Link to the Brief:

District Court Documents

Complaint pdf file (filed 7/17/12)
Motion for Preliminary Injunction pdf file (filed 7/17/12)
Declaration of Donald J. McTigue pdf file (filed 7/17/12)
Military Groups' Motion to Intervene pdf file (filed 8/1/12)
Defendants' Memorandum Contra Plaintiffs' Motion for Preliminary Injunction pdf file (filed 8/1/12)




Posted By McQ • [August 03, 2012]



Breitbart’s Mike Flynn reports:

President Barack Obama, along with many Democrats, likes to say that, while they may disagree with the GOP on many issues related to national security, they absolutely share their admiration and dedication to members of our armed forces. Obama, in particular, enjoys being seen visiting troops and having photos taken with members of our military. So, why is his campaign and the Democrat party suing to restrict their ability to vote in the upcoming election?

On July 17th, the Obama for America Campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and the Ohio Democratic Party filed suit in OH to strike down part of that state's law governing voting by members of the military. Their suit said that part of the law is "arbitrary" with "no discernible rational basis."

Currently, Ohio allows the public to vote early in-person up until the Friday before the election. Members of the military are given three extra days to do so. While the Democrats may see this as "arbitrary" and having "no discernible rational basis," I think it is entirely reasonable given the demands on servicemen and women's time and their obligations to their sworn duty.

Flynn cites the National Defense Committeewhich reports:

[f]or each of the last three years, the Department of Defense’s Federal Voting Assistance Program has reported to the President and the Congress that the number one reason for military voter disenfranchisement is inadequate time to successfully vote.

So here is a law actually trying to provide a little extra time to address the problem cited.  Why the resistance from the Obama campaign and Democrats?

If the polls are to be believed concerning how the military is likely to vote, it wouldn’t favor Obama or the Democrats.  And, of course, Ohio is a swing state.  So they want no extra time allowed for the military to vote.

Mystery solved.

But hey, the military is still useful as props during photo ops and when they help burnish the C-i-C’s rep by killing bad guys like Osama.  Voting?  Yeah, not so much.

UPDATE: From the Marine Corps Times:

Fifteen military groups are opposing a federal lawsuit in Ohio brought by President Obama’s campaign because they say it could threaten voter protections afforded to service members, such as the extended time they have to cast a ballot.

Some of them are:

AMVETS, the National Guard Association of the United States, the Association of the U.S. Army and other organizations asked a judge late Wednesday to dismiss the lawsuit.

What the Obama campaign is trying to undo:

With the changes, most Ohioans now have until the Friday evening before the Tuesday election to cast a ballot in person. But military voters can continue to vote in person until Monday.

Say the military orgs:

The military groups say federal and state law recognizes that service members need extra time to cast their ballots. They say they fear the precedent that could be set if a court finds that military voters shouldn’t be treated differently than other voters.

“Efforts to facilitate and maximize military voting should be welcomed, not viewed with constitutional suspicion,” the groups said in a court filing that seeks to intervene in the case.




Twitter: @McQandO


Military Groups Oppose Obama Campaign Lawsuit


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  • All democRATS are bottom feeders.

  • I got started using absentee ballots when I was in the Air Force. I continue with  that to this day

    because I want to be able to study all the proposals etc more fully. I have often wondered about

    what really happens to the ballot once it got back to the County Clerks office. I live now in New Mexico,

    where the State offices have been in Democrat hands since Cochise and Geronimo, making it even more suspect.

    I have no way of knowing whether any of my votes have been counted. (Although now it won't matter since

    my State is bound to the Scumbag by welfare!, and my vote never counts here, absentee or otherwise.)


    Jim Bertram

    USAF Ret.




    • James, My  neighbor  across  the  st.  Retired   USAF , 28 yrs, George  McCall;; now  92, just  said  the  same  thing~~Is  my  vote  counted..?? Well  he   said,  he  will  check  the  County Clerk's  office  for  the  answer  and how  many  ballots  did  come  In..!!  Flying on,  &  Keepin' On..!!

    • James, I often vote absentee just because I have mobility issues. Each year around election time, I read articles that in OH absentee ballots are only opened if the election is close enough to make a difference, I asked my Board of Elections rep last year and she said, "Absolutely, OH law requires the opening of ALL absentee ballots received by the date on the letter sent out with them, and they must be counted!" I only hope she was the person in charge because I discovered that they had someone from Columbus, come to "Help" with the larger than expected turnout because of the issues on the ballot!

  • Mom's and Wives of Military tend to get enraged at underhanded destructive things that are done to their family in Uniform by Our OWN GOVERNMENT.  Join me and get this out:  Go here, get each E-Mail tell them  Also Invite them here by simultaneously pulling up your invite box and copy -paste - NOTE- ERASE the part of the e-mail address that has these brackets - <......>  for example  < >  and just leave  .  For GOD Sake, GET THE FOLKS on YOUR E-MAIL LIST to DO The SAME ! ! ! !


  • Mom's and Wives of Military tend to get enraged at underhanded destructive things that are done to their family in Uniform by Our OWN GOVERNMENT.  Join me and get this out:  Go here, get each E-Mail tell them  Also Invite them here by simultaneously pulling up your invite box and copy -paste - NOTE- ERASE the part of the e-mail address that has these brackets - <......>  for example  < >  and just leave  .  For GOD Sake, GET THE FOLKS on YOUR E-MAIL LIST to DO The SAME ! ! ! !

  • Well Now this situation makes this group VERY IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW   Let's Get Our Congreessmen apprized that we'll NOT stand for THIS ....EITHER. Tell them  . Mine to Senator Cornyn, ( Hutchison is a lost case),  - Hon. Senator Cornyn:: Please step up and demand that our Usurper President immediately cease all efforts to deter our military members from voting.  This Goes Beyond INTOLERABLE -  Although this is OHIO, certainly more malevolent destruction will emanate from the office of this treasonus occupier of POTUS  

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