![CFP Columnist Author](http://cfp.canadafreepress.com/member_photos/photo_12.jpg)
- Doug Hagmann Sunday, September 16, 2012
After extensive investigation and analysis of the events on September 11, 2012, in Libya and Egypt, there is only one conclusion I am able to reach: the official narrative of the details of these attacks, provided by U.S. officials and parroted by a complicit, unquestioning media, are being deliberately misrepresented with regard to what actually happened.
Simply put, we are being lied to. But it’s much deeper and much more sinister than a simple lie, and it’s not over yet. In fact, what we are seeing is just the beginning.
Since early Wednesday, I have received numerous e-mails asking why I have failed to report about the murder of a U.S. Ambassador and the other attacks at our embassy in Cairo. After all, nearly all other columnists, especially those on the conservative side, have already written pages upon pages of material about the “tragic” events. Some with hysteria, others with rage, but all blinded by partisan politics and emotion that prevents them from seeing the larger agenda at play, which is exactly what the power players want. Meanwhile, the unsettling truth eludes all but a few.
The following represents a summary of my investigative findings, followed by what I suspect will happen next. The timing of the future events is anyone’s guess, and such events could even be modified or stopped completely by exposing the agenda of those who are actually behind the scenes.
Libya & Egypt attacks: Well planned & coordinated
The attacks against the U.S. embassies in Libya and Egypt were planned far in advance by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and in the U.S. It would appear that the Egyptian president had, at the very least, foreknowledge of these attack plans. The White House and State Department were warned of impending attacks on or about September 4, 2012, a full week before the attacks were carried out. A logical question to raise is why, then, was nothing done to prevent or at least mitigate the effects of these attacks? The answer is not as simple as the question, and not what everyone appears to be asserting.
The Obama-Carter comparison
Nearly everyone is using the warnings and subsequent lack of preparation as an indication of the incompetence of Obama and his people, even comparing Obama to former President Jimmy Carter, and September 2012 to November 1979. While such comparisons can be made, they are not completely correct and deliberately limit the scope of analysis. Carter’s activities were much more passive and overt with regard to the 1979 embassy crisis and the events leading up to it. (For historical purists reading this, additional information can be obtained by researching Iran’s ex-president Abolhassan Bani-Sadr role in the hostage crisis).
Obama, by comparison, is actively engaging in reshaping the geo-political structure of the Middle East, creating an Islamic caliphate from North Africa to Syria. The goal is to isolate Israel and push that nation into a confrontation with its Arab neighbors. Therefore, comparing Obama to Carter and 1979 to the present is not only naive, but dangerously so.
Obama, lies and videotape
According to the official government narrative perpetuated by news reports, the motive behind the embassy attacks is an obscure film called Innocence of Muslims. Investigation of that production by an alleged Israeli-Jew finds that the film was produced in such a fashion that it was never intended for any other purpose than to be used as a stage prop and fodder for media consumption.
Originally, erroneously but deliberately linked to an “Israeli-Jew,” this low budget video is itself a lie. According to an analysis of the trailer, the video was hastily created on a low budget with bad costumes and fake backdrops. According to cast members, they believed the film to be about something entirely different than their lines portray - lines they never said. The offending audio was dubbed over.
Tentatively, the creation and “distribution” of video has been linked to three people: Nakoula Bassily Nakoula, 55, an Egyptian native on conditional release from prison, 65-year-old Alan Roberts, and outspoken Florida pastor Terry Jones. The controversial Jones appears to be the most vocal supporter of the film.
It is interesting to note that the film itself possesses certain features are notably similar to some of the old Osama bin Laden videos circa 2003-2006. As my investigation into this is continuing, further information about this production and others who might also be associated with it will be withheld - for now.
My investigation determined that the film, which remains accessible on You Tube despite its alleged volatility, could not possibly have been the motive for the 9/11 multi-national embassy attacks. The fact that it remains accessible on You Tube suggests something so sinister that I will refrain from going there - for now. Using the Danish cartoons and other similar controversies that led to violence as a historical template for comparison, all elements reviewed were inconsistent with previous incidents of provocations and subsequent violence.
At this point, all investigative evidence suggest that this film is not the motive behind the initial violence, yet it continues to be used by members of the U.S. government and the media to point the masses away from the real motive. It has served its intended purpose well, and will ultimately result in conforming our First Amendment rights to a larger UN body. All criticism of Islam will eventually be illegal on a global scale.
The Obama motive(s)
The reshaping of the geopolitical structure was done at the hands of Obama by design. To understand the reasons behind it, one must understand exactly who Obama is, understand his roots and origins, his proclivities and biases, which will then reveal not only his motives, but the intentions of the people who groomed him to take the seat of U.S. power. As everyone knows, we’ve got a major problem with this as the American people have been denied access to the most basic documentation about Obama’s past, from his actual birth certificate to his college and passport records.
