Oath Keepers will stand on the mall with the Tea Party movement on 9-12A few days ago a supporter of Oath Keepers donated an airline ticket for Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes to attend the upcoming 9-12 March on Washington DC.Today, that same supporter also donated an airline ticket from Washington State to DC for Oath Keeper Marine veteran David Hedrick, the veteran who took Congressman Baird to task at a town hall meeting:Go here to read the Oath Keepers write up about the video.As a result, Stewart Rhodes has invited David Hedrick to come to the 9-12 DC march as part of the Oath Keepers contingent, and to be a speaker at our dinner that same night, and David has accepted the invitation. We consider David’s action in calling out Congressman Baird on the violation of his oath to be an example of what needs to be done. Oaths should mean something, and when a public servant has violated his oath of office, he should be called on it. And who better to chastise an oath breaker, than an Oath Keeper?Why You Should Join Us in DC on September 12FROM STEWART: This march on Washington DC, on September 12, 2009, is shaping up to be an historic event. This march is not just about taxes, socialized medicine, bankster bailouts, or proposed infringement of our right to bear arms. This is a march about liberty, and about our growing resistance to the Leviathan on the Potomac that has grown far beyond the limits of the Constitution, thanks to sell-out oath breaking politicians of both major parties. More Americans than ever before are waking up to this great danger to our Bill of Rights and to the very survival of our Constitutional Republic, and we have seen that awareness manifested in Tea Parties across the nation.Oath Keepers has been part of that Tea Party movement from the start, beginning with my speech to the Knoxville Tea Party on April 15, 2009, where 4,000 Americans – including current serving military, police, veterans, and patriotic citizens – stood together as one, raised their right hands, and swore an oath to defend the Constitution. It was a powerful experience. Below is the video of that oath ceremony:Well, now the Tea Party movement is marching on Washington DC in grand style and we Oath Keepers feel compelled to join them on September 12, to exercise our right to free speech, assembly, and association to put the oath breaking politicians on DC on notice that we are awake and vigilant, and this Republic will not go quietly into the night.We have contacted the organizers of the march and rally to offer our services in conducting an oath ceremony and we are waiting to hear back from them. But regardless of whether we conduct such a ceremony as part of the official march and rally, we will certainly conduct an oath ceremony at our dinner later that night.I urge you to join us there on the Mall in DC if it is at all possible for you to go. I know it is short notice, but now is the time to stand, and this march is the place to do it. We will have a sizeable Oath Keepers contingent there for the entire day, including several state directors and part of our national board of directors. Unlike the June Gathering of Eagles rally which was unfortunately canceled, this one is a for sure go, and we will be there. David Hedrick and I already have our airline tickets, as do many other Oath Keepers. Please join us there on the National Mall on 9-12!Oath Keepers Dinner after the Rally on Saturday, September 12After the rally we will be hosting an Oath Keepers dinner. Guest speakers will be Marine veteran David Hedrick, and current serving LCDR David R. Gillie, USN. We will likely also have several other exciting guest speakers at the dinner, so stay tuned for updates. The time and location of the dinner is still in the works, but you can count on an eventful evening of fellowship with fellow Oath Keepers and other like minded Americans after the rally.I invite you to join us on September 12, 2009, on the Mall in DC.Guardians of the Republic, honor your oaths!Join us!Stand.For the Republic,Stewart RhodesFounder of Oath Keepers
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