Alabama Supreme Court has a case on which it is supposed to rule regarding the fact that the Alabama Secretary of State Beth Chapman did not vett Obama's credentials or check to see if he was eligible to be placed on the ballot in 2008 according to the US Constitution article about being a "natural born citizen" for which he is not. If the Alabama court can rule against Obama and his election is ruled unofficial, we might be able to avoid martial law by having Obama resign as soon as possible.


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  • I expect Obama's  resignation - perhaps within the next 6 months - for 2 substantial reasons.

    Reason number ONE is the certainty that under a future  2017 Republican administration   Obama,  Holder . and others will be in need of  a presidential PARDON for any alleged violations of federal law  tangential to  his election activities, and official conduct while in office .

    "President Biden"  promptly upon assuming office ( without fanfare )  will  issue the necessary  pardons  in order to head off   "Republican  vindictiveness"  directed against those who assisted  in  Obama's  "fundamental transformation".  

    "President Biden's"  nomination of Hillary Clinton to fill the V.P. vacancy will be confirmed promptly by the Senate without any confirmation hearing.

    "President Biden" will then resign for health  reasons early in 2016  paving the way for "President Hillary Clinton" to run as an incumbent in the November 2016 election..

    This is the REAL "Nuclear Option" planned by the DNC.

    Anybody heard a peep from  " Uncle Joe"   recently.......?  He's being prepped.

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