Canada Free Press

Penned by Kelly OConnell

imageAmerica is learning the perpetually painful lesson of a rampant Marxist media. Consider the three rings of the socialist travesty. Essential issues are boiled down by leftist “journalists” to infant pap. Meanwhile, answers to compelling problems are slanted in favor of big government solutions. Finally, Conservatives are then perpetually pilloried for daring to hold and express irreversible convictions. This perilous scenario was no more patently on display than in the Jan. 19th SC Presidential debate. Fraudulent statist minion John “Bille Jean” King made the egregious error of pretending a political debate was best begun by demanding a candidate answer a question on “open marriage.” After receiving both barrels in repeated broadsides from a livid New Gingrich, the anti-media beat-down received a standing ovation.

Now, in the aftermath of Gingrich’s improbable come-from-behind victory, which John King’s attack helped facilitate, it is time those on the right demanded a fair playing field. No more can smug and condescending crypto-Marxists be allowed to habitually slant reportage and commentary—then feign shock when called to account. Sadly, the elite media are marinated in the fact-blind political religion of socialist revolution which has merely failed in every previous historic application.

Now with USA on the ropes, the obscenely arrogant and over-confident liberal establishment, who regard their political posture as a sheer reflection of IQ points and enlightenment, believes they will finally tear down the Conservative fortress. Instead, all non-liberals must fight back against this tyranny of incompetence and demand the once-upon-a-time altruistic media be reinstalled before our republic is destroyed. This is the subject of this essay.

I. How to Not Do Politics With a Hammer (Apologies to Nietzsche)

Infamous and typically deranged atheist philosopher Friederich Nietzsche famously wrote about intellectual iconoclasm in his Twilight of the Idols, or How One Philosophizes with a Hammer.. The goal here is figuring out how we as Americans can do politics without destroying their subject. Here are some common sense suggestions for a reborn ethical canon fitted for America’s 3rd millennium:

First, all American candidates must be held under the same moral expectations. It simply will no longer work to pretend that the only persons who can be held to a standard are those who claim to believe in moral absolutes. This incoherent notion presumes the only sin is hypocrisy, which is simply not a defensible theory. Further, no nation can last when entire groups of putative leaders can be excused from expectations of a moral life simply because they publicly avow antinomianism, or the abolition of rules.

Second, the mainstream media can no longer be allowed to take factual events and turn them into the journalistic equivalent of bomb-shelter Twinkies, devoid of any genuine intellectual substance. One would think after the rise of the Fox News network that other media organs would take note that the average American does not want leftist-slanted “news coverage.” Rathergate proves this, i.e. when CBS anchor Dan Rather reported on Bush’s supposed wartime service avoidance with transparently falsified documents. The public was outraged when this faux journalism came to light. This rightly resulted in the indignant Rather’s end at CBS. But apparently socialists never learn their lesson.

Third, America must return to offering a first-class education for children. The problem is not that we spend too little upon public education. Instead, it is a failure of the will which causes a lowest-common-denominator level of instruction to dominate our academies. The chief problem is the young are not taught the fine art of critical thinking, logic, fallacies, composition, or how to debate. Instead, today’s youths are simply injected with indisputable “facts” which turn them from potential free-thinkers into junior demagogues in support f the religion of liberalism. This must change if America desires any hope of survival.

Fourth, Americans must resurrect to public life the notion of cause-and-effect, a moral theory of government, and the whole issue of the Natural Law and US politics. It is absolutely criminal to pretend that adherence to a set of “Politically Correct” doctrines trumps moral, common sense leadership principles.

But how can this be done? First, we must demand that all obviously failed ideologies, like socialism, Marxism, and other leftism be dropped from the national menu. This will take much work. Further a sense that all Americans may participate in the public exchange of ideas must not only be broached but encouraged. Otherwise, what is the purpose of touting our democratic republic when only the opinion of the elites is countenanced—which typically goes against all common sense?!!

