Obama’s Rigged Intelligence Community


Obama’s Rigged Intelligence Community


11:04 AM 12/14/2016


Not since the pope declared the Earth flat and Dan Rather inaugurated “fake but accurate” news has so much baloney been disseminated by so many media outlets based on so little evidence.

Fake intelligence generating fake news to provide a basis for a fake Congressional investigation.

According to a December 9th Washington Post article:

“The CIA has concluded in a secret assessment that Russia intervened in the 2016 election to help Donald Trump win the presidency.”

Unfortunately for the CIA super sleuths, that may not be true.

A day later, The Washington Post said that the FBI did not concur, calling the CIA evidence “fuzzy” and “ambiguous.”

Based on an interview with Craig Murray, the former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, who is a close associate of WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange, the UK Guardian wrote:

“’I know who leaked them,’ Murray said. ‘I’ve met the person who leaked them, and they are certainly not Russian and it’s an insider. It’s a leak, not a hack; the two are different things.’”

We already know that Barack Obama has politicized the intelligence community – for years.

According to a September10, 2015 Daily Beast report:

“More than 50 intelligence analysts working out of the U.S. military’s Central Command have formally complained that their reports on ISIS and al Qaeda’s branch in Syria were being inappropriately altered by senior officials.”

“The complaints spurred the Pentagon’s inspector general to open an investigation into the alleged manipulation of intelligence. The fact that so many people complained suggests there are deep-rooted, systemic problems in how the U.S. military command charged with the war against the self-proclaimed Islamic State assesses intelligence.”

One defense official called it: “The cancer was within the senior level of the intelligence command”

If you have been wondering about the source of the Russian hacking kerfuffle, wonder no more.

CIA Director John “Watch Me Pull a Rabbit Out of My Hat” Brennan will soon publish his “intelligence” in the Journal of Irreproducible Results.

Does anyone seriously believe that Brennan, your proverbial political butt-snorkeler, would not stoop to create fake intelligence in pursuit of some perfidious aim?

In 2008, CNN reported that Brennan, a then Obama “foreign policy and intelligence” advisor, as well as a $2300 contributor, was “CEO of a company whose employee is accused of improperly looking at the passport files of presidential candidates.”

The Washington Times, which broke the story, stated the State Department’s inspector general (IG) was investigating the matter to determine “whether the three contract employees who accessed the records had a political motive or were part of a political operation to obtain personal data on Mr. Obama, Sen. John McCain or Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton” and “officials do not know whether information was improperly copied, altered or removed from the database during the intrusions.”

In July 2008, the State Department IG issued a 106-page heavily-redacted report on the incident in which over half the pages still remain completely blank.

Many believe the breach “was an effort to sanitize Obama’s passport records” of embarrassing or potentially campaign-killing evidence prior to the 2008 Presidential election.

Fast-forward to October 2016, less than a month before the Presidential election, there appeared an endless numbers of articles blaming the release of emails from the Democrat National Committee on Russian hacking. It was an accusation backed by Obama intelligence officials. Many of those articles implied a Trump-Russian connection, some even suggesting sanctions or perhaps stronger measures be taken against the Russian state.

“Yes, why not risk thermonuclear war with Russia in order to score a few political points against Donald Trump?” said the galacticly stupid.

What we are witnessing today is fake news based on faked intelligence instigated by the failed Democrat Party, promoted by a corrupt media and exploited by a scorned and impotent Republican establishment.

It is all being done to discredit President-elect’s Trump’s victory, to disable his administration and to deny the American people a voice in their own government.

First we had disinformation connecting Trump to Vladimir Putin and Russian hacking; then the bogus recounts in the critical states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania; and now the baseless, politically-driven intelligence reports as a reason to turn electoral college votes away from Trump in the million-to-one chance that they might be able to annul the election and install Hillary Clinton in the White House.

It is a coup attempt in slow motion.

Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is a retired US Army Reserve colonel, a command and control subject matter expert, trained in Arabic and Kurdish, and a veteran of Afghanistan, northern Iraq and a humanitarian mission to West Africa. He receives email at lawrence.sellin@gmail.com.

