




URGENT UPDATE: Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are scheduled to sign the 2nd Amendment killing UN GUN BAN Treaty JULY 27!

The Supremacy Clause of our Constitution says that treaties are the "law of the land" and cannot be overwritten by acts of Congress or acts of the State Legislatures. So IF the Senate ratifies the UN Arms Trade Treaty that Obama and Hillary intend to sign July 27, the UN Gun Ban will VOID THE SECOND AMENDMENT!

The UN Arms Trade Treaty seeks to set up an international agency that will control the availability of arms and ammunition around the world. This new international body will have the authority to tell signing nations what they can and cannot sell within their own borders. In addition, the international body will have the authority to ban existing guns within countries.

In other words, if the UN decides they don't like your .45 or your 30.06, they can and will ban both the guns and the ammo!


Feel like giving the UN your personal protection weapon any time soon?

How about your hunting rifle?

Neither do I !

Let's get busy and demand the Senate STOP THE UN GUN BAN!



Gun Control Advocates like Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton, keep insisting that the United Nation's Small Arms Treaty won't affect the average American - only bad guys with big scary weapons. But this treaty has nothing to do with disarming cartels and criminal regimes; rather it is about disarming the citizens of the freest country in the world - America.

The United Nation's and their globalist supporters hate guns...ALL GUNS. Your hunting rifle. My personal protection weapon. Don't believe it? Take a good look at the statue that graces the United Nations plaza - a .38 with the barrel tied in a knot.

6132_2.jpgThe Canadian government just filed an emergency petition to exclude hunting rifles from the upcoming United Nations Arms Treaty - Mexico subsequently objected. THE UNITED STATES REMAINED SILENT!

Americans have a CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to keep & bear arms, so why isn't our government the one working to exempt hunting weapons? Because Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton want us totally and completely disarmed.

Will you wait until mandatory gun confiscation programs go into effect?

Or will you stand with me now and INSIST our Senate NEVER let this unConstitutional, Freedom killing, Agenda 21 enabling, UN Treaty ever so much as reach the Senate floor?

Because if we don't ACT NOW, we can kiss our hunting and personal protection right goodbye.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been working for years to completely disarm Americans. Back in 2009, Clinton announced the United States would reverse Bush administration opposition to international small arms control. Now with a little help from her Marxist pal Barack Obama and the NWO United Nations, she is just weeks from success.

Hillary and friends claim the sole purpose of the UN Arms Trade Treaty is to stop terrorism and crime. But the truth is, this abominable treaty would do nothing more that prevent Americans from defending themselves from petty crime and tyranny alike. THE UN ARMS TRADE TREATY WILL CONFISCATE AND BAN ALL GUNS OWNED BY AMERICANS!

In a recent meeting, high level staffers from Senator Marco Rubio's office told Unite In Action that the UN Gun Treaty is everything we feared and worse. One Rubio staffer identified this treaty as the single most deadly threat to American freedom EVER. The gun grab is real, and the fight to strip Americans of our guns is happening right now!

Former US Ambassador to the UN, John Bolton, agrees; "[The UN] is trying to act as though this is really just a treaty about international arms trade between nation states, but there is no doubt that the real agenda here is domestic firearms control" said Bolton.

The UN Arms Trade Treaty Preparatory Committee is attempting to defend its stance by claiming the UN is, "Concerned by the misuse of weaponry around the world, civil society organizations have successfully mobilized governments and parliamentarians to call for the global regulation of the conventional arms trade."

And now, that same Third Preparatory Committee has figured out how to bend the US to the New World Order's will. In July, the group decided that a majority vote will NOT be required for the treaty to pass. That means dissent will be stifled and this international gun-grabbing scheme will pass if we the American people do not act to protect our Second Amendment Rights!


Throughout history tyranny has succeeded in crushing freedom only by disarming the citizens.


Will you silently relinquish your rights? Because silence now WILL result in the loss of YOUR guns.


Together, we can preserve the Constitutional rights our Founding Fathers intended our people to have forever.

Together we can save America!


For more information about Unite In Action go to www.UniteInAction.org


Thank you. I know I can count on you.

In Liberty,

Stephani Scruggs
President, Unite In Action, Inc.
National Co-Chair, The 912 Project


6132_5.jpgAbout Stephani Scruggs:
Stephani Scruggs serves as the National Co-Chair of The 912 Project as well as President of Unite In Action, Inc. As a writer, speaker and analyst, Stephani focuses on the principles of liberty. She has made numerous television and radio appearances including the Glenn Beck Show to discuss the importance of the American Constitution and the rights it grants its citizens. 


Unite In Action, Inc. is a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization, managed by an all-volunteer staff,
which focuses on nonpartisan civic education and advocacy regarding important national issues.
For more information, please go to www.UniteInAction.org or write us at PO Box 398, Nashville TN 37011-0398.

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  • So, will the war start on July 28TH?

    • Steve,  Or  could  the  Rocket's  Red  Glare,  more  Women  and  men  have  open  carry  Fire-arms  to  show  the  UN  NOT  HERE..!!  Picked  the  wrong  Country..!!!


  • Look, petitions, emails and things like that arent going to work caause THEY DONT CARE HOW WE FEEL! Theres got to be something else we can do. I dont care HOW many signatures are on a piece of paper, they think theyre our "parents" and have the right to decide whats "best" for us, NO MATTER WHAT WE THINK.
    • This may sound a little goofy at first, but read it all and it will make sense.  Call Bill Clinton's Office, FAX Bill Clinton's office.  Tell him that you will not vote for Hillary and will do everything in your power to make sure that she does not receive votes in 2016 if she signs this treaty.  Bill is pushing, really pushing Hillary to run for President in 2016.  It is HIS last chance to be someone important (first gentleman).  Bill is pushing Hillary, don't ever forget it.  But, you say, Hillary said she was retiring from Politics.  Okay and she also said to the voters of NY in 2006 that she would NOT run for President if they re-elected her to the Senate.  They re-elected her and as soon as the votes were counted, she started her campaign for President for the 2008 elections.  In other words...She Lies!  These people have a plan and they are putting it into play.  These progressives are bound and determined to take down the USA and have a one world government, no matter how long it takes, they will succeed if we do not act NOW.  You can also FAX your Senator and tell him/her that they are toast if they ratify this even if Bozo and Yellery sign it.

      You can also join Constitutionaloversightposse.org  Go to the bottom of the home page and sign up, we need people.

      • Thank You, Fred, We're  not  suppose  to  know  Hillary  was  involved  in  Gun-walking..!!  Darn  It  I  let  it  slip-out.!!  Thank  you  again.

        • You are correct Ron.  She was on the boob tube spouting that all of the murdering guns in Mexico were from the USA.  What she failed to mention that it was her and her ilk that were sending the guns to Mexico.  Prior to Fast and Furious, Mexico released a report stating where most of the guns that they had confiscated were from.  Most were from the middle east with a few from Cuba and Venezuela.  Many RPGs and AKs.  Of course, that was until Hill and her bunch of progressives decided to make guns in the USA a bad thing.

      • Who would want to vote for Hillary anyway, she is a confirmed "Socialist", has always been. She is no better, if not worse than Obama. Forget it, she is dead anyway..

    • Your right all this stuff about email, petitions and calling doesn't work there is only two things that will work 1 is

      to start arresting them and do to them what they wanted to do to us and the 2 get the war started since they want to start one with us anyway

  • I am a citizen of the USA not the UN.

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