People are still asking for the Birth Certificate. I personally believe the Birth Certificate is a distraction. Obama is not a natural born citizen, that is why he is not constitutionally qualified to be POTUS.


Anyway, either way, things are heating up. I agree, it's time the Tea Party Leaders step up to the plate. This is the one issue (Not a natural born citizen) that will stop the marxists in their tracks and reverse the attempted communist take over.


It's all about the Constitution. If the Tea Party Leaders really want to restore our country, then it's time to do it.






The Conservative Monster


By Steve Cooper
The Conservative

"If the Tea Party Leaders refuse to defend Lt Col Lakin, then we will HIJACK the next big Tea Party DAY and make it ONE BIG Lt Col Lakin National Rally. This day will be called Operation: Tea Party Hijack" - Steve Cooper

The Court Martial of Lt Col Lakin, a great American hero begins on Dec 14th, 2010, but the media and the Tea Party leaders will not even mention one peep about it and it is a damn NATIONAL disgrace. 

I emailed Joseph Farah about this idea, but I did not hear back from him. So, once again it looks like I am on my own with this new plan. One of the Monster fans sent me an e-mail about having a rally before the big Tea Party rallies that will be starting around Tax Day (the 15th) in April. I said that it is very hard to get big attendance at these Obama Eligibility rallies, because the movement is been poisoned by Glenn Beck, the leader of the Anti-Birther movement. All of the energy that moron puts into his blackboard has not accomplished one thing, EXCEPT the successful undermining to organize the Obama Eligibility movement.

Stop telling me how brave Glenn Beck and Ron Paul are if they lack the balls to utter the name Lt Col Lakin. I do not even want to hear it. That is the fastest way to get deleted from my Facebook page, because that tells me that you are just brainwashed.

Despite Beck's and Bill O's sabotage of the issue and Fox News' blackout on it as well, the eligibility movement is bigger than ever, but it lacks the muscle needed to be effective due to the cable TV News blackout. Worldnetdaily is doing a good job, but it lacks the muscle needed to get together a huge national response.

The Tea Party leaders that appear on Fox News lack the guts to bring this issue up, because they will never be invited onto the network again if they ever brought up the natural born citizen issue or Lt Col Lakin being hung out to dry. Would the media give Sarah Palin a pass if she refused to make her school records and birth certificate public? Regardless, Obama's father was KENYAN and that makes Obama a Kenyan-American and that does not sound natural born to me. 

Well, Tea Party leaders? I have news for you. I will do whatever I can to haunt you and expose you for the cowards that you are for not taking up the defense of a hero like Lt Col Lakin. The Conservative Monster is a very new site, but it is growing daily and the loyalty is phenomenal. If Lt Col Lakin is convicted and thrown into prison and the Tea Party leaders IGNORE THIS, I swear I will do what ever I can to make your lives miserable.

I have heard repeated reports about the Obama Eligibility issue being censored at Tea Party rallies and this censorship has to end. I witnessed this censorship firsthand on 9/12/09 in Washington DC when Orly Taitz was denied the right to speak at the rally. I was outraged and wondered "what are they so scared of? Why are they collaborating with the media blackout on the Obama Eligibility issue?"

AND do not give me that bullshit that this is not the purpose of the Tea Party either. I hear all of you frauds speak about the U.S. Constitution as you all sweep this issue under the rug? This is hypocrisy and cowardice.

1. I am calling on ALL AMERICANS that care about the Obama Eligibility issue to e-mail your tea party leaders and DEMAND that they defend Lt Col Lakin NOW.

2. Tea Party leaders - give Fox News an ultimatum. Let you speak about the eligibility issue and Lt Col Lakin or you will refuse to appear on their network again.

3. Make signs SUPPORTING Lt Col Lakin at for the next big Tea Party Day. If the Tea Party Leaders refuse to defend Lt Col Lakin, then we will HIJACK the next big Tea Party DAY and make it ONE BIG Lt Col Lakin National Rally.

I walked away from the Tea Party (I have been to 6) for several reasons and silence about the Obama eligibility issue was one of them. The massive spending, the installation of an unconstitutional president and many other issues are all connected to dismantle this nation. so, do not tell me about sticking to the issues, because the U.S. Constitution is THE ISSUE.   

The persecution of Lt Col Lakin is the surest sign that we are living under tyranny and corruption as we speak. DO NOT even call yourself a patriotic American if you do not defend this man, because he has laid his entire life on the line as a soldier and now as an officer. the least that you could do is make a damn sign for him at the next Tea Party and demand that the Tea Party leaders address this issue NATIONALLY.

Gen. Thomas McInerney: LTC Lakin Court-Martial; There Will Be Congressional Investigations

Lt Col Lakin's Website





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  • The most prominant statement made above, "I walked away from the Tea Party for several reasons and silence about the Obama eligibility issue was one of them".


    The US Constitution is the issue.  I support that statement.  "The Tea Party leaders like the guts to bring up issues"


    There are three files attached.  Read all three.  If you are a Lt Col Lakin supporter, you will understand that nailing down the Private Citizen Pelosi lie that got the POTUS in office is the root and the problem remains today and will be tomorrow the POTUS himself.  Not eligible to be the POTUS is a Constitutional Issue. 


    Demand that your Congressmen do their job and investigate the POTUS.


