Fox News' Bret Baier


Brett lists several examples of who would be considered a natural born American.  In short, people like Marco Rubio or Bobby Jindal can breathe a sigh of relief.  They are good to go.


All the law requires is that the mother be an American citizen who has lived in the U.S. for five years or more, at least two of those years after the age of 14. If the mother fits those criteria, the child is a U.S. citizen at birth, regardless of the father's nationality.

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  • This makes my blood boil.

    From GOPUSA

  • These people must be stupid, and I can read and at least understand college level language. Come On....these people never learn and in the end, we are going to have to enforce the 2nd amendment in order to set this government right again. Pathetic.

    • And from GOPUSA no less -- there are some intelligent comments, but how bright do you need to be to do a little research and find out what The Founders intended and WHY ?


    • You said it Clois, if they are successful it will legitimize Boy'O!!

  • Not so.

  • They are trying to make Obama legal.

  • They are all complicit because of the vote about Obama and McCain being allowed to run in 08. Therefore they have to continue to undermine the constitution to cover their own.

  • I guess the gentleman is reading from the proposed script that the party has been ranting on, in its attempt to change the Constitution.  If they keep changing the words the song will change.  The part that you should be pissed about is the non-reponsive Congress and the SCOTUS from doing what is required.  There are 3 parts of that government umbrella,

    Legislative, Judicial and Executive.  All are supposed to be in parity with each other.  The Emporer needs to be reminded

    that he is a President, not a King.



  • They all gotta go. Period.
    And at this point, I really don't care how it happens.
    Think about that.
    • I never wanted to die an old man in bed. Better to go out in a blaze of glory for a noble cause. Think about that.

This reply was deleted.


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