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  • It is a coup attempt in slow motion....exactly. Obama's 8 years has been a coup. Now that Hillary lost they are spearheading a coup against the people's choice. These people need to be tried for treason. They are breaking their oaths of office. Remember the Oath of office. Apparently they don't. Everyone one of them can be arrested for lying while swearing to God with their hand on the Bible. These people are criminals and should be treated as such. The media included.

    • Col Sellin nails it Gerald.............I'm not sure it's slow motion................just today.........

      The United States of America is within a thread of a constitutional crisis.

      When Executive Branch Intel Agencies such as FBI, CIA, DNI, and NSA declare they will not honor a request to brief a Congressional Committee that has Constitutional oversight of Intelligence, a very dangerous crisis exists.

      Where is the Commander-in-Chief? It appears agencies under his control are out of control.

      Is this a reflection of mutiny on the high-seas?

      OAS alert net call may be in order...

      • Harry, The FBI has become untrustworthy when Comey failed to indict Hillary even after he laid out an excellent case to the American people. The CIA's bogus report about Russia interfering with the elections is more BS. These Agencies are being controlled by Communist infiltrators in the Agencies themselves. They've lost all credibility and my opinion they are in on the coup. The people voted for Trump to change the corruption in DC. Thank goodness he appointed Military men for 3 of his key post's. I like all those appointments.

        I knew the media and Government were lier's but the in our face lying shows that now they don't care about hiding it.

        Where is the Commander in Chief? We haven't had one in the last 8 years. A better title for obama would be Criminal-in-Chief. 

        The level of hostility towards President Trump shows that we have a long fight on our hands and we better finish it while Trump is in Office. This piece of crap Muslim the Dems appointed as DNC chair is an outright Muslim Brotherhood member, and Chuck Schumer endorses him. We know what kind of man Schumer is so it's not surprising.

  • Breitbart News;

    The Nuclear Option: All the Fake News That’s Fit to Print:

    Long after the rest of America gave up on the mainstream media, the Old Gray Lady has finally discovered the fake news we have complained about for decades. And as with most things, The New York Times takes it to a level and sophistication that is the envy of the establishment media firmament.

    In yet another breathless effort to discredit Donald Trump’s presidency before it even begins, The Times concocted a story over the weekend purporting to prove that the Russians rigged the American election to ensure that Vladimir Putin’s preferred candidate won.

    Breitbart Article;

    Wikileaks information came from a NSA Leak - NOT from any Russian hacking. We all know that, but that does not fit the agenda of The New York Slims and the Democrats/Communists.

    This is why.....This needs to go viral; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8SKVC6VxNU&t=198s

    This video explains a little about what's coming in the next few days.
    The Dems are trying to destroy the Electoral College votes for Trump, and they just might succeed.
    As the man says in this video we should know on or around the 20th of December.

    Obama WILL claim that the "Fake" CIA reports "Prove" the Russians fixed the election for Trump and that "As a good President he has a responsibility to cancel the Trump win";;;;;

    We all know what the result of that type of action will have and the answer is "it's NOT going to be pretty.
    We might actually get lucky in that Trump has appointed three US Generals to his cabinet. I've got a felling that was another very well orchestrated move on Donald Trump's part. This guy is no fool, he's not stupid at all.
    The rest will be up to us.

  • It dosent matter what these F ing electorial traitors do because then the House will deciede and their Republicans.. The fake CIA and the fake news isn't fooling anybody, Trump has woken people up out of their stupor. It ain't gonna happen, no how, no way,,
    • I hope you're right Michael.
      Otherwise it's SHTF time.

      • It IS SHTF time when the term "coup" comes into the conversation.

    • If they take Trump's election away then the coup will be complete and We the People as per the Declaration of Independence and my man Thomas Jefferson have the right and duty to abolish and overthrow this Tyrannical Government. it will be a 1775 Revolution and we don't have to wait until they fire the first shot because they will have already done so.

      • I think it's time that the Clintons got some of their own medicine. A German Pastor named Detrick Bonnhoffer was executed by the German government for being involved in a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler. Bonnhoffer concluded that taking Hitlers live was needed to prevent the murder of an untold number of Jews. I think that same thing applies in this case.
        • Only this time it will be Christians.

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