Masters of Misinformation and Chaos


During PFA's time down, I learned some very valuable lessons. One or a few I will address here.


There are many masters of misinformation that run around and post on ning sites and conservative patriot groups. That is all they do (well they will occasionally pretend to be on the same page as us, but just hang back and watch and their true colors always shine out)! They run around and cause division/separation amongst us for our enemies. And yes I said enemies.


How do I recognize these masters of misinformation/deception?


1. The first clue is they are all about infighting, division and chaos....And then accuse you of it or start calling you names. (Sounds just like our enemies doesn't it?)

  • They always have to throw a wrench into any plan of action, discussion, unity, work towards the restoration of our country.
  • They always have to drag party talk into the discussion and start a fuss about party (in our case, I usually see it against the R party). Why? Because if they can get you infighting about party's then they have redirected your focus off of the important works at hand. 
  • They shame you for being for whatever they are against. They shame you in hopes of forcing you into submission. Exactly like the PC crowd does.
  • When there is work needed for unifying folks around a specific goal with specific plans of actions. These masters recognize that plan of action is needed, will work if patriots unify around it/in it, so they run in and work hard to kill that work by starting conflict and strife so they can divide and conquer and stop the works that we should be talking about/planning and doing. It really sucks but I watch them succeed constantly. When the masters of misinformation and purposeful clash starters start their ramming....I watch true conservatives (who really want to work to restore our republic) shut down and move on.  And yes, the question at this point is...Why would we waste time fighting amongst ourselves when we have real enemies we need to be fighting? The answer is because amongst our ranks are enemies.
  • They claim there is no unity needed. It's great for everyone to be doing their own individual thing. Really, if so, then why has that not worked for us? Also, think about that for a moment.
  1. If you and your husband/wife work against each other raising your does that work out? Right! Not good at all! 
  2. If your unit goes into battle, and you each do your own thing not in coordination with each other but instead do a free for all, how does that work out? Right! Badly!
  3. There are many more examples but there is no need to me to list them, I'm sure you can think of many yourself.
  • I'm through wasting my time with them! I won't be replying nor communicating with them anymore and I suggest all real patriots do the same. Recognize these masters of chaos for the works they do and why. Now, it's up to you what and how you respond to them if you chose to interact with them. Just be mindful they are a waste of your valuable time. 
  • These masters use ning sites like this for a garbage/platform dump. They want to run into all free ning sites (to members it's free but it does cost the network host, in this case Harry Riley). Notice when people are always trying to recruit for other sites....Notice people who are only about pushing whatever they are pushing and everyone's else initiatives are wrong (Master of misinformation or just someone with an ego they need to check)!
  • Notice calls to action already put out. Read the comments. It's very easy to pick up on who they are in those posts. Also, read several, they do know that people are watching out for them so they try to appear as not enemy infiltrators. 

I am speaking for myself here, no one else.


Twana Blevins





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  • Right on point Twana. You are a true patriot. Never give up, never quit always move to the sounds of the guns....
  • Twana there are very well meaning people, patriots that people genuinely have disagreements with others and I think that's OK sometimes.


    I personally have a big problem with people who think that establishment Republicans are really representing us - WE the people.  You may not agree with that but I think in time you will see that is the case.  I would caution people to not to get attached to parties or specific candidates because when they betray us they need to be taken to task and held accountable - there are many many examples.  The big picture view of our problems is Government in general does not represent us - regardless of what party you are in - this premise holds true.


    I see the political divide more clearly now than I ever have and it is the left-right paradigm but within those two respective camps there is loss of common sense.  WE the people are too trusting and act like naive little children when we cling to things a candidate says, or a party.  The most important thing is the idea that we have about the founding fathers, and the founding documents.  It's those things that give us common ground and from that perspective that WE need to operate.   People need to adopt this new perspective outside of parties and specific candidates if we are to have any chance of saving this Republic.

    • Interesting.........


  • That's perfectly fine and now I understand you much better.  Furthermore it's when people get so bent out of shape over little things that doom groups like this.  Maybe you better grow up Twana,
    • Twana's point made....
      • No Twana's point was not made - not by a long shot.  She took offense and to her detriment.  It's really silly.
    • We have to support the best one running, sometimes that is a rino. The Repubs as bad as they are are 10 times better then the lefties. We need to vote out all of the Damocrats, all of the incumbent rinos. Then we may stand a chance of fixing our country and returning to the Constitution. Support the true conservatives in the primaries. I can not think of a Damocrat that I would vote for, even Reid supports the Second Amendment but he is far to the left on everything else. I dropped my NRA membership when they supported Reid in the last election. We have 2 and possibly 3 so called repubs running for President that are for gun control, they will never get my vote unless they actually win the primary. I will campaign against them!!
  • Twana,


       Two words for you:  Agents Provocateur

       They come around - and cause dissension.

       Eliminate them quickly.  During any of

       their diatribes, ask for their sources!

       Even the good guys should answer up!



  • You make some good points.... but what the hell are you talking about?


    The founding fathers distrusted political parties is the one major point, to think in a like manner is appropriate and furthermore people do the exact opposite by clinging to political parties.  It's the ideas that the founding fathers had about government that are separate from political parties which is the point.


    Separate yourselves from ideology of any political party and follow the founding documents with principle - FIRST PRINCIPLES!


    I certainly never said "go along to get along".

  • If what you believe in is in line with the founding documents then I would say fine but there are many and you know who they are in our congress that believe things that are outside of what the framers intended - outside of our founding documents.

    The point is the founding document are our guide - we need to operate from that perspective.  We can all find common ground there.

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