Fifth, all socialists and Marxists must be publicly named and shamed before America falls into despotic revolution and historical oblivion. The reason for this is the connection between human rights problems and socialism; not to mention the obvious causal line linking Marxism and murder. Since every element of Marxism has already been shown noxious to democracies, public figures who espouse such socialist principles, like Elizabeth Warren, must be named, shamed and publicly shunned out of political life. Otherwise, why even bother fighting the Cold War when after winning this battle against communism—we then accept all its precepts?!!

II. Demanding Responsible Journalism

Overall, America must either accept the notion of anti-American media elites choosing our elected national officers who run our country—or we can take back our republic and learn again how to gather and dispense information responsibly. Our first goal should be the creation of a new Journalist Canon of Ethics. This should be re-founded as part of a national covenant to purify our nation from lies and the over-politicization of our public institutions.

What can one do about Garbageman Journalists like John King who attempt to personally cull individual candidates from an election with an almost unparalleled cheap-shot? The Networks must be confronted when an employee goes too far afield by sending letters, emails, phone calls and demanding boycotts and firings. The message must be delivered that having the ability to write and say whatever one wants as part of our free speech news franchise must also carry the burden of a commitment to accuracy.

The singular defining trait of responsible journalism is accuracy, and must be our bottom line of analysis. This means to firstnot make false or misleading statements, regardless of whatever political party or movement they service. Second, responsible journalists should not fail to deliver information whose lack will lead to obvious misunderstandings. In addition, a responsible journalist is not one that avoids overly emotive or moralistic pronouncements in the sole interest of stirring the pot.

Finally, a responsible journalist is one who does not demagogue against America as if it were the Great Satan of history. Perhaps a background in history would be a good precursor to any working journalist’s career. How else can reporters test their ideas if they have nothing against which to examine them?

Here, friends, is an example of highly unethical “gotcha” *journalism*:

MR KING: Just as Speaker Gingrich surged into contention here in South Carolina, a direct, fresh character attack on the speaker. And Mr. Speaker, I want to start with that this evening.

As you know, your ex-wife gave an interview to ABC News and another interview with The Washington Post, and this story has now gone viral on the Internet. In it, she says that you came to her in 1999, at a time when you were having an affair. She says you asked her, sir, to enter into an open marriage. Would you like to take some time to respond to that?

MR GINGRICH: No - but I will. (Cheers, applause)

I think - I think the destructive, vicious, negative nature of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country, harder to attract decent people to run for public office. And I am appalled that you would begin a presidential debate on a topic like that. (Cheers, applause.)

MR KING: Is that all you want to say, sir?

MR GINGRICH: Let me finish.

MR KING: Please. (Boos, cheers, applause)

MR GINGRICH: Every person in here knows personal pain.

Every person in here has had someone close to them go through painful things. To take an ex-wife and make it two days before the primary a significant question in a presidential campaign is as close to despicable as anything I can imagine. (Cheers, applause.)

My - my two daughters, my two daughters wrote the head of ABC, and made the point that it was wrong, that they should pull it. And I am frankly astounded that CNN would take trash like that and use it to open a presidential debate. (Cheers, applause)

MR KING: As you noted, Mr. Speaker, this story did not come from our network. As you also know, it is a subject of conversation on the campaign. I’m not—I get your point; I take get your—

MR GINGRICH: John, John, it was repeated by your network. (Boos.) You chose to start the debate with it. Don’t try to blame somebody else. You and your staff chose to start this debate with that. (Cheers, applause.)

MR KING: Now, OK -

MR GINGRICH: Now, let me be quite clear. Let me be quite clear. The story is false. Every personal friend I have who knew us in that period says the story was false. We offered several of them to ABC to prove it was false. They weren’t interested, because they would like to attack any Republican. They’re attacking the governor, they’re attacking me. I’m sure they’ll probably get around to Senator Santorum and Congressman Paul. I am tired of the elite media protecting Barack Obama by attacking Republicans.

