I was post vietnam .In my day the Nam vets would make very clear who had been in country .Earning respect of the Vietnam vets was not easy ,there was no free pass . I served Honorably yet I wasn't in the Nam .I have had heard many say over the decades ,that " they were in Nam."most were easily debunked by age .the following is what we heard "If you weren't in country you aren't shit " I had to earn the love and respect of Nam era soldiers . My equipment was Nam era I even ate Nam era C rations .My weapons were Nam era m16 a-1 .My infantry schooling was said to be old army . My generation had to prove they were worthy of serving with the band of brothers who had been in country who had been in the show.. I never once lied about it .I honored those who had,far too much to dishonor them with lies.
that is integrity .the American people demand it from there leaders .If that lie got any person one vote ever it was wrongly solicited and must be assumed invalid.Ill gotten..
TomCicala officially approved page by FEMA Citizens Corp.: http://sites.google.com/site/tomcicala/

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