And that mouthy thug will not show up for the fight he starts!



Red White Blue News

RWB News: The great “uniter” is at it again with his masterful use of words to “energize” his base before elections.  Let’s see how the base is getting “energized.”  Earlier Obama told members of the Black Caucus “We must guard the change.” After that we had a few more people getting beat up at political rallies by thugs. We have a DOJ whistleblower saying the administration plans on massive voter fraud, a massive investigation of voter fraud in Houston happening right now, and the Obama administration is also being investigated for using confidential taxpayer information in an effort to attack a political opponent.  Sounds like they were already “energized” enough.


Now the President of “change” tells Michael Baisden’s syndicated radio show that if Republicans take over it will mean “hand-to-hand combat” to keep the policies we Democrats enacted.  Really??  If the “will of the people” vote out the Democrats, it’s because of your policies…. Just like you and the Liberals said when you were voted in.  Only now many people are seeing how radical you are, and they didn’t vote for that.


Obama also made a direct appeal to African Americans about the importance of the November vote using the same old line:  “Everybody in the barbershops, the beauty shops, and at work — everybody’s got to understand:  This is a huge election,” He must have a lot of supporters that love barber and beauty shops.


Obama also needed to get the “blame Bush” defense in when he said “most of the job losses” his administration gets blamed for occurred before “any of my economic plans were put into place,” and that the country is still “‘experiencing the hangover from the misguided policies’ of the last decade.”


As reported byThe LA Times


A Republican majority in Congress would mean “hand-to-hand combat” on Capitol Hill for the next two years, threatening policies Democrats have enacted to stabilize the economy, President Obama warned Wednesday.

Speaking on Michael Baisden’s syndicated radio show, Obama also made a direct appeal to African Americans about the importance of the November vote, even though he’s not on the ballot himself.

“The reason we won [in 2008] is because young people, African Americans, Latinos — people who traditionally don’t vote in high numbers — voted in record numbers.  We’ve got to have that same kind of turnout in this election,” he said.  “If we think that we can just vote one time, then we have a nice party at Obama’s inauguration, and then we can kind of sit back and suddenly everything’s going to change – that’s just not how it works.”

Obama called into Baisden’s show, syndicated to 71 radio stations in 21 states, as part of his effort to rally core Democratic constituencies with less than four weeks before the election.  Although his campaign itinerary is limited by sagging approval ratings in key states, Obama is making a more-targeted effort focused on supportive venues like Baisden’s show.

“Everybody in the barbershops, the beauty shops, and at work — everybody’s got to understand: This is a huge election,” he said. “If we turn out in strong numbers, then we will do fine. If we do not, if we are depressed and decide, well, you know, Barack’s not running right now, so I’m just going to stay home, then I’m going to have my hands full up here on Capitol Hill.”

Days before the release of a key jobs report, Obama said most of the job losses his administration gets blamed for occurred before “any of my economic plans were put into place,” and that the country is still “experiencing the hangover from the misguided policies” of the last decade.

Read more:,0,2599766,print.story


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  • Bring It On!

  • And to make sure of it Disenfranchise the troops!

    "A 92 percent drop in absentee-ballot requests by military personnel in Virginia is raising concerns that the Pentagon is failing to carry out a federal voting law.

    With only 1,746 military voters in Virginia requesting absentee ballots so far this year — out of 126,251 service members in the state —the Military Voter Protection Project says the system has broken down.

    And it’s not just in the Old Dominion. MVPP Executive Director Eric Eversole reports significant declines in absentee-ballot requests by service members across the nation.

    Compiling data from Virginia, Florida, North Carolina, Illinois, Ohio, Alaska, Colorado and Nevada, Eversole’s organization found that military families have requested 55,510 absentee ballots so far this year. That’s a sharp decline from the 166,252 sought in those states in 2008."

    Kowtow to the Muslims, lie about how they killed our citizens, delay stepping up to support Israel until after the elections, while blocking Israel on the world stage from acting to stop the threat of a Nuclear Iran.   

  • Not the "cap" right? 

  • Clearly willing to go where no American wants to.

  • Obama if there is "Hand to Hand Combat" the blame can be laid right at your feet BIMBO.  We are law abiding citizens that make the country work. The thugs are all on your side.  We are like a beehive, all going about out business.  People like you want to come and steal the honey we worked so hard to make.  Well you know what happens if you stir up a hive of bees.  You stick your hand in and try to steal honey, bees don't give a damn if you are the faux president.  You'll be stung and chased all the way to the Potomac River.  You'll be forced to dive in to save the rest of your sorry rear end.  We may be docile now, but just be assured that you will rue the day you ever stirred up this swarm of American Patriot Bees.

  • Is the prez trying to scare us?  He is not scaring me.  Actually to me he is throwing down

    the gauntlet and a whole lot of Americans are ready, willing and able to take on anything

    he thinks he is going to throw at us.  God Bless Patriotic Americans who love their

    Constitution, their flag and their country.  Jo D.


  • It seems the ante gets upped each time it's his turn to place a bet.  At some point, it will become an obvious bluff, or the pot too big to fold.  That will be the moment when he's all in, and we will all know it.

  • If there is it will be because he and his thugs in the congress and the Unions will have authorized it by powers they usurped by issuance of illegitemate and unconstitutional Executive Orders as never before used either in intent or the numbers promoted in all our history. WE had better be ready to defend ourselves from all his Muslim and illegal and cartel member supporters, not in the Congress alone as he implies, but in the streets as he is inferring violence IF the MAJORITY CHOOSES to ride us of him and., to represent the change based on HIS failed policies, his divisiveness, his naricissistic arrogance and his total ineligibility and incompetency to HOLD the office he occupies. Had congress done their jobs and lived up to their obligation to act as a check and balance on the power of the Executive as is their FUNCTION: we would likely not be in this situation because he would have been found ineligible and we would be well on the road to recovery , NOW!

  • Has he recently repeated this or is this just the re-quote of what he said in 2010:

    "GOP takeover of Congress would mean 'hand-to-hand combat,' Obama warns

    A Republican majority would threaten policies to stabilize the economy, the president says during a radio interview, part of an effort to rally key Democratic constituencies.

    October 07, 2010|By Michael A. Memoli, Tribune Washington Bureau"
This reply was deleted.


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