(Cheers, applause)

III. Calling for the Rise of an Enlarged Citizen Journalist Class

The unapologetic, clueless, and smugly corrupt soul named John King is not a horrid anomaly. He is simply representative of a class of humanity whose dregs go by the self-aggrandizing term “journalist.” These persons—believing themselves light-years beyond mere “reporters”—were originally meant just to simply bear witness to passing events and report truthfully upon these. Yet, now they see themselves fit to act as king-makers, such is their megalomaniac self-regard. Therefore, given their power, bias and delusions of grandeur, we are duty-bound to keep a gimlet eye upon them.

America probably already owns the finest Citizen Journalist corps in the world, and yet this is not enough. Every leftist hack writer “journalist” around the world needs be put on notice that whatever “factual” or “historical” claims they make will be scrutinized. Further, that they will be raked over the coals for stating obvious misstatements. An example would be the typical support of the efficacy of socialist public policy in the face of a century of utter failure.

To achieve this goal of policing renegade journalists, millions more responsible American citizens must put aside hobbies and begin putting the claims of public figures and journalists through an analytic sieve. The results should be printed up or blogged on permanent display. And these should be trumpeted all over the blogosophere, talk radio and via word of mouth.

This way hack leftist journalists, hare-brained politicians and process-before-results bureaucrats will be chary of offering up inane, ill-fated and false claims. Further, these citizen journalists, i.e. Internet patriots, will develop various branches of discipline to respond to the various subjects involved in modern life.


American patriots are truly sick and tired of the small-minded, leftist bias game called “gotcha!”—meant only to damage Conservatives who dare claim human morality a worthy goal. Liberals who posit there is no real human morality or right and wrong are deigned above this inane activity.

The reason Newt won in South Carolina is because he dared standup for himself against a condescending liberal bully. Americans, and especially Conservatives are appalled by the mindless yet vicious double standard constantly presented by socialist elites.

The mainstream media is desperate to block and tackle for Barack Obama, realizing he does not have what it takes to get reelected on his own. Therefore, the long-sought liberal paradise which they felt nearly in their grasp in now endangered.

Yet, simply to see a member of the GOP standup against typical leftist trickery and denounce it, unafraid of the response, filled the hearts of many common Americans with hope. Their dream, and not without merit, is that this same man can also stand up against Obama and finally denounce his reign of leftist demagoguery and incompetent destruction, meant to castrate America the great. Let’s hope a real champion of liberty finally arises out of this election to beat back the absurd ignorance which menaces the free world in the name of the deified state.

Kelly OConnell
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Kelly O’Connell hosts American Anthem on CFP Radio Sundays at 4 pm (EST).

Kelly O’Connell is an author and attorney. He was born on the West Coast, raised in Las Vegas, and matriculated from the University of Oregon. After laboring for the Reformed Church in Galway, Ireland, he returned to America and attended law school in Virginia, where he earned a JD and a Master’s degree in Government. He spent a stint working as a researcher and writer of academic articles at a Miami law school, focusing on ancient law and society. He has also been employed as a university Speech & Debate professor. He then returned West and worked as an assistant district attorney. Kelly is now is a private practitioner with a small law practice in New Mexico.

Kelly can be reached at:

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  • I have not believed anything a liberal has said in over 25 years.

  • The RNC is in on it too. Look what they did in Iowa, New Hampshire, and now SC.

  • Newt did an excellent job taking control of the situation and turning the tables on John King!!!

  • Article 1 Point 3. We spend plenty on public education but it isn't spent well. The money spent is used to indoctinate not educate. Local school boards must take  their schools back from the federal government and the unions.  That is part of my goal in running for a school board seat. We need principled conservatives with the strength to stand up and say NO MORE to the marxists running our public education system nationwide.

  • Conservative Candidates must never be timid when it comes to defending their position.  They must answer ever every inane "gotcha" question put forth by the Left with slow, well thought out answers while at the same time brushing a thick layer of tar on the disrespectful newsman just the way Newt did on Friday night. Boldness and backbone only will reveal the Leftist news Orangutans in their rightful place.  

