Thanks to Iggymom for this:


MILITARY HEALTH CARE AND RETIREMENT BENEFITS are on the table in Obama's $4.4 trillion deficit reduction plan, which calls for a commission to examine the current retirement system, TRICARE annual fees for retirees and a restructuring of copayments. You can see the plan here:

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  • It figures he would want to cut our military who have put their lives on the line, while the deadbeats on welfare remain untouched.  Go figure.
    • yep same old shit screw the military! obama has to go before we lose our whole country! hey obama what happended to that billions dollars that whent to that f---ing solor co. ?     steve   c. usn ret.


  • BO is our mortal enemy. When is everyone going to wake up?
  • We all know if BHO would allow a snail darter to live while strangling the "Jolly Green Giant" , if he'd regulate our gardens, our vitamins and pharmeceuticals, allow businesses to sell hallal meat; none of which are beneficial for our health why would he do anything else that would be out of step with his plan to destroy the health of Our Constitutional Republic. We the veterans are the very most "Illegal Aliens" in his scheme of hope and change.  The mask is off long before another Halloween; he is a Proud Prince of Predators and Parasites.
    • This is oh so simple - BO is a plant for sorry excuse for a human Soros and his plan to undo our Constitution.


      When are enough going to wake up - he's admitted it publicly many times.


      And, he's supported by all the leftovers from WWII that are still pissed.

  •      Even after Russia crashed, they still took care of their military folks better than this rogue government is. 

         When I was in the military, we understood that our health care would be free for life.   They started backing off on that promise years ago.   Now, our service is appreciated less, and less, and less as shown by the gov's neglect to take care of those responsible for preserving the existence of this country.   All I can to that is,  let the government crash.   We don't need this kind of "government";  a government of predators, preying on their own.  I guess we too are "collateral damage".  

    • I have about 100 friends nationwide who are retired and are going to be mighty "put out" about this. There are a few who I want to connect by passing on one another's contact info.  I believe also that we have some oil and gas here we need to use to make our own money. There are a bunch of interconnected issues here that need to be recertified RED, WHITE and BLUE so we are not short changing the people who were responsible for defending this country since 1940, so spoiled little whelps like the one sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue could grow up unmolested.
      • Spoiled whelps they are, indeed.
  • As Greg says, not mincing any words; plain and simple, BHO is the Enemy.  How many people in a population are willing to admit that.  Before Hitler really got rolling; miraculously some 100, 000 Jews escaped.  I believe some 450,000 were sent to their deaths in the ovens.  We are the klaxon and the warning bell in this population; but it doesn't seem like advanced, instant and widespread communication overcomes our apparent inherant defects as a specie.  I'll keep praying and trying to remember that FAITH Without WORKS is DEAD.
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