Every patriot must make calls, email, fax, make so much noise that those in DC will never go along with this. If we do not do anything to stop this....then we should hang our heads in shame! These are our sons and daughters, our moms and dads, our aunts and uncles, our family members! It is time we stand up and stop letting them treat our Troops like they are nothing more than trash! They are not to be used for political appeasement prisons for our enemies! Do you realize how many of our troops have had charges filed on them for doing their job? The very jobs we trained them and sent them to do!


Make noise Patriots and don't stop - PLEASE!!!!! Call your state and U.S. congressmen/women & senators. Call everyone.....military veterans call DoD, call everyone you can think of.

[Just so everyone knows.....I'm not into, nor promoting the burning of qurans. That is what got 7 of our Troops killed! There are several reasons I don't like the idea of burning qurans. First, how the hell are people suppose to know their enemy if we burn all the enemy's books. I won't take someones word for something....I needed to read the book to know for myself if they are my enemy or not. And we shouldn't be a people who won't do our own homework.

Second....Burning qurans will not fix the problem of NATO thinking they have a right to put our troops on an open Trial. And a muslim n chief who is game for that too. We need to go after the root of the problem. It may feel good to burn a quran, but it won't fix our problem. LETS FIX THE PROBLEM and not just attempt to make us "feel" better.]


Allen West:

1708 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
ph: 202-225-3026 • fx: 202-225-8398

6300 NE 1st Avenue - Suite 100
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334
ph: 954-202-6211 • fx: 954-202-6212

6300 NE 1st Avenue - Suite 100
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334
ph: 954-202-6211 • fx: 954-202-6212


Joint Chiefs of Staff





A supporter of the Human Rights Network group wears a mask of U.S President Barack Obama with a noose around his neck while holding the U.S flag during an anti-American rally in Karachi February 26, 2012. About 20 supporters gathered to protest and condemn the burning of copies of the Koran at NATO’...
Joint Statement by the Delegations Assigned to Probe Bagram Incident
Saturday, 25 February 2012 09:02

In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionatequran.jpg

Following the insulting and shameful act of burning Quran in Bagram airbase that injured the religious sentiments of the Islamic world and particularly of the Afghan Muslim nation, two delegations comprising of representatives from government, the National Council of Ulemma and the National Assembly were assigned and dispatched to investigate the circumstances and causes that have led to the inhumane incident.

The delegations, while deeply touched by the religious sentiments shown by the Afghan Muslim and Mujahid nation, inform our citizens of the following:

1. In view of the particular security situation in the country, we call on all our Muslim citizens of Afghanistan to exercise self-restraint and extra vigilance in dealing with the issue and avoid resorting to protests and demonstrations that may provide ground for the enemy to take advantage of the situation.

2. After the shameful incident by the US soldiers stationed in Bagram, senior NATO and American officials expressed their deep apologies to the Muslim nation of Afghanistan and assured that such incidents will not happen again.

3. NATO officials promised to meet Afghan nation’s demand of bringing to justice, through an open trial, those responsible for the incident and it was agreed that the perpetrators of the crime be brought to justice as soon as possible.

4. The assigned delegations demand from the government of Afghanistan to take over from the Americans the authority of the Bagram prison so no such incidents can recur and calls on the US government to fully and comprehensively cooperate to this end.

5. The delegations also want from the Afghan government to formally praise those brave Afghan army soldiers and all others who showed feelings against the disrespectful act by preventing more religious books and Quran copies from burning, so that the pure Muslim sentiments of our honored Mujahid nation can remain alive.

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  • If Karzai supports this, pull out of Afghanistan right now and see if he prefers dealing with the Taliban.   They'll treat the Korans better, but not bibles and not Karzai.

    • Ditto!!

    • AMEN! I'm scared to death. My nephew goes there next week. I'm so very sick to my stomach. I want them to withdraw everyone NOW!

      • Tell your nephew he needs to come home and take care of his family rather than go to Afghanistan where his own government throws him to the mercy of 'Allah' after he obeys a lawful order! It is time to 'REBEL' aginst the B.S.

  • All of NATO can suck my noodle...Our generals should be defending our boys, except they are more concerned about getting one of Obama's 'ATTABOYS', and a fat pension of 2-stars retirement. When will our Sergeants and non-field grade officers MUTINY against their Nazi-3rd Reich leadership in command of Mid-East/AfghanCOM headquarters. If the Sunnis can blow up and burn the Shittes, and vice-versa in Iraq and elsewhere, why the shit do we care about a few stinking Korans?

  • I have emailed every official I can including state gov.
  • As far as I am concerned, NATO can blow it out of their rear ends. Pull out NOW and see how long they will last without our help and dollars. We could give them Obama to put on trial since he is ultimately responsible as commander in chief.



    • Send oblowhole over fly him over give him a rifle and a parachute and kick his ass out of the plane!!!

  • Nato can stick it .......where the sun don't shine.  As Newt says, there are no apologies for Church burnings, Christian rapes, and Christian attacks....well I added the last two.  Muslims are Christians mortal enemies.  Make no mistake about it.

  • Senior Who's Who at NATO....

    Senior Civilian & Special Representatives

    Hope this helps for contacts beyond the useless lumps of flesh in Washington, DC.

This reply was deleted.


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