This was sent to me by Carmen Reynolds________________________________I guess the game of chess is being played. The ante has just been upped.Everyone make sure home preparations are being completed for in-home quarantine, means of barter, food/water sources etc.----Carmen in FloridaStephanie who has a financial background has highlighted some observations in red.
From: FedUpUSA [] Sent: Saturday, October 24, 2009 5:56 PM To: FedUpUSA Subject: Obama Declares NATIONAL Emergency Due To H1N1AOff the Newswire (please read to the bottom where I’ve outlined what this REALLY means):Obama declares swine flu a national emergencyBy PHILIP ELLIOTT, Associated Press Writer – 53 mins ago – President Barack Obama declared the swine flu outbreak a national emergency and empowered his health secretary to suspend federal guidelines at hospitals and speed up how infected people might receive treatment in a disaster.The declaration that Obama signed late Friday means Health and Human Services chief Kathleen Sebelius to bypass federal rules when opening alternative care sites, such as offsite hospital centers at schools or community centers, if needed.Hospitals could modify patient rules — for example, requiring them to give less information during a hectic time — to quicken access to treatment, with government approval. The declaration, which the White House announced Saturday, allows HHS in some cases to let hospitals relocate emergency rooms offsite to reduce flu-related burdens and to protect noninfected patients.Administration officials said the declaration was a pre-emptive move designed to make decisions easier when they need to be made. Officials said this was not in response to any single development on an outbreak that has lasted months and has killed more than 1,000 people in the United States.It was the second of two steps needed to give Sebelius extraordinary powers during a crisis. On April 26, the administration declared swine flu a public health emergency, allowing the shipment of roughly 12 million doses of flu-fighting medications from a federal stockpile to states in case they eventually needed them. At the time, there were 20 confirmed cases in the U.S. of people recovering easily. There was no vaccine against swine flu, but the CDC had taken the initial step necessary for producing one."As a nation, we have prepared at all levels of government, and as individuals and communities, taking unprecedented steps to counter the emerging pandemic," Obama wrote in the declaration.He said the pandemic keeps evolving, the rates of illness are rising rapidly in many areas and there's a potential "to overburden health care resources."Because of vaccine production delays, the government has backed off initial, optimistic estimates that as many as 120 million doses would be available by mid-October. As of Wednesday, only 11 million doses had been shipped to health departments, doctor's offices and other providers, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials said.The government now hopes to have about 50 million doses of swine flu vaccine out by mid-November and 150 million in December.The flu virus has to be grown in chicken eggs, and the yield hasn't been as high as was initially hoped, officials explained.Swine flu is more widespread now than it's ever been. Health authorities say almost 100 children have died from the flu, known as H1N1, and 46 states now have widespread flu activity.Worldwide, more than 5,000 people have reportedly died from swine flu since it emerged this year and developed into a global epidemic, the World Health Organization said Friday. Since most countries have stopped counting individual swine flu cases, the figure is considered an underestimate.What does this mean for YOU? It means the Federal Government has just declared its right to revoke the Bill of Rights:A National Emergency, under the Stafford Act:Quote"With respect to the current outbreak, the Public Health Emergency Fund is available (but iscurrently unfunded)17 and Emergency Use Authorizations have been granted by FDA.18 However,the Secretary’s waiver and modification authority has not been activated because there is noconcurrent presidential declaration under either the Stafford Act or the National Emergencies Act.(comment: report published in May 2009)"So declaring this emergency doesn’t really make more funds available. They don’t EXIST! So, that’s not the reason……Quote"A presidential declaration under the Stafford Act triggers federal emergency authorities that areindependent of the Secretary’s public health emergency authorities. Declarations under theStafford Act fall into two categories: emergency declarations and major disaster declarations. Asof this point in time, there have been no Stafford Act declarations pertaining to the currentinfluenza A(H1N1) virus outbreak. A presidential emergency declaration under the Stafford Actauthorizes the President to direct federal agencies to support state and local emergency assistanceactivities; coordinate disaster relief provided by federal and non-federal organizations; providetechnical and advisory assistance to state and local governments; provide emergency assistancethrough federal agencies; remove debris through grants to state and local governments; provideassistance to individuals and households for temporary housing and uninsured personal needs;and assist state and local governments in the distribution of medicine, food, and consumables.19The total amount of assistance available is limited in an emergency declaration to $5 million,“unless the President determines that there is a continuing need; Congress must be notified if the$5 million ceiling is breached."Source: Document prepared for Congress in May, 2009:, we’re getting down to the real reasons…..Further of interest from this document:Quote:"A major disaster declaration authorizes the President to offer all the assistance authorized underan emergency declaration, and further authorizes funds for the repair and restoration of federalfacilities, unemployment assistance, emergency grants to assist low-income migrant and seasonal farm workers, food coupons and distribution, relocation assistance, crisis counseling assistance and training, community disaster loans, emergency communications, and emergency public transportation.23 Additionally, the total amount of assistance provided in a major disasterdeclaration is not subject to a ceiling in the same way as under an emergency declaration."And here is the money quoteQuote:"The Public Health Service Act and the Stafford Act contain authorities thatallow the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the President, respectively, to take certainactions during emergencies or disasters. While the primary authority for quarantine and isolationin the United States resides at the state level, the federal government has jurisdiction overinterstate and border quarantine. Border entry and border closing issues may arise in the contextof measures designed to keep individuals who have, or may have, influenza A(H1N1) fromcrossing U.S. borders. Aliens with the H1N1 virus can be denied entry, but American citizenscannot be excluded from the United States solely because of a communicable disease, althoughthey may be quarantined or isolated at the border for health reasons. Airlines have considerablediscretion to implement travel restrictions relating to the safety and/or security of flights and otherpassengers and crew. In addition, the federal government has broad legal authority to regulate andcontrol the navigable airspace of the United States in dealing with incidents involvingcommunicable diseases. States have authority to initiate other emergency measures such asmandatory vaccination orders and certain nonpharmaceutical interventions such as schoolclosures, which may lessen the spread of an infectious disease. The International HealthRegulations adopted by the World Health Organization in 2005 provide a framework forinternational cooperation against infectious disease threats.The use of these emergency measures to contain the influenza A(H1N1) virus outbreak may raisea classic civil rights issue: to what extent can an individual’s liberty be curtailed to advance thecommon good? The U.S. Constitution and federal civil rights laws provide for individual dueprocess and equal protection rights as well as a right to privacy, but these rights are balancedagainst the needs of the community."And there you have it, in black and white. I make no determination as to whether H1N1A is truly the public threat they are presenting, although there have been deaths of children at a concerning rate, even here in Michigan – the fact is, the Stafford Act allows the Federal Government to strip away all your rights. While this National Emergency is in effect, this gives the Federal Government carte blanche to use this declaration for whatever it pleases. Rights have been now officially suspended.Stephanie S. Jasky, Founder, DirectorFollow Us on TwitterSick of the Lies? Do Something NOW! (click logo below):

