Some of Hussein Obamas anarchist thug army!









Occupy protester warns of civil war, threatens home invasion of RNC attendees

In a video posted Saturday at, an Occupy protester warned of civil war and threatened to invade the homes of those attending the Republican convention.Police on bicycles held protesters back as convention goers walked past silently.Activists... Read full article

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  • This is un real. These people need to get a life.

    • we the people,who are the real government,i hope these dangerously dumb cockupiers,get a life,{A LIFE IN PRISON}so these bad loads can cockupie an  8 by 10 prison cell,god bless ron paul,sheriff joe and cold case posse,brian terry,chuck noris,frank serpico,and all american veternas/ nation under god

  • Now you see what Occupy is really all about.. They did the same thing in Egypt and Libya before that started attacking just like the brotherhood has done in Syria... the white house is counting on this to get real bad so he can call for martial law and let the muslim terrorist loose on the American people...

  • Come in my house scumbag.
    You will get an instant lesson in what The Second Ammendment is all about.
    And, with the price of ammo nowadays, do not expect any warning shots.
  • A youtube site I visited may explain a lot of this mindset

    Why We Are Afraid, A 1400 Year Secret, by Dr Bill Warner
  • I don't understand how or why this is allowed to continue. It's not a protest it's a threat.

  • These Rooster Vacuums don't have the testicular fortitude to show up and try and take on some one One on one, Especially with me ... and if they attempt to to so, it will be an eye opening experience for them... 

    So to all the "Black Block"... "Occupy Whatever" and even the " SEIU " or" Black Panthers" and the Rest of the Progressive, Socialist and Communist Worshipers of BHO ... I say... Bring it or STHD & STFU...

    Your Fare Share is not in My Back Pocket you Bunch of Snot Nosed, Spoiled, Naive Children... 

    Now do you have any More Stupid Questions... 

  • The information I have gathered over the last few years coupled with what I see happening in this country has given me a much clearer understanding of the term "useful idiots." My gosh this country is loaded with them.

  • You got it ScreamingEagle......I bet these blow-hards would wilt like a wet noodle when they started receiving return fire...I doubt any of them have even been on the receiving end of bullets..........make a big noise but when it comes to putting your life on the line, there must be something in your blood that says it's worth it......I don't believe these lame brain Occupiers have the guts nor the life-ending motivation to pursue there loud mouths.......

    • What will happen is the government will put some muslim terrorist in the group and open fire on the by standers and that will start it just like they have been doing in the middle east...

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