We all know about Obama's declaration of “We are now only five days away from Fundamentally Transforming America”. The whole world heard him. Few people understood what he meant, and even fewer people have figured out what the ultimate agenda really is. Most Americans think he was talking about changing America from a Constitutional Republic into a Communist dictatorship. That is part of the plan, yes, but it's only one part of the plan, not all of the plan.

We've also heard Obama talking about climate change and Global warming. And we all know that Obama is not in this alone, there is a whole network system of supporters and backers who helped place him in office. Remember when he said “McCain has no idea what he's up against”?

Something else we have all heard about at this point is the United Nations Agenda 21. That's the UN's plan for Global population control and sustainable growth for the 21st century. Obama signed an executive order creating the White House Counsel on Sustainable Rural Development back in 2009. Executive Order # 13575 even though the UN treaty was never signed and ratified.

Here's an article video taped and written by a UN official on the subject of Global climate change and population control.

(Officials within the UN are pushing the notion that the human population should be reduced in order to effectively combat climate change.

Christiana Figueres, the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC). Figueres is no stranger to controversial statements when it comes to climate change. The UN official previously described the goal of the UNFCC as “a complete transformation of the economic structure of the world.”

She has also repeatedly said that a Chinese style communist dictatorship is better suited than the U.S. constitutional system to fight “global warming.”)

VIDEO: UN CLIMATE CHANGE OFFICIAL SAYS “WE SHOULD MAKE EVERY EFFORT” TO DEPOPULATE THE PLANET | Criticalunity.org http://criticalunity.org/news/nwo/population/1735-video-un-climate-change-official-says-we-should-make-every-effort-to-depopulate-the-planet#ixzz3X8Xfdquq

Some of you may be familiar with a place called the Georgia Guide Stones. No one seems to know who built them or why but there are warnings written in several languages on these stones. They seem to be warnings to future generations concerning world population. The message in English reads:



Next item; The Middle East:

Libya, Muammar Gaddafi. “ Hillary proclaimed “We came – we saw” and he died”.
Egypt, President Hosni Mubarak, Removed from office and killed by the Egyptian people.
Obama attempted to install The Muslim Brotherhood Mohamed Morsi but he was rejected by the Egyptians.

Iraq; Obama pulled all US troops out of Iraq after the war had settled down essentially leaving Iraq wide open and defenseless against an ISIS take over. Iran is now helping reportedly helping to fight ISIS but only to gain control over Iraq themselves.
He would have done the same thing in Afghanistan but the US Military Commanders got wise to it after Iraq and demanded that we renegotiate our troop withdrawal. So far it looks like we may keep a US presence in Afghanistan for a few years at least.

Israel: Obama has pretty must destroyed all US relations with Israel and is instead backing the Palestinians and HAMAS in demanding that Israel relinquish half it's territory to create a Palestinian State. The latest thing with the Iranian nuclear arms deal pretty much guarantees Iran will eventually develop a bomb. A move that no other Arab nation in the Middle East can support.

We already know about all this stuff, it's been continuing on and on for six years now. So what's new about what all this mess really means? What's my point in writing this?

We know all this stuff and we have been screaming Treason for at least five years. The difference is taking a look at all these things combined. Putting all the pieces of the puzzle together.

These people are transforming America into a Marxist Communist dictatorship, yes, but they are also plotting World War III. You figure it out, what's the fastest way to depopulate the planet?

Obama and these Communists and Islamists are not only planning the destruction of America, they are planning for the World wide Genocide. The only ones left alive will be running the new Islamic Caliphate or living in China. (You may want to ask Putin about that).

When we put all the pieces of the puzzle together and add up all the numbers of all the countries that will be involved, the numbers are staggering. England, France, Spain, all of Europe will fall to the Islamic Caliphate, Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, and any others that don't agree with this New World Order. They will either join the Caliphate or die.

Mao Zedong killed an estimated 80 million people in China.

Joseph Stalin Killed an estimated 70 million in Russia.

Adolph Hitler killed an estimated 30 million people during WW-II.

Some estimates claim the Muslims are responsible for killing as many as 270 million people in the past 100 years alone. Bill Ayers estimated they may have to kill 25 million people in order to transform America.

All of those numbers will pale in comparison to the numbers Obama and these Communists/ UN, / and Islamic fanatics are planning on eliminating on a world wide Global Genocide.