    Demand your State Congressmen strengthen their weak Election Laws on the issue of the Private Citizen Pelosi conspiracy that brings each state into a breach of law status under the conspiracy.  Add that any Nominee will present qualifying papers to each State Secretary of State (SOE) Office; that only state agencies will be used for registration to vote points (kill the ACORN type activity dead); and control illegal imigrants who attempt to register to vote.  Stop the wide spread fraud and abuse implemented by the current POTUS and Gang.


    We started this effort in direct support of Lt Colonel Lakin. 




  • This is one of the truest point of views I have heard in recent times and I believe along the same lines about the tea party,Beck and BS Bill " O ".

  • The Tea party's so called leaders are planning a rally in DC on March 11, 2011. I know that's a ways down the road but it may be our best bet. I have railed long and hard about these so called leaders who have their own agenda and it's all about them. I would not follow Dick Armey or Jenny Beth Martian into a beer and wine store let alone anywhere else. Time to stand up and be counted, time to make a statement, time to impeach the fraud that is living in our White House. Start the ball rolling and count me in.

    • Thanks Luke


      Ping  your Congressman in Washington; Ping your State Congressmen and Senators.


      We can win this fight.  If we don't win, we can cause the bridge to get Obama back to the Whitehouse to be burned to the ground - and he will not make it back on current qualifications.


      If State will change the election laws to track illegal alients, quantity in one address, no registration except at approved  State Owned (County Owned) facilities (let them come to the agency with 2 pieces of ID to vote) and we will kill ACORN, and anyone wanting to be POTUS will have to be truthful all the way.



  • It's obvious LTC Lakin has the moral and truth upper-hand........why else would everyone be tip toeing around the issue?


    I'm sick of Glenn Beck harping on "step out with boldness", "seek truth" and he dismisses the Constitutional requirement outlined in Article 2, Section 1 regarding presidential qualification without investigation.  What greater violation of the US Consitution than the chief executive not being vetted as qualified?  This undermines the entire alien to the "natural birth citizen"  clause in the US Constitution.....serving as the US president......


    We need some sort of uprising in support of LTC Lakin as he does the honorable sacrifice for all Americans in standing by his oath as "supporting the US Constitution", not the so-called president of the United States.......


    There is a critical need to get behind LTC Lakin.....the condition of our nation, our moral foundation to protect the constitution must be rekindled to a raging to do it?  I pray to God for a miracle that will shake the very earth in Amerirca with a loud roar demanding justice and national survival......


    We've asked on this blog.......where, who is our national leader.......we have none to call us all to the rallying point.....I believe Jim DeMint could do it if he would.......maybe Sarah Palin could if she would.....maybe Michele Bachman could if she would.........we need a leader with national recognition and the ability to gain media attention......if any one of these three would sound the call...preferably all three together....America would respond by the millions........why won't they??


    Have they been asked??  They know Obama is a fraud....everyone knows but we can't raise the voice that will bring us all to the rallying point......I hope Steve Cooper gains the traction he needs to start the tsunami........


    Who will answer the call PFA?  I will......wherever it is......

    • You will get an uprising if you can CAN NANCY PELOSI as the Private Person that caused the problem.


      She will point a finger at REID.  Reid goes.


      Obama will go by default.


      We have a blivit to put in the 5 lb bag.  We just have to start throwing it.  Congress is the first we throw at.


      We throw it at them again in January when the new ones sit.  Change of tone and more harsher.


      We have to throw it right now at the States - We only have about 25 days before drafts have to be in Bills to make it into law in later 2011.  But before September - October when the prelims start up for the Primary Election cycle.


      Have to fight right now and fight very hard.


      We have to muster every Patriot in Every State to help out as much as we can.


      Anything short of this is just talk.



    • How do we get in touch with these so called leaders? All my emails are either denied or for some other reason appears to prevent my emails from going thru. I email the trash they call New Mexico congressmen and my emails are denied or blocked.

      I for one believe that the only way to get at the truth and to reinstate the Constitution is thru bullets and bandages. 

      I have always supported Glen Beck until he failed to bring to the fore front and recognize LtCol Lakin as one of the Heroes during the September gathering at the Lincoln Memorial.  Even the Supreme Court is a bunch of cowards. They had the opportunity to hear the case on Obama but decided not to hear it. Why?


      The Tea Party should realize that unless they get organized and push all the issues including the fact that this loony from some Kenyan village is not legal, that it (The Tea Party) will ultimately become fragmented and will eventually become ineffective. Without some type of organization, some leadership, we will get nowhere

      Glen Beck has shown us one thing that is beneficial to us....That being the organization of the entire left wing. We have to have a better organization lest we continue to blab about on the internet and get nothing else done.

      We must reset ablaze the fact that Obama is not a legal POTUS, that he is an usurper, hell bent on destroying America............If only that 51% was as loyal to their country as they are to that communistic/socialist party, the Democratic Party, we could and would progress and contunie to grow to again become the Greatest Nation on earth,


      Jim Cannon

      • Seems more than one of the lame ducks are no longer accepting mail or phone calls; Kirkpatrick { D-AZ dist 1} isn't either;  mail is forwarded to Gosar who isn't in office yet, and her voice mail is full, but not being checked, and her phones not answered otherwise!  But I agree with your last paragraph totally here!    Semper fi, Marine!

  • HE'S A BRIT.....   NOT LEGIT!!!!

    • He was born a Brit, but his last citizenship is INDONESIAN, which hasn't changed that anyone has found evidence of, since his trip to Pakistan in the '80s on an Indonesian passport!  Either way, he's not only not natural born; he's not even naturalized or a citizen in any sense of the term, of THIS nation!

This reply was deleted.


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