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Before it's News

A chilling report from the Foreign Military Intelligence Directorate (GRU) prepared for Prime Minister Putin warns today that United States President Barack Obama has had served on 14 US Governors National Security Letters (NSLs) warning that if their actions in attempting to form what are called State Defense Forces are not halted they will face “immediate” arrest for the crime of treason.

The use of NSLs in the United States was authorized by the Patriot Act law enacted after the September 11, 2001 attacks and forbids anyone receiving them from even acknowledging their existence, and was reauthorized by Obama’s “rubberstamp” Congress this past February over the objections of both civil and human rights groups who warned they mimic similar type “government security notices” enacted under both the former German Nazi and Soviet Communist regimes.

To the issue angering Obama against these State Governors, this report continues, is their attempt to reestablish what are called State Defense Forces which are described as follows:

“State Defense Forces (SDF) (also known as State Guards, State Military Reserves, or State Militias) in the United States are military units that operate under the sole authority of a state government; they are not regulated by the National Guard Bureau nor are they part of the Army National Guard of the United States.

Read the rest here.

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  • Well, as I've always said, if you want to know what the liberals are guilty of, just look at what they accuse others of!  Who should know "treason" better!!?

    • What better way for the State Governors to put it in the FED's face and let the cards lie where they Fall. This Usurper in the White House KNOWS exactly what he is doing....Don't be fooled by this TREASONOUS FOOL...

  • Y ou need to check the dates on the links, they are a year old.

    • It just means that the media has not reported this for a year and I would bet the threatened Govs are all conservative.

      • phrowt, the media as a whole never have reported this and never would as most of it is under the control of the liberal leftist marxists. This will only be reported by conservative sites on the web and talk radio hosts I would bet.

  • Liberal marxists are all evil people.

  • This is May 6th 2010 post

  • Look who's talking treason, the great imposter himself. He missed his calling, should have been a comedian, he's sure no President. Never was and never will be.

  • Each of the 50 states are sovereign entities, The Federal government is now composed of socialist power mad fools. Under the Constitution the Federal government has NO police powers. I would love the FBI or Marshals to show up and try to arrest the Governor of one of these states.State police would be all over them like stink on do do.

    • Time for the states to succeed from the union!

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