According to those Georgia Guide Stones the numbers should be around 5 to 6 Billion (With a capital 'B')

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  • Bill Gates and a whole host of others are on-board with this as well, including Ted Turner. I have no doubt that old devil, Soros, is deeply involved as well.

  • If all this is true the powers that be would have to reduce the worlds population by 1.1 Billion people. No small task. Personally these bastards are too greedy and too self centered to give a dam about the planet after their dead and gone. Looks like to reach their goal they will need a nuclear war. The worldwide fall out from that would be catistrophic. On second though maybe a pandemic which would also be catistrophic.
    • Perhaps that is why the Muslim-in-Chief is pushing this Iran deal so hard? Iran is just insane enough to do it! Any of you who haven't done it yet, I strongly suggest you get yourself right with God, and fast!!!

      • Judith... I think you might of just hit the nail on the head. It makes sense. I just don't see how you can contain the nuclear fallout. To save the eliete it would have to be contained to specific areas and they would have to control all retaliation. Plus when the fallout hits the upper atmosphere it could spread around the world. I don't know if it is possible for the powers that be can control a nuclear war
        • I don't think they're concerned about Nuke Fall out. What's the name of that place in Colorado? Yuka Mountain? There are bunkers built that can contain the entire US Congress for more than a year.
          Iran or Israel may be the first to launch a missile, then Russia will help Iran. China will stay out of it for as long as they can. Israel has over 2,500 nukes, Pakistan has several hundred but they will not support Iran. Egypt and Saudi Arabia will very quickly "Find" some bombs and they will use them against Iran, (not Israel). Then there is no telling what the UN will do. They are already calling for Israel's elimination. That thing they refer too as "Protect the innocent" BS. They will call on all UN nations to bomb Israel.

          All total we may be talking about 3,000 nuclear missiles launched in about a three months time span, or possibly much less.

          And what will the US do? Obama will NOT support and defend Israel. Once that war starts you can bet it's only a matter of time before we are hit, and hit hard.

          When will all this happen? Obama has now less than two years left in office if nothing happens to allow him to declare the 2016 elections cancelled. I don't think they will wait that long.

          Obama and these insiders know the American people and the rest of the world are catching on to their tricks. They are very aware that there is a possibility of impeachment and arrest at any time.

          • I agree that they aren't too concerned about fallout - I've been reading articles for quite some time about many millionaires disappearing.  Have also read quite a bit about supposedly huge tunnels and shelters located underground around the US.  Whether they are accurate or not is up in the air, IMO.  Even the Pope is saying WW III has already begun, piece-meal.

            I think you are wrong about Pakistan - I just read the following - Saudi Arabia is being abandoned by many of its' usual allies.  Turkey is also a very big player in all this.  BTW, the Palestinians in the refugee camp in Damascas are now being tortured and beheaded, with ISIS using their heads as soccer balls.  Walid is usually dead-on when it comes to what is happening in the Middle East.


            The Arabs Are Furious And Are Accusing Pakistan Of Allying With Iran Against Mecca
            By Walid And Theodore Shoebat The Arabs are furious at Pakistan for abandoning Mecca accusing Pakistan and Turkey for turning their backs on the holi…
          • Well for their sakes I hope Yucca Mountuan has room for all of congress all of the senate all of the military and federal leaders in all of the agencies along with all of their family members as well as all the clonies their in bed with. Personally I don't think its big enough!!! And if all hell breaks loose they are going to have to stay underground a hell of a lot longer than that!! Oh if you want a mitary at your disposal when you resurface they'll have to go underground too!!! Good luck with that
            • I just have a feeling there are far more Yucca Mountains out there than any of us realize!

              • Actually there are 7 that are known. One in Virginia, only 23 miles from DC. It's under a huge hotel and could also contain the entire US Congress (535) for more than a year.

                Your comment and link about Pakistan may be right, but if they choose to support Iran that only escalates the problem. I don't know how many nukes they have, several hundred I believe. That's also why India also has several hundred.

                Don't forget Turkey. They are no friends of Russia.

                From Canadian Free Press:
                "“The US is frightened of Iran, because it is a superpower now. This is not Iraq or Afghanistan.  If the US blinks, Iran would destroy it.”—Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah"


  • Somehow I just don't think they are concerned about that,,,,,, not sure why. Perhaps they know something we don't know. Or maybe they're just too stupid to believe they will also be effected.

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