President Bush's visit to Al Asad Airbase to speak with leadership and the troops, September 3, 2007. www.dodvclips.milPresident Bush in AfghanistanDecember 15, 2008Commander in Chief George W. Bush speaks at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan, December 15, 2008To watch these videos go to and type in President Bush in Afghanistan.Obama
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WOW!!! That was could feel the energy in the room for Bush.
Obama's entrance looked almost Stalin..ish, so somber. I wonder if that's what you call "De-fi-ant Atten-hut!" He actually got more applause than a Kenny-G concert.
As ex military who served in Desert Storm, I have some concerns for his announcing an actual date when the combat troops would be recalled. I think the insurgents who actually oppose the government there can now just sit, wait, and plan.
Hey Deb,
I am an old USMC from back in the 70-80's.
I know the military has changed but so has everything else in this world.
Surely, we can't be in as much trouble with the interim of the attitude of the 'grunts' as the media exposes.
I would love to talk to you further about this.
Damn, I can almost tell from your picture you like horses, but I had to get my "super duper gov't approved spy glasses" just to see it.....hahahahah
3vcqry0pidr6f > CrazyRustyFebruary 27, 2009 at 4:33pm
hahahaha! that's a good one! cracked me up!
3vcqry0pidr6f > 3vcqry0pidr6fFebruary 27, 2009 at 4:35pm
Keny G! ha!
CrazyRusty > 3vcqry0pidr6fFebruary 27, 2009 at 10:48pm've been to a Genny G concert and KNOW what I am talking about?
Well Nora, It's terribly easy to spout off some rather haughty claims, but as us ole Southern hicks like to point out "the proof is in the pudding". I love to see such BOARING items that I've heard; I think it's called evidence. If any of what you say is anything but the wild ravings of a lonely little girl then it should be no problem to quote your sources (they can still talk even in their straight jackets) and produce some real sort of evidence that you are for real. I saw not a footnote nor even the mention of one single source of your all to proud accusations. I find this at the least distressing and at the most distressing. I am no great George W fan, though I'm no idiot so I did vote for him twice, in my moment of desperation I even forced myself to vote for John McCain, the "New York Times favorite Republican". At least I can sleep at nights knowing that at least I'm not guilty of destroying the most sacred (sorry , 2nd. most) document in the land "THE U.S. Constitution" nor did I vote to pile the most burdensome debt the world has ever seen on MY Children and all nine grandchildren and their future children. But then liberals prefer to kill off babies before they even have the slightest chance of taking their very first breath unconfined by the womb, where they were placed By God as a integral part of His holy plan. Perhaps you could tell me if your "death tax" is applicable to Infanticide. Please let me in on your documentation so I will no longer "be in the dark". If you leave a note I will furnish you my personal email address for the purpose of furthering my simple education.
Peace through Superior Firepower,
TERRY ( = my business address)
Obama's entrance looked almost Stalin..ish, so somber. I wonder if that's what you call "De-fi-ant Atten-hut!" He actually got more applause than a Kenny-G concert.
I am an old USMC from back in the 70-80's.
I know the military has changed but so has everything else in this world.
Surely, we can't be in as much trouble with the interim of the attitude of the 'grunts' as the media exposes.
I would love to talk to you further about this.
Damn, I can almost tell from your picture you like horses, but I had to get my "super duper gov't approved spy glasses" just to see it.....hahahahah
Peace through Superior Firepower,
TERRY ( = my business address)