NRA Leaned Liberal

Posted with permission by writer


I do not like the idea of going against the National Rifle Association but after receiving my "Rifleman" magazine day before yesterday I have had it with the NRA.

Onthe endorsement pages of the magazine the NRA-PVF Candidate Endorsements lean very heavily toward the Democratic Party...The left wing. In fact,the PVF endorsed all three Democratic incumbants over the three opposing Republican candidates including Steve Pearce, who is an Air Force Veteran and former Representative who represented his constituents extremely well. All three of the Republican candidates support our Constitution while the three Democratic incumbants support Obama, Harry Reid and Pelosi and their left wing agenda. All six candidates have a rating from the PVF of "A".
I believe thatthe NRA has struck a deal with the Obama Administration.  It is my opinion that the NRA has assumed the functions of sport shooting and hunting as their main interests. This is just my opinion and not fact.
It is based on the fact that Wayne LaPierre previously endorsed Harry
Reid and the current endorsements of left wing congressmen who support those in power that seek to destroy our rights of self defense and the Constitution.

In the attachments you canread the letter I sent to The Executive Vice President of the NRA. I regret that I have lost trust and faith in the NRA, but, I can no longer support that organization.
You can also viewthe NRA-PVF Endorsemebnts for New Mexico. Those of you who are NRA members and receive the NRA Magazines, check your endorsement pages. 
ChrisCox, who is the NRA-ILA Executive Director, stated that ILA sends out questionnaires asking candidates about the  Second Amendment. ILA also states that "We do not take non-Second Amendment issues into
account". My question or response to that is: Why fight to defend the
Second Amendment only and lose the whole Constitution of which the
Second Amendment is a part thereof?.

Iplane to join and support the "Gun Owners Of America" (GOA) and will not renew my membership in the NRA which not only have I been an employee but also an active member for 55 years.
James R. Cannon
Major USMC(Ret.)
TheNRA-ILA should know that the left wing extremes will lie, lie, lie and
do anything to get votes and maintain power over our nation.


Excellent letter to the NRA. The NRA has made a badmistake with their policy of bipartisanship for political endorsements. The current situation almost demands voting only for candidates with an "R" after their name. The Democrats have recently been voting as a block and therefore they will be unreliable as 2nd Amendment supporters if the chips are down. The policy of endorsement of any candidate that has supported 2nd Amendment issues in the past without regard to other issues of the just plain stupid.

You can be sure thatthe lame ducks who lose their elections on Nov 2 will try to pass the Obama agenda just for spite when they return to Washington.

I toowill be looking at GOA for future membership. The NRA has forgotten who pays their bills. And by the way, I would like to see a report of how
ALL membership money is spent by the NRA.

 Look at those outrageous salaries on our dime!

Now I'm sure that I'll be switching to the GOA.

To all: Check out the salaries of the NRA elite. In my opinion the NRA has sold out to the Obama administration.

I urge all addressees who own guns, want to own guns or just supports the Second Amendment of our Constitution to join and support the Gun Owners of America Headquartered in Springfield, Virginia. Their email address is in the "To" block above.

Semper Fidelis and God Bless.
Jim Cannon 

God Bless America and all those who have and are fighting for her.

You need to be a member of The Patriots For America to add comments!

Join The Patriots For America

Email me when people reply –


  • Good post. Please keep in mind that the NRA ONLY looks at 2A stances when it comes to endorsing a candidate (any long time member of the org would know this).That said, GOA is an excellent org and I would highly recomend JPFO as well. I belong to all three (the old 'don't put all your eggs in one basket' motto). I have several long standing issues with the NRA (I'm a life member) but their backing of the 'opposition' is low on my issues list. Would I prefer the situation to be different? You bet! but they are doing nothing now that they haven't done all along. If you are an elected official and vote pro 2A they endorse you.
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