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  • Based on Obama's action doesn't that mean preventative action beyond vaccination is required??

    What can or should we look for?

    All public demonstrations cancelled.

    All National Football games cancelled

    The baseball world series is cancelled.

    All college football games cancelled

    What the hell is wrong with Obama and the federal government.....declare an national emergency over the fear that a disease will spread and do nothing but issue some superficial guidance on health officials........

    How about the millions of Americans that attend sports events......all gathered together like, he doesn't have the gutts to take action that will alienate the "money factor"........if it's as bad as Obambi indicates with his declaration of national emergency then all the actions above should be taken.....and right now, not after more people are infected.....

    I think the procrastinator should call a national emergency and issue guidance to win the war in this is a true national emergency.
  • Patriots, this is another surraid! Yes the flue season is coming on, yes many folks will get theflue, just like years past, many will be getting the annual flue vaccine and typically about 50% of the appearent healthy will get the flue within 72 hours of the annual vaccine and get over it. This is fact. Stay focused here Patriots. We have all been bringing up the heat on the Usurper and his minions and this is nothing more than another supreme power grab. As you know the effort to nationalize the healthcare system has fallen against many awakened and angry citizens. This action executing executive powers to relieve the Citizens of this once mighty Nation of our constitutional rights and freedoms, is the final straw. All that would stand and fight will now be forced to decide and act. Avoid the vaccines, join the HSI organization (NaturalNews Insider Alert ( to be better informed on how to take care of yourself and loved ones when and if you get the flue. Be very warry of the national push to vaccinate (poision) many of the unsuspecting masses. Have you noticed how little news in your communities state rampant flue currently? Step up Americans! We are in the battle for our lives and our childrens childrens lives as a free nation. God Help the innocent and empower His faithful to act the part that He and only He would approve of. I too will await His command. God Bless you all and please stay informed.
  • Check this out....

    Be aware and concerned.... God Bless you all the mark of the beast is upon us.. with RFID technology.. microscopic radio frequency identification tags. They will know who you are, where you live, who you work for and your family medical history. Pray often and pray to get an answer...
  • Time for massive civil disobedience by Americans. Gandhi won that way and forced the British Empire out of India. So,too, will we win this way and force the Obamanazis out of our government and into the penitentiaries.

    If the Rotten One tells us to do something we may just have to do the opposite...or nothing at all. And keep on doing it (or not doing it).
  • Let me see now,Global warming Hoax,Global about HAARP?,swine flue pandamnic,of course there are children dieing from it,wonder how many old folks died also from takeing the swine flu shot?,there is enough mercury in it to kill chidren and elderly People,It is nothing but a HOAX,a Distraction from what is really takeing place.What about this Governor council where the federal government takes control over the States, so much for States soverintys,I know alot don't agree with seceeding from the union,but if all States did we would gain control,process too slow,he 's going to declare martial law any way,.....back to this h1n1(B.S.),how many smokers out there are there?,well guess what ?,they are putting a supposedly fire retardant in the paper and in the tobacco,fire retardant?,guess what the symtems of a smoker are today?,you guessed it the same as h1n1,hacking and gageing, high fever,respitory system all messed up,just another population control,kill the smokers off,make the People think there is a flu pandamnic(no that ain't no misspelling),I don't believe in anything our govrnment has to offer any more, they are nothing but communist,....let me refraise that,WE THE PEOPLE AT THE MOMENT HAVE NO GOVERNMENT,NO President,NO PROTECTION,except that which comes natural,self defence!!!!
  • Bring Afganistand to it's knees in TOTAL SURRENDER,BRING OUR TROOPS HOME,THE REAL FIGHT IS HERE AT HOME,THE COMMIES BROKE IN OUR BACK DOOR AND ARE TAKNG OVER OUR COUNTRY,for all States to seceed from the union would bring them home,then we could clean house,retake our Nation,then let God sort them out in Afganistan if we went back, because then we'd have a REAL PRESIDENT who would see to it our TROOPS had EVERY THING THEY NEED TO DO SO!!!!!!
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