Debbie Schlussel


Penned By Debbie Schlussel


Whoever the Republican Presidential nominee is, let’s hope that, if elected to the White House, he turns off the spigot of visa rubber-stamping to America.  (But don’t hold your breath.)  Last week, Barack Hussein Obama announced that he was going to make it even easier for foreigners to come to America on visitor and student visas. He made the absurd announcement–appropriately–at Disney World.  But he’s apparently already made it very easy for Saudi Muslims, to the detriment of America’s national security.   Last year, Saudi applications for visas to the United States more than quadrupled from 25,000 in 2010 to 110,000 in 2011.  Even worse is the fact that a whopping 93%–or 102,300– of these applications were approved, 75% of them–nearly 77,000–within a week (!) of the application.




Shukran [Thanks], American Dummies!

(Saudi 9/11 Flag By David Lunde/Lundesigns)

That means that there was little–if any!–scrutiny and background check for most of these applicants from the country from which 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers emanated. Helloooo . . . ? Anyone home? It’s outrageous, but no one is paying attention.  Nobody cares.  We don’t know who they are–and neither does the government.  The problem is that there are over 500,000 illegal aliens who are visa violators and/or overstays.  And of those, we have no idea where they are or what they are planning.  A good number of those are Muslims.  And there’s no doubt that some of these 100,000-plus Saudi Muslims in America will become part of that number of illegals in our midst.  Even if only one percent–or over a thousand Saudi Muslim aliens–are visa overstays, that’s 1,000 Saudi Muslims that could be up to no good, and we won’t find out until it’s too late.  And that’s being optimistic.

More from Muslim Arab publication Asharq Al-Awsat:

The US embassy in Riyadh revealed that 110,000 Saudi nationals applied for a visa to visit the US in 2011, an increase of 25,000 from the previous year. The embassy also revealed that 93 percent of these visa applications were approved, and 75 percent of visa application approvals were issued within one week.


Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat, the US embassy’s Non-Immigrant Visa Chief, Robin A. Busse . . . called on Saudi students to apply as soon as possible for student visas to the US, saying this should be not less than 3 months before their course is set to begin.

As for claims that some questions contained on the visa application form are offensive, such as questions whether the applicant has every had any involvement with a terrorist organization or prostitution, he stressed that these questions are asked by US embassies across the world, under the US immigration act and approved by US congress.

For his part, US Consul General at the US embassy in Riyadh, Glen Keiser revealed that the number of Saudi Arabian nationals applying for visas to visit the US has risen by 100 percent over the past 4 years. He also revealed that more Saudi Arabians apply for visas to visit the US than any other nationality around the world.

Um, since we approved 93% of them and 75% within a week of applying, can you blame them? We are opening the floodgates to the country where Osama Bin Laden, were he alive today, would win free elections.

Statistics also revealed that 66,000 of the 110,000 Saudi visa applicants in 2011 applied for a visa at the Riyadh embassy, and that approximately a quarter of these applicants were seeking to study in the US.

Keiser also told Asharq Al-Awsat that the US visa application process is currently under review to make this faster and easier, and that this review is expected to make 35 percent of administrative procedures redundant.

HUH? This rubber-stamping process isn’t fast and easy enough???

Keiser added that the number of Saudi nationals seeking to obtain a visa to the US fell sharply following the 9/11 attacks, but this rose to and even outstripped previous levels in the subsequent years as relations improved between the two countries. Keiser said that the majority of visas to the US are granted to the private sector, and that 3 out of 4 Saudi applicants are businessmen.

BARF. I, frankly, don’t even understand why we have a visa process for Saudi Arabia and most of these countries, if we aren’t going to take the time to scrutinize those who want entry into America.

We might as well just say “come on in, future terrorists!” Marhaba [Arabic for "Welcome"]!






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  • Time to stock up on ammo,they aint here for an education.Just one more step for Obama to destroy America.

  • If I can Remember correctly ,when Michele Bachman was fighting Obama care , that was one thing that she argued against,was the guaranteed immigration of the Arab world immigrants! Which leads me to believ ,that Obama and the Arab Springs and his Islamic Muslam religious convictions ,and his connections to the Arab Springs for some time ! This is a planned coup upon the safety ,economy,and our Constitution of the Us! By a Traitor Obam@!
    • Vida and the rest of you are right and among the few that recognize the danger of inviting the enemy into your home.  There is no doubt that part of Obama's goal of destroying the USA and turning America into nothing more than a state of the UN and inviting in millions of non-Americans is just part of the scheme.


  • Common sense should tell you that they are not here for education only.  How do we track them once they are here?

    • Well GARY, WHy didn't the Wholecongress bavethe common senswe to read the whole ,over 4000 pg Obamacare Bill before thbey voted on it! Gues that mean evrybody that voted on it , DON'T HAVE A BIT OF COMMON SENSE! ......SOME OF THE FOOLS ARESTILL THERE AND ARE GONNA RUN FOR PRESIDENT AGAIN!.....
  • I can remember an old Special Forces comment: " Kill them all, and let God sort them out."  Unfortunately, most in the US will have no way to distinguish the good from the bad guys among the new flow of immigrants entering in the next year.  I don't like the idea of discriminating against people because of their nationality, but on the other hand, "better safe than sorry."

    Just look what's happening in England and France.

    I wounder if the fool in the White House has any idea what harm he is doing to the innocent Muslims in the US? 

    Respectfully Submitted:

    • Garrie, that was the unofficial motto of Special Forces, and the attitude of every member I knew. The official motto is "De Opresso Liber" (Liberate the Opressed), to which every Special Forces soldier is dedicated.  The "Kill them all, let God sort them out" is the method of accomplishing the task set forth in the official motto.

  • These are the people that are set up by this Administration, along with his inside Army to take America down. In my opinion it is intended to be one the most Historic blood baths to date. As I have said for years, the Communist, Islamist s, Black's and Mexican's have all come together for the plan to take us out. I sure hope I'm wrong, but it's looking more accurate everyday. The sad part is we are paying for it all. Our good nature is being played and we are fools. All that we have worked for and built will be destroyed and will be a memory for generations to just question, as to what could we have been thinking. How could we have not seen this coming.  Are we all ready? I think so..

    • You are right!

      Satan is the god of this world.  His minions are busy at work trying to destroy this white Christian nation.  Look at the other white Christian nations...the infestation of the muslims.  God warned us about this happening,

      I feel the muslims are cowardly, they cannot produce anything because of their lack of intelligence.  They are nomads.  They can only control by force, not intelligence.  The muslim men are inept, cowardly, they have no honor, they are as barbarians, animals.  The less intelligent have banded together to destroy this white Christian nation.  So how do we deal with these maggots?  KEEP them out of our country, and be armed.  No more political correctness!

      The enemy within are using multiculturalism as a weapon.  We are dealing with people with no intelligence or reasoning...they're primitive.  

  • obamacare has a provision for an army at least as large as and equipped as well as our current military.They will pledge their allegience to the president not the Constitution. This is the Hitler Brown Shirts, Gestapo, and SS being paid for by our tax money. Obama is going to use the Soros planned riots at the political conventions as an excuse to declare martial law, suspend the Constitution, suspend Congress (with the blessing of boehner and mcconnell) and put the final nail in the coffin of our free republic. And Elena Kagan was appointed to the supreme court to insure that obamacare is upheld. The supreme court has been either intimidated or bought off.

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