The Second American Revolution
Many people still don't seem to realize the significance of the 2016 elections. America is quite literally facing an all out revolution. It's not just an election between a Democrat candidate or a Republican. It's not merely a choice between two equally unpopular candidates, neither of which could be your personal best choice to lead this country for the next four to eight years. It's not even about the two main political parties, Republican or Democrats.
It's all about American sovereignty and the continuation and existence of this Great American experiment called Liberty, freedom, independence, and a type of Government created and controlled by We-The-People. A Constitutional Free Republic, Government of the people, by the people, and For the people.
Most Americans sadly are still unaware of what the consequences of this election might be. So powerful and skillful are the forces of deceit and deception that most people still believe that America will survive and life will go on just as it has no matter who wins this election. Most people still believe their party candidate, (Republican or Democrat), is fighting for America and our freedoms. Americans who vote for Hillary Clinton and the Democrats are completely unaware that they are actually voting for the continuation of the process of transforming America into a Communist New World Order governed and controlled by both Communist China and the United Nations. So efficient and powerful are those forces of deceit that this “Fundamental Transformation” has been going on for over one-hundred years and we didn't even see it. This election race is not between Republicans and Democrats, both political parties are equally guilty of the deception.
If we attempt to peer into our future to see what America will look like under each of these two parties and candidates we may be surprised to see what the consequences of this election might be.
Most people might say there really isn't much difference between the two parties, and they would be right. Because as I said both political parties are equally guilty of the deceit, fraud, and corruption. And both are equally guilty of advocating and supporting, and driving the transformation into a new world order. But how will America survive under either of these two candidates? What will life be like depending on who we select?
Will America survive under a Trump administration? What about under an administration headed by Hillary Clinton?
Under a Trump administration Americans can expect the sovereignty of a Constitutional Republic to remain in tact. America will continue to be an independent Sovereign Nation, governed by a Republic form of Government under our Constitution. That's not to say that life will ever return to what our fathers and grand fathers knew for the last two hundred plus years. America has changed, the world has changed. But at least we will be free, there will be the rule of law and there will be liberty much as we have known it for the past two hundred years. Yes there will be struggles and difficulties just as there always have been. Freedom is not easy, it has to be learned and fought for every step of the way. Freedom is NOT free. But it is worth fighting for.
Under a Clinton administration and under the final Transformation into the New World Order, a Governance under a Communist United Nations rule, there will be NO such thing as freedom. There will be no such thing as liberty, NO pursuit of happiness, there will be NO Constitutional rights. NO private ownership of property. There will be NO United States Constitution. There will only be the rule of law under the United Nations high command. Headed, dictated, and administered by someone other than We-The-People of these United States of America. We will be ruled over by some unknown entity in some unknown foreign country.
Choose carefully people, your selection is far more than just a free cell phone, food stamps, and a low interest rate at the bank. Or even the freedom that we have all come to take for granted, for that too is what is really at stake in this election. Your freedom of Religion and everything else you think you know will be gone if you make the wrong decision.
RPM.; Old Rooster
Thanks, Old Rooster - posted on my FB page - still trying to convince my son-in-law and a friend to vote - this just may help!
As a member of OAS and PFA I have worked with you contacting Local, State and Federal represenatives voicing our concerns and working to free those unjustly imprisioned by a corrupt government and judicial system. It has been a pleasure and I consider it an honor to know each of you and to stand with you in defense of our Founding Documents and fighting what I truly believe is the "Good Fight". I've learned a lot from you. Lee. I want to thank you that through our many Theological discussions I have come to see I have not always been correct and I thank God He has brought us together. For Col. Riley and Old Rooster (RPM) eternal thanks for leading the Charge and commanding the Troops. For Judith and all the others many many thanks for all your research and countless hours of imput. With two days left I believe nothing of what I'm hearing and half of what I'm seeing and the half of what I see tells me Trump will become President. It's now in the hands of the people and Gods to touch people's hearts and minds. May God surround you with His unfailing Love and forgiveness and.........
LET FREEDOM RING!!!!...........
We've still got a little ways to go after Nov. 8th general elections. If Hillary wins there will be countless law suits and demands for recounts. That will take the rest of November and probably part of December. The Electoral College doesn't meet until late December and then they present their findings on January 6th.
If Trump wins the general election on Nov 8th I expect the hard core libs, Commies, and Democrats to start riots like Ferguson Mo. and Baltimore, Md.. It could get pretty bad in some places. There probably will be calls for a recount in several places and States.
I still believe I'm right about the Electoral College vote and that only ONE US Senator needs to stand up and present an objection. That would throw the election to Congress. Basically what that means is that just because Hillary Clinton may win the general (popular vote) election, it doesn't necessarily mean she will ever be confirmed as President.
If this thing goes to Congress all bets are off but I can tell you that there will be absolute hell to pay for any member that votes to place her in office.
The next few days and the next two months are really going to be something America has never seen before. You, (WE) are all watching history in the making. We are either watching the actual second revolution as it happens, or we are witnessing the end of America. If Hillary Clinton wins and is confirmed as President you might just as well start shooting because it really wont matter any more. I said two years ago the day we see Hillary Clinton inaugurated as President of the United States of America, is the day 'They" are telling us it doesn't matter anymore, America is done, finished, and gone forever.
Thanks Mr. Regan. It's been a pleasure, all mine. Hope your wife is well and felling better.
GOD Bless, and May GOD BLESS America.
BULL SHIT, Charge #1, She kept State Classified Correspondence on an UNSECURED email server AT HER HOME. If anyone else ever did that they would be in prison for the rest of their life.
Now is anyone else going to try to tell me this Government is not corrupt??????? ENOUGH DAMN IT ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
Posted to the PFA/OAS FB page.
Guess they didn't like 87,000 people watching online. Way to facebook....