The democrats had what they say were average people tell their story on heath care but one stood out for me personally. The story how this one woman bought health insurance just in case she was hit by a bus. She went on to say how she had cancer and the chemo causes nausea and to prevent this nausea the pill was extremely expense and almost broke her. This was the reason we need to change heath care.Now in Obama’s speech he mentioned the just in case hit by a bus but also went on to say if you had one red pill and one blue pill we should buy the cheaper pill.Now I have some personal experience in this. I have a family member that has cancer and needed the pill. But she is on Mass Care and it was not covered that is almost the same as the proposed plan. We could only afford the cheaper pill on Mass Care that did not work that well and she suffered. She wound up in the hospital because she could not keep any food at all down.Today I went from talking back at the television to just now yelling at it. These are the people deciding our heath care, we are all in big trouble if they allow this. After calling your reps please go door to door to get others in your community involved to stop this. We can not afford any more lies especially when the hurt is so personal that may affect you at any time.
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