
  • Great opportunity for Iran, huh?
  • Here's something I just found out yesterday. BP wrote most of the cap and tax bill that they are going to inflict on us! Now the democrat leader o the senate Mitch McConnel sheepishly agreed when asked friday if that was indeed the case about BP writing the bill and he said Yes! So no matter how much Nobama wants to distance him self from bp and demonize them, he's up to his eyeballs in the deceit and the corruption!
  • Nothing this admin does amazes me anymore.... ENEMY OF THE STATE!!!
  • I think Lindsey is a little out of his league even tough he did spend three years working as a chaplin on the AK pipeline. Some of his statements are extremely inflamatory. For instance he talks about Hydrogen Sulfide, Benzine and Vanadium as if those elements are not being tremendously diluted as they are released into the water and then into the atmosphere. The way he explains it, the listener could fear that these elements are coming ashore for us to breathe at anywhere from 1,200 ppb to 3,000 ppb which is not the case by a long shot. In fact he never even mentions that Vanadium is actually included in popular dietary supplements. Absolutely it can be toxic in massive doses, but so can plain water and even the Oxygen we breathe as well as hundreds of other elements..
    Yes, some of this informaiton is alarming, but some is totally misleading such as the pressures at 5,000 fsw. This is the equivalent of 151.2 Atmospheres, the common way to measure pressures below the surface, or 2,227 psi in above surface measurements. This is a lot of pressure for sure but certainly not beyond today's technology as was stated. Well head pressure? If we had well head pressures up to 70,000 psi BP never could have installed the current "cap" that is capturing about 15,000 gal per day. This is interesting and certainly alarming, but some of it is way out there in never-never land due primarily to the ignorance of the reporters.
    I live right on the water in Pensacola, FL and I have not evacuated just yet.
  • They did indeed place the cap but they are running with the vents wide open. There is much more pressure than they can handle.

    People are getting sick also:,2933,594283,00.html?mep
  • Twana,
    Did you receive my answer to your question? I think I sent in a private message. Thanks John
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