
President Barack Obama is about to release or transfer 55 Gitmo prisoners, despite reports that the Libyan believed to be behind the killing of US Ambassador Christopher Stevens was a former Guantanamo inmate transferred to Libyan custody.

The large percentage of those scheduled to be released are Yemeni, according to a list made public by the Obama administration.

Obama stopped the release or transfer of Yemeni inmates in 2010, because the conditions in the country were viewed as too "unsettled" at the time. 

A release or transfer of 55 inmates means Obama is moving out one third of the prisoners at Guantanamo. And while it doesn't represent a shutdown of the facility, it's certainly indicative of a move toward that end. 

Could it be that Obama is trying to set himself up to campaign as the man who is taking steps to finally close Gitmo, just as he recently reversed the Afghanistan surge in order to campaign as the man who's winding down the war in the Afghanistan? 

The ACLU has praised the releases as "a partial victory for transparency."


Did former Gitmo prisoner plan raid?


 watch video here.

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  • He'll release the Blind Sheik too, mark my word.

  • From the Drudge Report, Sunday Sept. 23, 2012
    Obama to release one third of Gitmo inmates.
    One of the men that carried out the attack on the US Libyan embassy that killed US ambassador Stevens was a former GITMO detainee.
    That scumbag was released by the Bush administration.
    Apparently president Obama thinks that releaseing 55 more terrorist inmates will somehow make the US safer.
    Keep in mind that these GITMO inmates are the worst of the worst, these are the most dangerious terrorists islam has generated.
    Do you think after being detained and imprisoned at GITMO that these killers more or less angry at America? Do you think they have been "rehabilitated" somehow?
    Does he think that releasing 55 more pissed off terrorists is going to help the world situation by making them " a-little-less-angry?
    This is on top of the news that he is also in the final steps of releaseing the Blind-sheik that carried out the NYC World Trade Center bombing in 1993.
    PLUS PLUS PLUS Obama is paying the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt 1.4 Billion US American dollars in aid.
    I think the answer is pretty damned obvious.
  • Nice ,Job........  How's about releasing them men rite here in CONUS at Fort Leavenworth at the same Time !! 

  • The only question I have to this is who can legally file and call for the filing of charges of treason under US law?

    Does that have to be the US Congress? Is filing charges of treason limited to Congress?

    If the issuance and fileing of charges of treason is limited to Congress, where the hell are they?

    Does no one in our Congress have any spine at all?

    I thought this was supposed to be a government of "We-The-People", but I guess I am mistaken again.

  • PFA,  Twana,  More  treason ~ Weaken  the  power  of  the  U.S.A.;; My  heart  just  went  to  a  new  level,  Good  side..  Thank  You,,  Salute..

  • we the people,who are the real government,pat a great article,we the people by me had asked a lawyer friend last year,if we could bring a citizens arrest against ovomit,and he laughed at us,and i said to him joe whats so funny,and he told us,yes robert you can start a citizens arrest against ovomit,but you,ll never get past his secret service people,pat aren,t in essence all the politicians,who aren,t doing anything to bring charges against ovomit,actually aiding and abetting,a treasonous traitor,and in effect,traitors themselves,for allowing this treason to continue,if enoughh people file treason charges against ovomit it will force there hands.i don,t count on it.great article on fitzpatrick.pat or if anyone knows any other avenues to follow fitzpatrick,to get these ineligble treasonous traitor arrested with his band of treasonous puppets.god bless ron paul,sheriff joe and cold case posse,brian terry and family,ambassodor stevens,and family,chuck norris,frank serpico,and all american veterans/ nation under god

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