Posted By Blackfive • [August 31, 2012]


About Gov. Romney's speech last night, William Kristol at the Weekly Standard asks:

What about the civic propriety of a presidential nominee failing even to mention, in his acceptance speech, a war we're fighting and our young men and women who are fighting it? Has it ever happened that we've been at war and a presidential nominee has ignored, in this kind of major and formal speech, the war and our warriors?


While the economy certainly is the number one issue, I agree that the war in Afghanistan needs attention and the Governor missed an opportunity last night.


However, Gov. Romney did address defense and veteran issues at the American Legion's National Convention earlier this week.  Here is the video of that speech.




Focus on jobs, tri-care, and the VA were good points.

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  • You know, it really bothers me that we say we are tired of empty promises made by politicians, but when we get one that doesn't promise the moon and the stars, just honestly says he will focus on us and our families, he is judged as not having promised enough.  I would rather have a good honest statement that the lies and tripe these guys usually put out.  I think Romney did great.

  • I thought Romney's speech was excellent.

  • It is sad to think, when we have just come off of a great victory, that we have worked, almost four years to achieve, there are some who will never be satisfied, no matter what.  Mitt Romney did not cover the whole planet, no, there wasn't enough time. It seems to me, that chronic complaining, is becoming a bad habit for some, could you have caught that disease from the Liberals?  It appears, that after all the empty promises, you heard from Obama,it might occur that no one Man can change the world.  Let's be grateful, for the fact, that someone wants to help us, and our families.   I think a simple sincere effort ,is worth much more, than gradiose loads of manure. "Ask not, what your Country can do for you, but what you can do for your Country"

  • This was a big omission, and to me very telling.  BUT.....he's still better than obozo.  Period.

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