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It seems to me that Rubio hasn’t even read the letter based on his comments, yet he is completely disassociating himself from it in an interview with NPR:

THE HILL – Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) expressed disagreement with a letter authored by Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Fla.) and a number of other House Republicans claiming that a top aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is an infiltrator in the U.S. government for the Muslim Brotherhood.

The letter claimed that Huma Abedin, deputy chief of staff to Clinton and wife of former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), is connected to the Brotherhood.

“I am not a signatory to that letter,” Rubio said in an interview on “The Diane Rehm Show” on Thursday. “I didn’t even know the letter had gone out, to be honest with you, and I don’t share the feelings that are in that letter. Obviously, every member of Congress has a right to express their opinion and every member of Congress is held accountable for those opinions, if they’re right or if they’re wrong.

“I can tell you that I don’t share the feelings that are in that letter from anything I’ve seen and heard,” Rubio continued. “And in fact, I’m very very careful and cautious about ever making accusations like that about anybody.”


First of all Bachmann’s letter NEVER suggested “is an infiltrator in the U.S. government for the Muslim Brotherhood”. That’s a false characterization made by The Hill. The letter merely noted the connections Abedin’s family has to the Muslim Brotherhood which goes exactly to the point of potential divided loyalties. In other words, could her family members or others sway her to do something that she wouldn’t normally do?


As far as Rubio my guess is that he has fallen prey to a typical media tactic of trying to pit Republicans against one another and has found himself taking a side without knowing all the facts. He should be corrected for this.


But if it turns out he knows all the facts then what he said is just ridiculous and he should be called out for it.






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  • Howdy.

    i DON'T see why Rubio is shooting off his mouth? he is NOT CONSTITUTIONAL QUALIFIED TO BE VP.

    and maybe this is what he is TRYING TO BECOME? and the GOP GOOD OLE BOYS keep THROWING Mittens at us when the RIGHT MAN FOR THE JOB IS RON PAUL.

    Semper Fi.


  • If he did know about the letter how could he state he didn't agree with it?

  • Humma is a mooslime terrorists.  If anyone can not see this, then they are idiots.

  • It seems the establishment can get to anyone these days, after all they have all the money and we poor slobs only have our determination and the Constitution. Of course this is no impediment to the cabal of elitists that actually run the country. It's too bad that Marco Rubio and Sarah Palin have found themselves to be obligated to the elite at the expense of the citizenry. Just how deep does the corruption go? Who can we trust these days? I don't know and I'm quite sure not too many others do either, but we must continue the fight until we take back our nation.


    • Ron, what did Palin do? I haven't heard about her doing anything like this.

  • Rubio is a statist, soft  on illegal immigration, a CFR, Neocon and also constitutionally ineligible to run for VP. He also stretched the truth on his parents' immigration story and more. Otherwise, he's mostly OK. Next question, please?

  •      Blood ties run deep.  Family ties run deep.  Anyone that does not question these loyalies has their heads in the sand.  My letter would not have so much named Abedin Huma as it would have named Hilary Clinton for what SHE may have done AND our Muslim in Chief !!!....Barack (Barry) Hussein Obama II (Soebarkah-Indonesia) (Soetoro-Hawaii/Kenya).  Did she have the birth certificate erased/hidden in Kenya?   If the Clinton's knew of Obama's ineligibility, as well as Reid and as Nancy, what's her name, then, they are in on the Biggest Fraud ever committed against a nation, and namely the United States of America.  Deportation at a minimum !!!!!!!!

  • He made the mistakes of 1) Going on the leftist funded and run NPR. 2) Allowing them to frame the question falsely because he hasn't read the letter, evidently. and 3) Responding in a way that leads everyone listening to believe that he agrees with the leftist, that the question of ties to the muslim brotherhood should not even be asked because it is politically incorrect.

  • anothr politician playing Cover your own A____! didn't know the letter had gone out, Has not read the letter--but he disagrees with it from everything he has heard.And he is very cutting of those who did sign on to it --even though he has no knowledge of the letter.Hmmm sound like Obama just before his White House Lawn beer summit with a cop he has just dissed....because the cop di the job he was trained to do and the perp was an Obambud.

  • My adoration for Rubio has softened considerably since I heard his speech at the Reagan Library.  I have replaced him as my favorite Cuban-American role model with Ted Cruz whose star is rising as Rubio's is fading.  It's as if he has compromised his principles.  He is not VP material.

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