It is important to understand that the reason for sealing off Obama’s past is to prevent people from seeing the larger agenda of the man and the people who rose in an inexplicable meteoric fashion to the highest levels of public office - and entities and people behind him. Not only have we been denied the most basic access to his records and background, the top levels of our government have been concurrently infiltrated by both members of the Muslim Brotherhood and card-carrying members of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) under his watch and with his imprimatur. While this did not begin under his watch, the process was exponentially and even overtly increased to unbelievable levels the minute he assumed office.
Lacking his bona fides, compliments of both sides of the false right-left political paradigm, we can learn much about Obama from the company he keeps, such as his advisors and associates. Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s most visible handler, has a personal stake in the outcome of Middle East events to the point of actively shaping them.
I have previously written and spoken about Obama’s 2012 contingency plans, and we are seeing them play our before our very eyes. The fuse for WWIII, as well as societal chaos in Western nations - and soon coming to urban areas in the U.S.- has been lit. The question is whether the plan will be exposed for what it is, or whether the facilitators and those complicit in this morass will continue their activities as instructed.
The future of the civilized world hangs in the balance.
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Copyright © Douglas Hagmann
Douglas J. Hagmann and his son, Joe Hagmann host The Hagmann & Hagmann Report, a live Internet radio program broadcast each weeknight from 8:00-10:00 p.m. ET.
Douglas Hagmann, founder & director of the Northeast Intelligence Network, and a multi-state licensed private investigative agency. Doug began using his investigative skills and training to fight terrorism and increase public awareness through his website.
Doug can be reached at: director@homelandsecurityus.com
Good article. Obama sides with the Muslims and he has an agenda.
Doug Hagmann says what has been said over and over......the fuse has been lit for decades by the enemies of America and we can only pray that a fuse will be lit within the patriotic circles of American society to stop the Muslim in the White House and the world of Islam.
I'm simply at a loss to describe the utter disdain I have for the Obama crowd and other gutless politicians in the Congress and Court system..........
Harry, I hope you are right; but I have to be blunt. I don't think the elections will get the job done. I really don't think BO has any intentions of stepping down either. I think his intentions are to create chaos in this country so he can implement "Martial Law" on its citizens, and then invite the UN Troops in to confiscate weapons in this country with any means necessary..... but we will see.
Your observations are as good as mine Clois........until we have better data I guess we pray.
World War 111 started when Obama stepped into the white house. Just like Hitler did...
If any one out here has not seen the movie Obama 2016 yet "PLEASE DO"!!!!!! You will walk out ..Telling yourself that if did vote for him, You will not now....I can not say enough about this Film......"A MUST SEE " IF YOU CARE ABOUT AMERICA FOR WHICH IT STANDS...AND NOT OBAMA SOCIALISM..-----------------> PLEASE
Agree 100%. The movie “2016” is telling of Obama's marxist influence and his disdain for what America has attained. Never before has anyone that held the office of POTUS been so apologetic for America’s past. And those apologies come from the marxist influences in his early life.
The purpose of Article II section 1, was put in place, to keep this kind, or any kind of outside influence to hold the office of POTUS. How can any one disregard what he said to the Russians, over what he thought was a closed microphone; That he would have more flexibility after the election, implying as though the victory was already locked. Even worse, what might he have said that was not recorded.
We need to evict this scoundrel and the sooner the be better.
Once you are a muslim you have to stay a muslim other wise other muslims will kill you and all infidels...
What I do not understand is why the US does not declare war? The wars were started for much less than this atrocities. Does not have Obama something to do with it? Was not all that Muslim Spring purposely orchestrated by him? Remember and believe the Quran. All what is happening is the direct result of Obama's appeasement policy toward Muslims. By the way, according to prettiest sounds of Quran, one can not just leave Islam. That is punishable by death. It is not sin to lie (if it is to non believer, of course).
Muslim has the obligation to spread Islam. Second WW was nothing like the first one. Third WW will not be like the second one. And those stupid appeasement people in the government never realized, that the 3rd WW already started. It will be nuclear at the end. Obama's policy secured the manufacture of nuclear weapons to Iran. So unless civilized western word proclaim Islam as cult and start to fight the war as the war suppose to be carried, the western world is doom. It will sees to exist. If you want to have a peace, you have to have very strong military. All what is happening is the direct result of Obama's appeasement policy toward Muslims.
The white house wants our milliatary cut to nothing so the brotherhood can walk in. Other wise the brotherhood at this time can not stand up to our American Service pull the stops out and the terrorist will be wiped out...