    America stands at the most dangerous position in her history and a bunch of "slack-jawed-morons" are not going to turn the nation around.  The reason Newt got the standing ovations is because his audience hdn't heard such boldness in several decades.  If Newt can get the finances, then his Friday night boldness is what will propel him to victory.  All the candidates should unite on this point.

    Lets get to the real business of healing the wounds of this country by speaking boldly on topics such as "Are we being ruled by treaty law or constitutional law?  Roosevelt packed the court; now it should be un-packed.  Woodrow Wilson sold our monetary system to private international Bankers.  We need to talk about getting the power to coin money and regulate its value back in the congress where it belongs.  There should be penalties for introducing a bill which is blatently unconstitutional on its face and the one who introduces such a bill should be removed from Congress.

    The Office of President is too high  to have our candidates have to suffer the piddle of an inane panel of fools who would fare much better in an asylum with high walls.  Insaniety has been too long on the throne of Reporting.

  • A simple approach to the Socialist/Marxist, mass media is to be wary of the source!  Their objective is to completely destroy America's traditions adopted from our Founding Father's sacred Declaration of Indepemndence, our Constitution and our Bill of Rights!

    The Obama Czars have and are utterly ignoring the 'law of the land' (Constitution) and the Progressives (Socialsist) and RINO'S (GOP Elites) have and are allowing an illegal alien in the Oval Office to do presisely as he chooses with impunity!

    Newt Gingrich was forced from his powerful position as Speaker of the House by these same cowards who are bashing him at every turn today, because they very well know that IF/WHEN he is elected President of the United States of America, Newt Gingrich will cause them to adhere to their oath of office and bring governance of, by and for "We the People" back to the states where it began and where it belongs!

    • You've got newt gingrich confused with someont that gives a chit.

  • A big problem is they are getting donations from Soro's BEFORE a news organization takes donation the should shut down because u can buy the news. How is this possible? Then they don't report stories they don't think is NEWS worth??? Like Fast & furious or Solyndra is not news worth, of course they made the decision.

    WHAT I THINK WE SHOULD DO: go to the federal communications commission site, get a complaint form and post it filled out- on the web, have others go to the site and  fill out the same. (I'm not real computer savy so this would take me months to do)   Complaint: I believe that media organizations (ABC,NBC,MSNBC,CBS) should not be allowed to use their status as a "news organization" to promote the agenda of a political party without proper disclosure. Let list specific times like not reporting stories they do not think is news worth Solyndra got 535 million of taxpayers $ and they think it is not news worth because they are promoting one political party etc..  THEN we should get another petition to mail to each of these news organization saying  We believe that your ABC news organization should now be required to file with the federal elections commission as a Democrat Party organization. You will not be able to file as a Super PAC because u have direct contact with the Democratic Party. Also we have filed with the FCC for u to lose your status as a "news organization. If u want to collect money from donors and relay their interest instead of the news u need to show full disclosure to the public rather than call urself a news organization.Someone can come up with this petition

    IF someone is computer savy and would do that on this site I'm sure America would be proud of u and support these endeavors. I have contact through email Media Matters who keeps track of this and could probably give us more details in our complaints anyway we need to flood the FCC.  

  • My prior post I emailed Media Research Center 325 South Patrick Street Alexandria, VA  22314 their email address is I have gotten no response back if they would be willing to help or do these two things.

    Post on line a FCC complain form FILLED OUT to loss the "news organization" status & give full disclosure. 

    Petition to each station for them to file with Federal Election Commission as a Democrat Party organization.

  • This drama that newt and john king orchestrated and played out at the debate is fraud at it's best. It's now come to light that there was voter fraud in SC.

    The day before, newt was cancelling appearances due to lack of people the a day later he wins SC. If you can't see that something very dishonest has been happening in these caucuses and elections then you do not need to be voting.

    It's not just the Media, it's the whole establishment. The NWO globalists, the Military industrial complex, and  the federal reserve gbangsters are deliberately trying to place their minions just like they did in 08.

    The only way to combat this treason is to stand united against this tyrany, keep informed, and restore the Constitutional Republic and the Constitutional Role of the Government and vote these criminals out.

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