As we recently reported, on April 2, the United Nations General Assembly voted 153-4 to pass the Arms Trade Treaty, with the United States voting in favor and several countries abstaining. The vote in the General Assembly pushed the treaty process forward after negotiations twice failed to deliver on the goal of developing the treaty by consensus.

The Obama Administration is expected to sign the treaty soon after it is opened for signature on Monday, June 3--just days from now. 

The ATT threatens the rights and privacy of American gun owners.  Signatories will be encouraged to keep information on the "end users" of arms imported into their territory and supply such information to the exporting country.  Exporting nations, nearly all of which have civilian firearm control regimes far harsher than the U.S., will be encouraged to take the firearm control laws of an importing country into account before approving a transfer of arms.  And the treaty also encourages states to adopt domestic legislation to carry out the treaty's mandates.


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