Numbers USA


A new estimate from the Migration Policy Institute puts the number of illegal aliens who could receive amnesty from the Obama Administration's deferred action policy at 1.8 million. The number is up 500,000 from the institute's initial estimate, but takes the policy's procedures into account. The procedures were made public by the Department of Homeland Security late last week.

When the policy was first announced in June, administration officials said it would impact 800,000 illegal aliens.

The major policy change impacting the overall numbers deals with an applicant's level of education. When the policy was first announced, it required applicants to currently be in school or have a high school diploma or a GED. (Read DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano's memo.) But under the guidelines released on Friday, illegal aliens not currently enrolled in school can re-enroll before they submit their application and still be eligible.

The policy goes into effect on August 15 and will provide a type of prosecutorial discretion called deferred action to any illegal alien who is 30 or younger, is in school or has a high school diploma or GED, and attends college or is in the military. Applicants will also be able to apply for work permits. The policy is similar to provisions in the DREAM Act amnesty bill which has been voted down three times by Congress since 2007.

For more information, see

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  • Well, heck, this just makes sense, doesn't it!   All those, "illegal aliens not currently enrolled in school can re-enroll before they submit their application and still be eligible."  That way they can all continue their education, at taxpayers expense, go to law school and be admitted to the Bar even though they're here illegally.  Then they can defend the "rights" of illegal aliens.  How could that go wrong for America?

  • Immigration (both legal and illegal) is one of the major issues in this country. In 1969 and 70 I worked a landscaping job and during those two summers, even then the employee base was made up of illegals coming across the border. They'd work here for 6 to 8 months and then return  home and spend that money, living like kings in Mexico. From what I saw, they were all hard workers and they weren’t scamming the system, at least not to the extent they are today.

    Many of the owners of those landscaping businesses turned their backs on Americans, because cheaper labor meant more they could keep for themselves. The landscaping business owners back then, were the pioneers of the enticement of illegals to cross the border for wages that illegals couldn't make at home. You’d have groups of illegals living in squalor in small low rent housing, to return home and live in relative luxury.

    Obviously today, this one small problem has turned into a massive problem and has created a windfall for illegals to scam the system. And today government sticks their nose where it doesn’t belong and turns the other way when it comes to doing their job of protecting and serving America and its' People. But protecting and serving is NOT of any interest to the bum in our White House.

    We need another “Operation Wetback” and another president like Ike, that has the guts to do what’s best for America and its People.

    • IF we kick the BUM MUSLIM out of the WH, I'll be doing BLAST EMAILS on this site and 1 other. ALL on immigration REFORM!   FIRST one so you can get ready will be HR140 & S723 BIRTH RIGHT, this needs resolved NOW not later. It basically says one of the parents MUST BE an AMERICAN CITIZEN to become an American citizen by birth. If you think your House representative will still be in office after the election, Or Your Senators get them to co-sponsor NOW. We will be working on these issues!!  Both these bills are in the Subcommittee Immigration Policy & enforcement. I'm not going to try to move them out of committee until we get GOOD co-sponsors numbers. If Obama gets back in we should do a ENCAMPMENT DC until they do impeachment procedures. Stay their till they listen to us. 

  • Does anyone know anything about the Amnesty INJUNCTION FORM? If so fill me in.

  • 12.8 million Americas are unemployed, some for years, and Obama wants to amnesty 2 million illegals?  GET HIM OUT!

  • @William Even if he doesn't make them citizen, Holder is trying to stop Voter ID. The ones that are citizen will vote Obama and the ones that they can use their names will also. I read they have a bus just for these illegal immigrants, going to the DNC convention. It was on the Fox spanish site.

  • LTC, the only way that is going to happen, is when everyone of the asses in Washington gets "Fired" for not doing the job we the people hired them to do, NONE, but a few on one hand, should be left in Congress, the Judicals and all the Officers appointed to office.

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