. Cruz is a stealth conservative banker and CFR member. ha ha

    • Elwood, please read below Senator Ted Cruz is not eligible to be POTUS. The letter was sent by the author and received by the senator.




      December 18, 2013

      Honorable Senator Ted Cruz

      Dirksen Senate Office Bldg.

      Suite 185

      Washington, DC 20510


      d all State Offices)

      RE: Your date with Honor

      Dear Senator Cruz,

      Seldom do we have an appointment with destiny wherein our actions will make history as being either

      righteous or self-serving.

      Seldom, if ever, are we presented with an opportunity to protect and preserve the course of freedom and

      liberty in our beloved America, by simply doing what we know is righteous, rather than self-serving.

      Seldom does one have the national platform

      to act as God ordains Christians to act…do the right and

      honorable thing, and leave the consequences to Him.

      Senator, you stand on the precipice of true greatness. The above opportunities are yours for the taking.

      The God who we worship, has placed you in a truly unique position, and is saying to you

      , “I will help


      I will strengthen you. I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness…Do not be anxious

      about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall wear…Cast all your anxieties on God because

      I care

      for you…The Lord is

      your light and your salvation: whom shall you fear? The Lord is the stronghold of

      your life: of whom shall you

      be afraid?”

      Senator Cruz, you have been placed in the position to end the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the

      United States of America, and to stop the systematic destruction of our Country. The action required is


      but not easy, for it requires a selfless act of love and concern for others, and calls upon you to do

      the right thing. Yes, some will call it a true act of heroism.

      Senator Ted Cruz, as a true Christian, you must say to the nation and the world

      “It has been the d

      elight and honor of my life that so many Americans have found me worthy of their

      respect and admiration, and have wanted me to run for president or vice president. But the truth is, I am

      not eligible for either office according to the United States Constitution Article II, Section I, Clause V,

      wherein only a Natural Born Citizen of the United States, born of an American Citizen Father, can seek or

      hold these offices. I know that the Founders, in their brilliance, set this standard based on the Biblical

      principles of Natural Law, wherein the name, citizenship and birthright of a child was always passed by

      the blood of the father. Knowing this beyond question, a proud son of my Cuban father, I am not now, nor

      can I ever be, a Natural Born Citizen of the United States. Therefore, based upon unquestionable and

      prima facie evidence, I state for the record that Barack Hussein Obama, the son of a Kenyan Citizen

      father, is not now, nor has he ever been, nor will he ever be a Natural Born Citizen of the United States. I

      call for the immediate resignation of Barack Hussein Obama and the legitimate investigation into all who

      are involved in the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the United States and the world, as well as all who

      have engaged in the greatest political cover-

      up in the history of politics.”

      The gauntlet has been thrown down. Will you, Senator Cruz, pick it up and run with it? What will the

      annals of history record? More importantly, what will the record of heaven show?

      In this wonderful and blessed season of Christmas we are reminded about giving…God gave the gift of

      His son Jesus; Mary gave the gift of her reputation in order to be obedient; Joseph gave the gift of love to

      Mary in obedience; the Wise Men brought gifts to honor and worship the new King. In the spirit of

      Christmas Senator, you alone have the opportunity and the calling from God to give a magnificent gift to

      millions of Americans, and freedom seeking people all over the world

      …the gift of returning this Country

      to what God intended it to be.

      We call upon you Senator, to answer what we believe to be a divine calling, to stand like a rock upon the

      Word of God and the precepts of our Founding Fathers, to call out the evil in our land; to give of yourself

      for a cause much greater, the cause of freedom, liberty, truth and justice; to stand before God and all of

      mankind and proclaim the truth; to keep your sacred oath to protect and defend the Constitution of these

      United States and protect the American people from all enemies, foreign and domestic; to be the light that

      your father believes you are ordained by God to be

      If you do this Senator, I assure you that millions of Americans will stand with you, protect you, honor you

      and forever hold you in high regard as a man of great faith, great honor, and unparalleled courage and


      I will stand with you Senator

      We will stand with you.

      I pray for your courage and honor Senator, and await your response. I remain, in His Service

      Respectfully, on behalf of The North American Law Center,

      Barbara Ketay,

      Co-Founder, NALC

      The North American Law Center | 214 W. Lincolnway, Suite 23 | Cheyenne | WY | 82001



  • This message to everybody on this forum. Do NOT rely on Mr. Cruz. Letter was sent to him 12/18,/2013. More then one month  is over but neither Mr. Cruz nor his staff even did not respond. I contacted The North American Law Center, they told me - still no response. I guess he is another talking doll. His position in U.S. Senate requires TO DO something real, not just senseless bla-bla-bla for 21 hours on Senate floor, when nobody listen to him. He could be nice actor to play Senators character in some movie, but not real Senator in critical time for our country. I do not think he can be trusted.

    • Please do not be so quick to judge. let me explain...there is a very, very real possibility that he did not receive the letter yet & may not receive it at all. Normally, someone else opens all the mail, someone usually not very high up on the totem pole. once sorted, it would go to his assistant who will handle 95% of it on his/her own, UNLESS it specifically states on the envelope that it is personal & confidential. if that is the case, it will still be sorted by low "man" on totem pole but not opened. depending on the boss, the assistant will either at this point open it at this point and sort unto most important first or it may go directly to him. if he has speaking engagements alot which he does, my guess is it is probably still in a stack on his desk, or if it was not marked personal & confidential it could have been accidently tossed.

      After being an executive assistant for many years, my advice would be to mark it personal & confidential, request a signature (so that only the assistant will handle it) And enclose a small picture of children in the letter so that whomever opens it, the picture will draw their immediate attention. Do these things & I can guarantee he will get the letter (and not just in a mile high stack of fan letters or the pile of letters demanding action on a certain bill)
      Hope this helps.
    • Maybe under pressure, he can be trusted to look around him and follow a leader like Rand Paul. Cruz would make a great press secretary. Someone who can follow is invaluable.

      Much as I think I am right about things, I would be a terrible leader. Therefore, I'd make a better follower. I think Ted Cruz can learn like the rest of us. Don't give up on him yet.

This reply was deleted.


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