Marine was shot by Afghan soldier: officials


Marine Times


WASHINGTON — An Afghan soldier shot to death a 22-year-old Marine at an outpost in southwestern Afghanistan last month in a previously undisclosed case of apparent Afghan treachery that marked at least the seventh killing of an American military member by his supposed ally in the past six weeks, Marine officials said.

Lance Cpl. Edward J. Dycusof Greenville, Miss., was shot in the back of the head on Feb. 1 while standing guard at an Afghan-U.S. base in the Marja district of Helmand province. The exact circumstances have not been disclosed, but the Dycus family has been notified that he was killed by an Afghan soldier. Marine officials discussed the matter on condition of anonymity because it is still under investigation.


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  • My brother said it sounds like NAM all over again he told me on several occasions during the day the south Vietnamese would be in patrols with them but at night they would be on the other side of the fence became very distrusting, and the mental wear was sometimes an immense burden to bear on ones mental.

    • ARVN by day, VC by night.

  • Just seems to me that this admin couldnt care less what THEY do to OUR guys but GOD FORBID any of our guys shot any of them! Damn traitors
  • another "OBAMANATION OF MISCARRIED JUSTICE"  Get out now and stop policing the world, let china try it for a change they need to step up . America can't win a "political war"  just like Korea, Nam and a bunch of others... very soon they will be hard pressed to get an all volunteer army.


    • You are absolutely correct. In order for us to win any wars we must get the UN out of our business. We cannot win while they are involved.

  • I want to know if this afghan soldier was caught and held for murder? If not, then why not. I know from where Shane's brother comes from. I too was in Vietnam. I am a Ranger Combat soldier and I did not trust the Vietnamese out in the bush. Nobody knew who the real enemy was. When command was going to put montgnards with my Lrrp team I rebelled. I figured with my Ranger training I was better than any Vietnamese in tracking or anything else. When in combat, always watch your back.

  • Where's our fearless leader now? He sure isn't making any waves about our casualties suffered, but there will be hell to pay if any of our PATRIOTS commit the same offense.

    It seems more and more that our people are just being used for some sort of human sacrifice, and that this administration could give a shit on what happens either way.

    You have to call them like you see them, a rats a rat, and a bunch of rats are a problem, this leads to only one conclusion, WE THE PATRIOTS(PEOPLE) have to bait and set the traps!

  • As I said ten years ago and every year since, to paraphrase a line from the movie Cool Hand Luke, "What we have here is another Vietnam". Remember Mi Lai? Remember all the Generals saying they could see the light at the end of the tunnel? Those on the ground remember the Generals dropping in by helicopter, passing out a few medals, shaking a few hands, getting their picture taken by their own photographers and getting back on the chopper to repeat the show at another base. In my two tours in SEA I saw a lot of desk jockeys fly one combat mission so that they could get an air medal and or a meritorious service meal so they can be higher on the promotion board.

    I had a conversation with my grandson not too long ago when he returned from a combat tour in Afghanistan and he told me that money is the language and the Afghanis have no compunction about telling the US one thing and doing another. My grandson, whose job was to provide security to military brass when they dealt with the Afghan chieftains, also told me that he watched while the Chieftains were given brand new military weapons while our guys were using equipment that had seen better days.

    One of these days, if this country survives its' current difficulties, maybe we will wake up and realize that it took about a hundred years for us to get this democracy going in the right direction and there is no way we can drop into a third world country and establish a democracy. It takes humanity a while to stumble their way out of the stone age and be able to walk upright. These folks have no concept of freedom or liberty or justice except as proscribed by their religion, one we find abhorrent in some of its dictates.

    We didn't learn from Vietnam, we didn't learn from the Soviet Unions debacle in Afghanistan yet we keep saying just a little more time and we can declare victory.

    What is that saying? "You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig"

  • We need to just get the hell out of there!  Why "save these muslims"  what we get when we do that is 911!  The military needs to come home and save Americans from the Muslim in the white house and his communist czars and traitorous politicians, republican and democrat!  Get the hell out and let them kill each other off, they've been doing it for thousands of years!  I saw a documentary on ngo last night about this big huge sea port that Herrod had built.  It was thriving for over 1200 years until the Muslims destroyed it because they didn't want any western influence to be brought to "their" country.  This is the same thinking that they still have and use!  Stop protecting them while they kill off our sons and daughters for their religion.  Get the hell out of the east!


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