A pro-Israel advocate says no one should be surprised by a recent report that radical mosques are now exempt from monitoring by the FBI.

According to an online editorial in Investor's Business Daily, mosques have been off-limits to the FBI for almost two years. Since October 2011, says that report, surveillance or undercover sting operations in mosques have been prohibited without high-level approval from a special oversight body at the Justice Department dubbed the "Sensitive Operations Review Committee."

The panel was reportedly set up because of complaints from Muslim groups about sting operations conducted by the FBI, which were very effective in disrupting dozens of Islamic terror plots against the homeland - and just months after the ACLU and the Council on American-Islamic Relations sued the FBI, asserting that infiltration and monitoring of Los Angeles mosques violated the civil rights of Muslims in that area.

The op-ed says no one knows the makeup of the Sensitive Operations Review Committee because the names of its members and staff are kept secret.

See: http://onenewsnow.com//politics-govt/2013/06/14/report-mosques-exempt-from-gov%E2%80%99t-surveillance#.Ub8nxnwSiGY

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