Okla. Election Board Seeks To Appeal SQ 755 Ruling

Author Of Sharia Law Ban Slams Federal Judge

The Oklahoma StateElection Board voted to ask the attorney general to appeal the court'sgranting of a preliminary injunction.The state legislator who authoredOklahoma's ban on the use of Islamic law
and other international tenets in state courtrooms said the "liberal,
activist judge" who ruled against his plan in federal court is the kind
of judge he was hoping to stop.Former state Rep. Rex Duncan made
the comments on Tuesday, a day after U.S. District Judge Vicki
Miles-LaGrange granted a preliminary injunction to prevent the state
from certifying the results of the Nov. 2 election.Muneer Awad,
executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, has
sued to block the ban from taking effect, arguing it is an
unconstitutional message of government "hostility toward his religious
beliefs."The judge ultimately sided with Awad, saying SQ 755 wouldviolate the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.The
injunction stated that SQ 755 would foster an excessive government
entanglement with religion. According to the injunction, the court found
that Muslims would be unable to take their case to Oklahoma state court
if those violations are based upon their religion.The judge said in thecourt order that no one should be able to vote on another person'sreligion.Election results show that 70 percent of voters approved SQ755.Previous Stories:
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