We the people who love Freedom and honor our Constitution must ban together to insure these Islamic sympathizers disguised as Democrats get booted out of our Government. PLEASE LET'S GET-R-DONE !!!!!!Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ 7th District) 4th term http://grijalva.house.gov/ 1440 Longworth HOBWashington, DC 20515ph (202) 225-2435fax (202) 225-1541 | |
Congressman Raul Grijalva has signed onto Minnesota Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison's (CAIR and Hamas' supporter and radical anti-Israel activist) "Free Gaza" movement, a Hamas propaganda project that allows it to demand that Israel open its borders, without actually using the P word, since Hamas doesn't even believe in phony peace negotiations.To date there is no indication that Congressman Grijalva has received funding or favors directly from CAIR, but with the 2010 elections just around the corner it would be advisable to keep a close eye on who Grijalva's contributors are.Ruth McClung (R), Rocket Scientist, Physicist & strong conservative is Grijalva's only opponent for the 2010 election.A vote for Ruth is a vote for* Limiting government
* Creating jobs
* Promoting businesses and a free market economy
* Balancing the federal budget
* Lowing taxes
* Strengthening education
* Protecting our national security
* Securing our Borders
* Defending our freedoms and military
* Protecting life and family
* Investing in science, energy and technology
* Improving (not transforming) our healthcare systemAs Freedom loving, Constitution loving Americans we must ban together to support Ruth McClung (R) and boot the Sharia loving, Islamic sympathizers out of our Government.
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