Tea Party movement lights fuse for right!
This New York Times story by Rajah Bose was just published this morning on the MSNBC Website recognizing the nation wide TEA Party Patriot movement as the most overpowering force to have ever emerged in America!
Read it for your selves http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35416483//
Do they finally hear us? Are they finally listening? Is media attention finally turning away from all the government propaganda?
The next few days will tell the tale!
We reject the advance of any political party to attempt to co-opt the tea party, 912ers, grass roots, et al.........we will decided as non-partisan, independent thinkers as to who our candidates will be to take back America in November. While Sarah Palin may say tea party will join the GOP....she is not speaking for rank and file "free" Americans...in fact I'm not sure where Palin stands these days...seems to have one foot in the wrong mush......while Dick Armey of Freedom Works may think he owns the tea party.......he doesn't......no one owns the free-thinking, constitutional focused, republic principled American patriots.........we won't fall into the trap in believing "professional politicians"......
We are no joining the ranks of the GOP.........nor the ranks of the Democrats.......we are raising an army of grass roots that clearly see the destruction both major political parties has loaded on our backs and "we'll decide who the leaders will be to rescue America from the corrupt, greedy, incestuous political apparatus" now in control.......America has become de-facto slaves to a government that has and is betraying America and our Constitution.....
The rats sense they are being herded into the trap.........let's spring that trap in November and rid America with the infestation of vermin........God bless America and Patriots that will join the fight for constitutional restoration.