Did anyone see this article?   WND tells what Obama's plans are, and I have to say, is there anything we can do, contact the right people who can try him for treason and put him away for good?   He should be in prison!

He is a very bad dream that just keeps going on.  I cannot believe this crap!


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  • Don't worry Patricia, He is leaving office on January 20th, 2017, One way or another.

    • I know he is leaving, but he continues to keep himself involved, and that is a huge problem. I think people don't want to see or hear

  • https://stream.org/the-mysterious-disappearance-of-former-clinton-f...
    The Mysterious Disappearance of Former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman | The Stream
    As the FBI continues its Clinton Foundation investigation, Braverman's vanishing act has the internet wondering and the MSM curiously disinterested.
    • With the record of people who have 'crossed' the Clinton's showing up dead I have no wonder this guy has gone into hiding, or has mysteriously had a heart attack at age 29.

      Probably a lead-based heart attack.

    • Sorry.. Looks like this link posted twice
  • Well it looks like somebody is messing around with this PFA network.
    Over the past few days I've been experiencing difficulties logging into the system.
    Yesterday when I finally did manage to log on i found the left column of "the latest" new posts and updates has been changed.
    I don't know if Col. Riley changed anything but it was not me. Although now I've been busy trying to figure out what was changed and how to repair it. So far the only thing I've found that might have been changed is the home page far left column that shows the latest items and comments by members in different threads.
    Please let me know if anyone else has also seen these changes or if you have been experiencing difficulty getting onto the system.

    Old Rooster;

  • https://stream.org/the-mysterious-disappearance-of-former-clinton-f...
    The Mysterious Disappearance of Former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman | The Stream
    As the FBI continues its Clinton Foundation investigation, Braverman's vanishing act has the internet wondering and the MSM curiously disinterested.
  • Old Rooster. Same here.. Couldn't get on either. Late HAPPY NEE YEAR!!
    • Happy New Year Mike, and to everyone else also.

  • https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_...

    "California approves teenage prostitution".
    SB  1322- CHAPTERED
This reply was deleted.


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