1st Amendment in the Age of ObamaOur Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.~ John AdamsThe opening five words of the First Amendment, "Congress shall make no law," represents the central tenets of what the Bill of Rights stands for: limits on government power to limit or compel religious beliefs, the right to hold political opinions and express them, protections for a free press, the right to assemble peaceably, and the right to petition the government, through protest or the ballot, for a redress of political grievances.Let's take a look at how the First Amendment is viciously and relentlessly attacked in the Age of Obama:* Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;George Washington, perhaps the greatest figure of American history, once said, "It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible." John Adams, our second president said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." Religion to the framers of the Constitution, not just any religion, but religion out of the Judeo-Christian traditions of intellectual thought, was indispensable to the success of America as well as to the continuing survival of our republic.If Christianity is so important, why did Congress allow the Supreme Court, in the 1947 case of "Everson v. Board of Education," to unilaterally remove funding to parochial schools through the judge-created doctrine "separation of church and state"? Such judicial tyranny as Everson over the past 62 years has denigrated American society and culture more than anything else.* Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech;When conservative Rush Limbaugh, became part of a group of investors interested in buying the NFL's St. Louis Rams , he was prevented by the racial demagoguery of the Revs. Al "Tawana Brawley" Sharpton and Jesse "Hymietown" Jackson. How?Based on unfounded racist remarks planted on Wikipedia purportedly by a New York law firm with ties to Rudy Giuliani. The Stalinist-controlled media was delighted that Limbaugh's freedom of speech rights were violated because they have an irrational hatred of conservatives and conservative ideas, including free-market capitalism and morality.* Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of the press;On May 5, when conservative intellectual and radio host Dr. Michael Savage was unjustly singled out by England and his name placed on a banned list with Muslim terrorists, Hamas murders, neo-Nazis and Russian mobsters, the government-controlled media in America was utterly indifferent. Now that the Obama administration has launched a full frontal attack against Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, the GOP is finally waking up to notice that Obama is reviving Nixonian tactics, including an "enemies list."* Congress shall make no law prohibiting the right of people to assemble nor prohibiting petitioning the government for a redress of grievances.The Justice Department, under Attorney General Eric Holder, has been aggressive against recent acts of Americans exercising their First Amendment rights to peaceably assemble, e.g., the tea party movement, the birther movement, the anti-Obama-health-care movement.However, this same Justice Department recently ordered the dismissal of a voting-rights case against members of the New Black Panther Party in Philadelphia who were caught on camera blocking voters from entering the polls.If you think I write from hyperbole, just a few days ago in the small town of Kinston, N.C., the people there had a ballot initiative to remove all political designations from the ballots. Here is an excerpt from that story:Voters in this small city decided overwhelmingly last year to do away with the party affiliation of candidates in local elections, but the Obama administration recently overruled the electorate and decided that equal rights for black voters cannot be achieved without the Democratic Party.The Justice Department's ruling, which affects races for City Council and mayor, went so far as to say partisan elections are needed so that black voters can elect their "candidates of choice" – identified by the department as those who are Democrats and almost exclusively black.The department ruled that white voters in Kinston will vote for blacks only if they are Democrats and that therefore the city cannot get rid of party affiliations for local elections because that would violate black voters' right to elect the candidates they want.Obama's fascist tactics against a valid voting initiative essentially is saying that black people are too stupid to vote for the people they want, despite the fact that Kinston, N.C., has a population that is 65 percent black.In the Age of Obama, America is internationally mocked, defenseless, bankrupted and on our knees. Since Jan. 20, America has been in the midst of a bloodless coup d'état fueled by chaos theory, never allowing a good crisis go to waste, and the genocidal ideas of Marx, Mao and Alinsky.To Narcissist in Chief Barack Obama and his legions of fascist minions, We the People are The enemy.When Obama says, "I'm just getting started," he is deadly serious. What this means is that every cog of the multi-trillion-dollar machinery we call the federal government will be used to achieve the supreme will of President Obama.The passage of socialist health care and the ratification of the Copenhagen climate-change treaty Dec. 7-18 must be signed into law before the 2010 elections – otherwise Obama will become a one-term wonder.On this bogus climate-change treaty Lord Christopher Mockton, a respected British scientist and former adviser in the conservative administration of Margaret Thatcher, said:If President Obama signs the Copenhagen climate-change treaty, he "will sign your freedom, your democracy and your prosperity away forever – and neither you nor any subsequent government you may elect would have any power whatsoever to take it back again.America, the choice is simple –will it be the constitutional framers or the unconstitutional fascists?

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